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Keycloak Integration for Nginx via auth_request


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Keycloak Integration for Nginx via auth_request

Restricts access to Nginx sites by requiring users to authenticate with their Keycloak account. Only users with a specific role (configurable per service) are granted access.

Setup Instructions


  1. Create a new OpenID Connect client in Keycloak
  2. Enable Client authentication
  3. Create Redirect URIs for your services (e.g. https://<DOMAIN>/_auth/callback, see AUTH_CALLBACK environment variable)
  4. Copy secret from Credentials tab
  5. Go to Client scopesCLIENT_ID-dedicated and add a predefined client roles mapper:
    • Set Client ID to the id of your client
    • Set Token Claim Name to roles
    • Disable Add to access token
    • Enable Add to userinfo
    • Save
  6. Create client roles for your services


  1. Update your ISSUER url
  2. Set CLIENT_ID to your client id and CLIENT_SECRET to your client secret
  3. (optional) Change AUTH_CALLBACK to a different path it the default conflicts with one of your services


  1. Make sure your nginx includes the ngx_http_auth_request_module:
    nginx -V |& grep http_auth_request_module
  2. Create an internal location block in your server:
    location .auth {
        proxy_pass http://CONTAINER_HOST:CONTAINER_PORT/auth?role=SERVICE_ROLE_NAME;
        proxy_pass_request_body off;
        proxy_set_header Content-Length "";
        proxy_set_header X-Request-Uri $scheme://$host$request_uri;
  3. Add the following to any location block you want to control access to:
    auth_request .auth;
    auth_request_set $auth_redirect $upstream_http_x_auth_redirect;
    auth_request_set $auth_cookie $upstream_http_x_auth_cookie;
    error_page 401 =307 $auth_redirect;
    add_header Set-Cookie $auth_cookie always;

NixOS Module

On a NixOS system you can import the nginx-keycloak.nixosModules.nginx-keycloak module and configure it like this:

  services.nginx-keycloak = {
    enable = true;
    settings = {
      host = "";
      port = 8000;
      client_id = "nginx";
      client_secret_file = "/run/secrets/nginx-keycloak/client_secret";
      keycloak_base_url = "";

Now you can use the following configuration to restrict access to nginx locations:

  services.nginx.virtualHosts."" = {
    locations."/" = {
      return = "200 'Hello World!'";
      extraConfig = nginx-keycloak.lib.auth_config ".auth";
    locations.".auth" = nginx-keycloak.lib.auth_location {
      host = "";
      role = "my-service";