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This is an implementation of Kate Compton's Tracery language in pure lua. The library takes a recursive approach to managing generative state, and returns any un-popped rules that have been pushed to the stack during the course of generation.

Basic usage

local tracery = require "tracery"

local testGrammar = {
  origin = "#group.a# of #animal.s# #number#",
  animal = {"zebra", "osprey", "rhinoceros", "cassowary", "donkey", "eel part"},
  group = {"group", "herd", "flock", "murder"},
  number = function() return 10 end,

local grammar = tracery.createGrammar(testGrammar)
local text, data = grammar:flatten("You see #origin#")



Creates a [Grammar] object, using the optional tbl as the base rule set. This rule set is immutable.


The following are the methods exposed by a Grammar object.

grammar:flatten(text) -> text, data

Resolves any rules in a piece of text and returns any pushed rules from the process in a table.

grammar:generate(symbol) -> text, data

A shorthand for grammar:flatten("#symbol#"). Useful if you want to generate from a single symbol and not a more complex piece of text.

grammar:addRule(symbol, value)

Pushes a rule onto the context of the grammar (destructive push).


Removes a rule from the context.


Pushes a new context table onto the grammar stack (non destructive push).


Pops off a context stack and restores the previous context stack.


Adds the given modifiers table to the gramar. Modifier tables are in the form {modifier_name = function(text)}.


Deletes the un-popped rules from the grammar's last generation.


The same modifiers from Kate Compton's original tracery are accessible as tracery.baseEngModifiers.

Changes from the reference implementation

Unintentional differences/bugs

  • (See issue #1) POP's inside of rules don't affect higher pushes.

Please raise an issue if you find any more!

Function rules

Grammars can contain functions as the value for a symbol. This function will be called with no arguments, and will have their return values inserted into the output text.

>>> grammar = createGrammar({
      origin = "Your lucky number is: #number#",
      number = function()
        return math.random(42)

>>> text, _ = grammar:generate("origin")
>>> print(text)
Your lucky number is: 34

Upcoming extensions to the language

  • Allow repetition of rules by a given number
  • Allow custom weighting rules for array rules


  • lua-tracery is Copyright Aldous Rice-Leech 2020
  • Tracery is Copyright Kate Compton 2015

lua-tracery inherits the Apache Public License from Tracery See for more details