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Releases: DemocracyLab/CivicTechExchange

Hotfix Release 5/24/2021

25 May 06:50
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New Features

Create Project

  • Can now reorder and hide positions


  • Serve gzipped files

Visual Enhancements


  • Standardize fonts

About Us

  • Show pdf icon for prospectus pdf files


  • Add hackathon image to top splash rotation

Bug Fixes

Image Cropper

  • No longer cuts off images taller than 500 pixels

Login Page

  • Fix issue where Sign In button greyed out if email and password are autofilled

Find Group Page

  • Tag counts accurately reflect how many groups have the issue tag
  • Group Cards don't show Issues header if group has no issues

Edit Profile

  • Prevent users from removing first/last name

Hotfix Release 5/6/2021

07 May 05:04
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Companies Page

Change ‘Learn More’ links to point to prospectus pdf files

Release 4/30/2021

01 May 06:15
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Feature Updates

About Us page

  • Volunteers now have leader flag that can be set, and volunteers marked as leader will show first on the teams on the About page

Visual Updates

Group Profile

Page UI refreshed and reorganized to match the panel format of Project Profile page

Metrics Updates

  • Replaced facebook event tracking with heap event tracking
  • Removed facebook analytics entirely

Bug Fixes

Project Profile

  • Confirmation modals (Approve, Promote, etc) now show processing icon on button, not letting user click confirmation again while operation is ongoing
  • Modals with a single text input field (Reject volunteer, leave project, etc) now clear text on completion, show 'Confirming' on Confirm button, while not letting user click confirmation again while operation is ongoing

Release 4/20/2021

21 Apr 05:22
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Companies Page

  • Top menu link is separate from Events now
  • Updated page url is now /companies instead of /events/corporate to reflect place in site hierarchy
  • Updated page title and description

Home Page

Revamped to harmonize with new Companies page


  • Partner With Us page, replaced with Companies page

Release 4/18/2021

19 Apr 05:01
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Corporate Hackathon Page

Rebuild of corporate engagement page, with "Host a Hackathon" and "Sponsorship" main content sections.


Canonical links

To help clear out the old urls that are circulating on search engines, we now show rel=canonical links on our pages.

Bug Fixes

Sign In Redirect

  • No longer redirect to Sign Up page if signing in user came from Sign Up page

3/26/2021 Release

27 Mar 05:35
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Add Signup Details

  • Redirect users to fill out their first and last names if their OAuth provider did not provide their full name



  • Put in separate section for In-kind sponsors who contribute to DemocracyLab with free or discounted services.

Bug Fixes

Open Graph

  • Add meta tag to show image thumbnails for LinkedIn

3/18/2021 Hotfix Release

19 Mar 04:59
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Bug Fixes

Reset Password

  • Generate working password link in email

3/15/2021 Release

16 Mar 06:00
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Project Profile

Visual Refresh

  • Reformatted Project Profile page to put header across the top, and sidebar on the left
  • Added tabs for to show Details/Positions, Events, and Recent Activity

Embedded Actions

  • Can now perform contact/volunteer actions from an embedded view
  • Added CSP policies to enable embedding


  • Break on words for Organization Type text

About Us

  • Added 2020 Annual Report

Event Profile

  • Sort projects by name by default

3/2/2021 Hotfix Release

03 Mar 06:13
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When navigating to the group profile page, the cached tags for all projects will no longer get overwritten by the subset of tags used for that group's projects.

2/27/2021 Release

28 Feb 07:23
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New Url Scheme

The site's url scheme has been changed to a more SEO-friendly scheme. All old-style urls will redirect to their new counterparts

Event Profile

Event Details and Agenda now have clickable links.