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This is an assignment for CS613. It is to implement a Genetic Algorithm in name alone. I am not expected to fully implement the algorithm, as in actually code up the structures and perform the various types of selections etc. I am expected to design the classes based on the patterns I have learned whilst studying CS613, these include the Strateg…

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To compile and run, please be just outside the src and bin folder. 
How to compile and run my code:
javac -d .\bin -cp .\bin .\src\GARunner\*.java .\src\GAPopulation\*.java .\src\GAFactory\*.java .\src\GACrossover\*.java .\src\GASelection\*.java .\src\GAMutation\*.java

java -cp .\bin GARunner.GARunner

Note: To compile you need to compile each class inside their respective package folder, and have it get any classes they need from the relevant bin folder. This is done using -cp .\bin. I also have the class files being put into their packages inside bin. 
To run you need to make sure you use the package syntax for running which is the ".".

Sample Ouput:
A : 1
B : 10
C : 11
D : 100
......(continued on until Z)
Doing config1 of GA generation with elite selection and 1 point crossover.

Starting the elite selection for configuration 1.
Sorting the candidates from Biggest to Smallest.
Choosing the best 10 candidates in this group.
10 Candidates selected

Performing 1 point crossover for config1's selection population.
Selecting bits to crossover.

Crossover performed:GACrossover.OnePointCrossoverOne@6d06d69c, Selection performed:  GASelection.EliteSelectionOne@7852e922, Mutation performed: null

The explanation of above is as follows:
The first thing to be outputted a Print stmt stating what is to be performed. 
This will be elite selection and 1 point crossover. So initally then elite Selection is performed.
This will go down through the relevant classes of the Abstract Factory until it can create the eliteSelection class inside the relevant Config class. Once the correct elite Selection class is instantiated, this style of selection is performed. This will return the first block of the above printout. 

A user also inputs that they want to perform 1 point crossover on the population. This is done again by going down through the Abstract Factory, and when inside the relevant Config class it will create the passed in type of Crossover. This will return the second block of the above printout which talks about Crossover. 

The next line is just printing out the references to the objects which are created at runtime based on the users input.

I have included different calls and versions of the above output. You can see them by uncommenting them from the GARunner class.

The basic idea of a GA is to:
1.Generate a population.
2.Select candidates of this population for the future generation via some style of selection using a fitness evaluator.
3.Selected candidates from 2 are then crossovered. This will result in some offspring. 
4.Some of the offspring are then mutated by flipping some bits etc. This allows for future generations to be different.
5.Repeat steps 2->4.

In my attempt to design some code around these core ideas of a GA. I have used some of the patterns learned throughout this CS613 class. 
In particular I have used the Singleton Pattern when I am generating the Population. I used the eager implementation.

I used the Abstract Factory Method whilst designing the GeneticFactory and the two subclasses ConfigOne, ConfigTwo. 

I have employed the Strategy Method Pattern whilst designing the Factory Method. This is the subsection where the Selection, Crossover and Mutation interfaces are used with their subclasses. This allows the user to be able to call different versions and have dynamic behaviour at runtime. This is seen in GARunner. The user can pass the strategy they wish to run when they are in the Runner with the line: Object style1 = config1.doProcess("elite",1,pop);
The Strategies themselves are from the interfaces which are Selection,Crossover and Mutation. The user passes down what they want to use ('elite' from the line above this is the example) to the context for the strategy. The context is in the ConfigOne/ConfigTwo areas as they are the ones which decide which actual classes to call. So the strategies, which for example is Selection in this example, have a method which each concrete implementation must do. So by having the strategy 

I implemented the Factory Method with the GeneticFactory class which has a few abstract methods, namely selectionChoice, crossoverChoice and mutationChance. The subclasses of GeneticFactory are where the choices are made. And these subclasses, ConfigOne and ConfigTwo, will implement the different versions of Selection and Crossover relevant for their implementation. Mutation will happen based off of the random() method returning the value to call it. 

Inside each of these config classes, I have the if-else conditionals which will change the returned types of classes depending on the user input. These classes each have their own version of elite and roulette selection. They also have their own versions of the crossover methods onepoint and twopoint. Each version of these is aptly named with a One or Two at the end of the class names. Just for showing which one is called depending on the class they are called from. 
Mutation is different in each class, and has the 1 in 10 chance of being called so it is random. 
As well with showing some info hiding/encapsulation.
I have polymorphism employed (shown in GARunner with: GeneticFactory config1 = new ConfigOne();)
I am using exisiting libraries -> Example with Map in Population. 
Multiple-file is being done. I have classes and subclasses implemented. 
Generics used with the Map inside Population. I also have a comment on how it could be made Generic with my own Generics (i.e <T>)
Mutation is done. I have two styles of mutation which can be called by the configs. Each config class can only call 1 style of mutation. This is because I only want the classes to have the chance to mutate in one style. If they could do both styles that would mean they would have a higher chance to mutate, one way or the other.
I have also got the relevant areas in packages. This means I have to import all the relevant files from the other packages. 
Abstraction is performed throughout by making each module of the program (each class) perform it's own distinct duty. 
I have done my best to reuse code constantly and allow this to support the Open-Close Principle. 
Open-Close Principle is employed in the cases where a user does not need to open the superclasses, but rather alter the subclasses, such as ConfigOne, ConfigTwo and MutationBias , etc.
Each of the subclasses from Selection,Crossover and Mutation take in and return the Population. This is to allow the user when they input the actual logic of these areas to be able to work on the data from the Population itself.  

NOTE: My github link for this project is: It has all of the different versions of the project that I created.


This is an assignment for CS613. It is to implement a Genetic Algorithm in name alone. I am not expected to fully implement the algorithm, as in actually code up the structures and perform the various types of selections etc. I am expected to design the classes based on the patterns I have learned whilst studying CS613, these include the Strateg…







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