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Releases: DennisSuitters/AuroraCMS

AuroraCMS v0.2.26

17 Oct 12:32
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  • Update logo and background image.
  • Update Favicons.
  • Add option check for Sales to stop Widget appearing in Dashboard if disabled.
  • Remove resize facility from the Sales widget.
  • Improve Inventory Options to allow descriptions, images, and selection.
  • Fix Cart view not showing correct calculation total of multiple individual items.
  • Update Stripe library to v10.16.0
  • Improve size display indicator when Development mode is active.
  • Remove "Content" link from Pages breadcrumbs.
  • Improve QuickView modal to include Product Options, and styling.
  • Add icon to represent "recalculate expenses".
  • Add Expenses editable field.
  • Improve Administration Theme selector, now includes System option.
  • Improve Sales Period styling.
  • Adjust Account Recovery to only find accounts that are active.
  • Add Account Deactivation section to User Account Settings.
  • Added Toast Notification when list item added.
  • Add Pricing page, along with editable list, highlighting items and highlight message.
  • Add Recent Sale FOMO notification, with added Australian State restriction.
  • Tidy up some code.
  • Fix timeago function not reporting times correctly.
  • Update jQuery for Administration to 3.7.1
  • Remove AuroraCMS Branding from Login and Installation pages.
  • Change AuroraCMS Branding in Administration to help with top bar layout on smaller devices.
  • Fix Weather Administration Widget check for valid Open Weather API Key.
  • Fix Forum Errors.
  • Remove Emoji Images to prepare for future integration of Entity Emojis to reduce CMS footprint.
  • Fix Item Count parsing not working correctly with theme set values.
  • Fix typo in core/view/bookings.php from throwing error.
  • Add ability to toggle active status of Business Hours editing.
  • Fix left side content menu from displaying if zero items should appear.
  • Fix Related Items from displaying if no related items exist.
  • Add AHref's Site Verification.
  • Improve responsive of Administation Layout.

AuroraCMS v0.2.25

15 Jun 11:45
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  • Fix itemCount settings for Testimonials where '0' to disable count & show all was failing.
  • Fix quotes display with List text for Fancybox.
  • Fix thumbnail not displaying in media, wasn't being added to the thumb field.
  • Fix Tracker Flag Icon and Referrer Icon displays.
  • Add version checker, installed version against github repository version, with info alert on Dashboard if behind.
  • Add Unread options to Messages.
  • Fix error of compose messages not redirecting back to main messages page when sending.
  • Improve Messages view/compose/ interface.
  • Add View more button to Dashboard Widgets.
  • Add EOFY (End Of Financial Year) sales period, with selection of less popular products suggested.
  • Fix Sales Periods not being calculated on dates correctly.
  • Reduce Weather and Sales period images by converting them to AVIF.
  • Improve Installer interface.
  • Fix Installer not always importing database.
  • Update elFinder to v2.1.62

AuroraCMS v0.2.24

06 Jun 13:49
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  • Fix style variables that were missing, and make improvements.
  • Improve visibilty and functionality of quiededit/quickview content dropdowns.
  • Improve Gallery & Content Media items, can now view thumbnails via click replacement of main image, or use modal viewer.
  • Add Jumpbar for content lists to quickly find content alphabetically.
  • Fix the content category navigation menu not display all categories.
  • Fix Banners not being displayed if Heading is empty.
  • Adjust content type display for content and dropdown content selection in Administration.
  • Add ability to add listed items to Articles.
    • Quickview on front end for cyclying through list.
  • Fix display and responsivness for quickview products.
  • Fix display layout of Messages in Administration.
  • Add feature to add login background images.
  • Update jQuery for Administration.
  • Adjust Administration styling for better visuals.
  • Update Summernote-Cleaner.
  • Improve Livechat Administration interface, add a filter field for finding chats.

AuroraCMS v0.2.23

01 Apr 12:08
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  • Update Summernote, fix Summernote plugins.
  • Add multiline editing to some text inputs.
  • Add FileRobot Image Editor in a dropdown section where images are added to content.
  • Make sure edited images are saved in their appropriate folders.
  • Fix Light & Dark styling for FileRobot Image Editing.
  • Add Search for Images via
  • Fix checkbox toggling.
  • Add duplicate title check for content and pages.
  • Change Country Flag lookup to Emoji's, reducing footprint.
  • Adjust Dashboard widgets to resize and remember size depending on different screen widths to differentriate between SM, MD, LG, XL and XXL.
  • Adjust administration menu to not completely disappear, and to not save it's state on mobile devices.
  • Fix permissions for accounts to correctly respond to settings.
  • Change content items images to link to content to edit/view rather than open in lightbox.
  • Fix Calendar not rendering correctly when switch between table and calendar views.
  • Adjust weather widget columns to collapse correctly when viewed on mobile devices.
  • Remove Ladda, reducing CSS and Javascript footprint.
  • Improve Page Blocking and update animation.
  • Sort CSS Styles removing duplicates and unused declarations.
  • Fix Save All to now save text editor contents.
  • Fix Event/News side area display showing out of date and events from incorrect account levels.
  • Fix Quickview Products now showing information, and allow multiple product viewing.

AuroraCMS v0.2.22

09 Feb 15:20
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  • Retheme primary Administration Interface.
  • Fix Summernote Editor custom plugin button sizes to fit in better with default toolbar buttons.
  • Fix filename renaming for media uploads, emailed links were creating encoded entities making files seem unavailable due to filename mismatch.
  • Fix SEO Errors not showing correct number of errors.
  • Add Orders listing to Accounts, incl. item purchases in quick dropdown.
  • Add missing content types to templates administration page.
  • Modify database fields for large text to LongBlob to allow multi-byte storage.
  • Improve the database connection to use UTF8MB4_unicode_ci, this allows using Unicode Glyphs when storing data.
  • Add database encoding check to ensure the database used was created using UTF8MB4_unicode_ci encoding.

AuroraCMS v0.2.21

07 Jan 13:23
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  • Adjust SEO Error reporting for some Content Types.
  • Fix missing padding on page seetings tab.
  • Make changes to elFinder to allow upload WebP and AV1F images.
  • Adjust SQL selection and metaRobots of page and content items appearance in Sitemaps.
  • Fix thumbnail src image reference.
  • Update robots.txt to exclude .php files within media/ folder.
  • Fix Stock Status JSON+LD values not parsing correctly.
  • Fix sameAs JSON+LD Organization Schema.
  • Create new SQL table & sales cell in content table to record monthly sales.
  • Add Sales statistics graph to dashboard.
  • Fix border style for total display on orders.

AuroraCMS v0.2.20

25 Oct 14:08
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  • Fix Canonical URL for pages.
  • Adjust page parser to include elements encoded with entities.
  • Fix Product Schema missing comma and priceValidUntil.
  • Improve CSS Styling.
  • Add SEO Warnings for various content with highlights.
  • Fix some styling in Administration.
  • Allow all Reviews to display in Administration Reviews Page.
  • Add Template Parser and Administration Editing for Advertisements.
  • Add Impressions Count.
  • Add Click Count.
  • Add Cost for monetising Advertisements.
  • Add Date restriction for start and end of Impressions.

AuroraCMS v0.2.19

10 Oct 13:52
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  • Fix bitwise toggling issue for entries with only 1 offset value.
  • Fix error of Administration theme mode throwing error if cookie not set.
  • Add User details check for set values in parser_items.php Line 404.
  • Adjust script loading to be async within the head area.
  • Add Meta-Tag viewer for Administrators to enable checking information on content pages.
  • Fix media display size in pages and content, and add webp format.
  • Refine Visitor Tracker viewer to load visitors after page loaded to show activity.
  • Fix Administration Tooltips.
  • Update Summernote and Plugins.
  • Add button to view Theme Changelog.

AuroraCMS v0.2.18

01 Sep 12:08
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  • Fix wrong thumbnail reference in YouTube JSON response when adding playlist items.
  • Adjust date and inventory selection for suggested sale period suggestions.
  • Change how versioning is done with patch releases, releases and full frozen versions. Consult for more information.
  • Reduce file access times and latency by combining icons for Administration and Front End into Separate Font files, and combining them directly into the icons stylesheets.
  • Improve icons stylesheets, removing unnecessary style declarations.
  • Fix Author Social Buttons.
  • Modify Events display in Administration to display order based on Start Date of Event in descending order first, then Created Date if the Start Date isn't set.
  • Adjust area under footer so it is less obtrusive on the main design.
  • Remove HTMLPurifer from front end page processing, as we are already sanitising text input for safe output before database insertion. No point in doing it twice, which helps speed up site rendering.
  • Adjust Administration Favicon to use Favicon from theme.
  • Restyle Administration area, making it easier to use, and visually improved. Now uses less Styling.
  • Fix Descending order for widget referrers.
  • Add ctrl+s SaveAll keyboard shortcut, this override's the browser default, but makes it much more user-friendly for users.
  • Fix Admin Activity Page not clearing entries.
  • Fix Admin Side Menu not showing correct active page.
  • Fix Login not using correct variable name for setting theme.
  • Replace deprecated filter option "FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING" in favour of "FILTER_UNSAFE_RAW".
  • Adjust AuroraCMS logo size, Firefox was showing image too large, pushing elements off page.
  • Improve the Accessibility Widget.
  • Fix Admin theme switcher displaying both icons if theme not set.
  • Fix Schema not encoding single or double quotes, causing issues of malformed Schema Data.
  • Add button to Bookings items to copy booking to Job List.
  • Fix z-index of elFinder so it opens above Summernote's dialogs.
  • Fix reference to Share icon on Administration Content list page.
  • Fix wrong icon references in quickedit dropdown.
  • Comment out array functions, that look to currently be deprecated or not added to PHP 8.1
  • Adjust Administration content dropdowns for status, and stock so they don't appear on the top of elements other than the image.
  • Adjust Administration Tabs font size to avoid wrapping when widgets are present.
  • Add Fill style to correctly change the AuroraCMS logo colour when theme modes are changed.
  • Fix Administration header menu dropdown styling.
  • Fix Safari button styling not rendering button elements as expected styling.
  • Fix missing vars for sales array when checking for sale dates.
  • Fix typo in escaper function.
  • Fix escaping that was removing Meta Description information if it contained some already escaped characters.
  • Fix wrong ID value for A11Y Checkbox option.
  • Remove margin declaration for section article styling, due to the margin pushing elements outside of the viewport area on mobile devices.
  • Fix Page view parser typo causing a 500 error.
  • Add check for empty thumbnail_url for Playlist parser.
  • Fix Playlist editing not retrieving thumbnail URL.
  • Add project links to Administration dropdown account menu.
  • Add extra variable style for more consistent and customisable form elements.
  • Improve styling of Login Form.
  • Fix previous update that added an !important directive to button styling, that was overriding button appearance and interaction.
  • Improve QuickEdit dropdowns, may require more information added.
  • Fix Login inputs not being selectable when clicking on them.
  • Add and reorder SEO Links to Dashboard SEO Links Widget.
  • Add Downloadable Media, such as eBooks or other files from secure folder.
  • Adjust Thumbnail display to use generated SM, MD, LG images instead of elFinder's auto thumbnails.
  • Remove unnecessary comments.
  • Change AVIF format images to WEBP, due to Safari (and Chrome, which is actually Safari on iOS and Mac) not having AVIF capabilities.
  • Adjust "Maintenance", and "Coming Soon" pages to check if unavailable background could be AVIF, WEBP, JPG, JPEG, or PNG.
  • Fix Open Weather Map API Link. Preferences -> Contact.
  • Remove Cover Image SrcSet extra image size causing some images to not display as intended.
  • Add option to change available time for file downloads.
  • Fix Summernote WYSIWYG Styling showing wrong colour when scrolling editable area.
  • Add removing line breaks /r and /n characters causing unnecessary space between elements.
  • Fix Inventory items showing options if reference ID happens to match the Inventory Items ID.
  • Add new Content Type "course".
  • Add Course Mangement to Administration.
  • Add ability to change Created Content Date.
  • Remove the previously missed loading="lazy" attribute when previously adjusting the cover images, the attribute is unnecessary for above the fold content.
  • Fix missing parsing for State information on contact page.
  • Adjust cart display parser to not show weight or dimensions if they are zero.
  • Update PHPMailer and adjust mail sending code.
  • Fix Stripe and PayPal payment processing.
  • Adjust Account Menu z-index and active colour.
  • Add Accounts Information export to .csv
  • Fix typo in side content menu sort parser.
  • Add including purchasable Links to Inventory.
  • Add Purchased Links to Orders.

AuroraCMS v0.2.8

29 Apr 17:03
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  • Adjust recommended Meta Title and Meta Description maximum text lengths.
  • Fix var exists checking for Administration Preferences page throwing error.
  • Add Widgets to Dashboard for starters, can be turned off (can toggle back on in Preferences/Interface), reordered and width resized.
  • Adjust tracktoblacklist to make blacklisted IP's permanent.
  • Improve Video Schema for Embedded Videos.
  • Add Playlist Video editing.
  • Add styling for embedding videos with Title and Description.
  • Add field for Google Data API Code, needed for Google Services like YouTube, and future integration of Analytics or Search Console information.
  • Fix Video Information extraction when adding Playlist videos.
  • Fix menu not checking if URL field is set.
  • Add new "Activities" Page and Content Type.
  • Fix Empty page being listed as an error page, with missing attributes.
  • Update Libraries:
    • Summernote (skunkworks version)
    • Stripe => 7.123.0
    • elFinder => 2.1.61
    • SwiperJS => 8.8.1
    • FullCalendar => 5.11.0
    • Leaflet => 1.8.0
  • Improve Validation for all sites.
  • Move Chat Widget from all theme footers, to reduce content size of pages.
  • Fix Checks for entered Webmaster Tools Services that weren't getting displayed.
  • Add links to Webmaster Tools Services in Preferences -> SEO for sign-up.
  • Remove Alexa Webmaster Tools fields as it is being closed down.
  • Fix Pages parser accessing incorrect offset in URL Var.
  • Add Sales Period options with 1 month offset to allow customers to purchase ahead of time, with suggested editing of older content in Administration Dashboard, and front end parsing, with adding of class to body tag for possible restyling of whole site for the Sales Period. Content is not shown if date is outside of the Sales Period.