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Releases: DerGoogler/Hentai-Web-Core

1.5.0 - New begins!

16 Oct 16:16
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What's new in 150?

  • Many UI changes
  • Complete app has been structure changed
  • New interface communication
  • Better performance
  • Live dark mode and language change
  • Select able color accents
  • App works now offline (you still need internet to load the images)
  • Removed Firebase
  • New app icon

What about desktop version?

No currently won't any desktop version released. We wait til Tauri has fully cross platform functionality.

1.4.1 (141)

26 Feb 12:28
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What's new in 1.4.1?

  • Fixed the dark mode issue
  • Fixed search engine
  • Plugins are now context isolated
  • Plugins are now in a own activity
  • Improved app performance (i tried my best to make the app faster...)
  • Added new categories to SFW (pat, punch, hug, kiss, cry & smug)
  • Removed open dev tools
  • Added plugin editor (Buggy)
  • Fixed page loading error on desktop
  • Updated translations
  • Added fun language (bc i was bored xd [german only])
  • Added option to hide images with status of 404
  • Removed support for iFrames
  • Removed FAB
  • Action Sheets has been replaced with dialogs
  • Custom theming has been removed, use the HWPlugin state instead
  • NSFW content will always disabled on Instagram and Facebock browser disabled
  • Added AES encryption
  • Windows requires now system login data
  • Added an plugin playground (beta and browser only)

Source Code

  • Added native.isInstagram, native.isFacebook.
    • All these properties are now read only, to protect other plugins

Helper Texts

        key: "enableBottomTabbar",
        icon: "table_chart",
        type: "switch",
        text: string.placeTabberOnBottom,
        helper: {
          text: "This settings requires not app reload/start", // string.thisHelpText

HWPlugin Changes

Plugins are now context isolated, they cannot access to the Android and Windows interface anymore

Due the new context change some elemens variables not work. Is recommended to open an issue.


// Windows

// Android


You can get and require an version


native.version.get; // 1.4.0

Require is a little build different, It returns an boolean, not an string or number.

if (native.version.require(140)) {
  console.log("This version is supported");
} else {
  console.log("You need the 1.4.0 version to make the plugin running");

Methods to initialize the plugin

(function () {
  const plugin = new HWPlugin("PluginName");
initFile(() => {
  const plugin = new HWPlugin("PluginName");

Run initFile() and your plugin will directly created

initFile((plugin) => {


Console logs form plugins will now marked as an plugin log


HighContrastPlugin: Author of this project is Der_Googler

Onsen UI

The core of Onsen UI is now available in the plugin state


ons.notification.alert("Button is tapped!");


If you're using an bundle builder, (like Webpack) don't use require if you want to use require use pluginName.require


Plugin Activity Editor Activity
192 168 178 81_5500_ h

1.4.0 Hotfix

10 Feb 17:55
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Note: i will release an installless release, which includes an updateable images lists, this an hot fix for Android, i added an new debug system


09 Feb 15:16
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What's new in 1.4.0?

  • This release includes some fixes on both platforms. No new features. Read the 1.3.9 release to get the last changes


I forgot to remove the debug url, i will change this in the future..
And you can't even mod it, the url is in a C++ file


08 Feb 17:56
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What's new in 1.3.9?

  • WebView loader (Chrome Custom Tabs)[Android only]
  • Tabbar can placed at bottom
  • Custom Scripting
    • The File System has only access to the /hentai-web/ folder.
    • Example:
      // Will be written to C:\hentai-web\test.txt, but this method is not recommended.
      window.Windows.writeFile("test.txt", "Dies ist ein custom script test.");
  • You can change now the logo from the Discord Rpc!
  • Removed the Windows center option
  • Re-Added always on top
  • DevTools can now opened from the menu (enable it in settings)[Windows only]
  • Load custom styles from different hard devices [Windows only]
    • If you want to load the custom theme from an different hard device, just open the config.json and change the letter at hardDivice
  • Plugin loading on Windows and Android
  • Removed iOS design, because the new HWPlugin state break's the design (With the FEP plugin can you use it again)
  • Now can you change the install location on Windows
  • Design improvements
  • Darkmode changes now in real-time
  • Added an update changelog
  • The HM Images lists will now saved locally

Custom Scripting

The new CS allows you to make changes inside the app, but my app update can breake your plugins!

Avoid these scripts, if you use them, it'll break the app on some platforms

// Will write only on Windows to the C:\hentai-web\test.txt path, because is directly native call
window.Windows.writeFile("test.txt", "Dies ist ein custom script test.");

// Same play with this
window.Android.writeFile("test.txt", "Dies ist ein custom script test.");

Use this instead

// Writes on both platforms to the entered path
native.fs.writeFile("test.txt", "Dies ist ein custom script test.");

Read the native/index.ts file to get more about the native calls

DerGoogler/Fancy-Event-Plugin is an example plugin/script

Sample code:


document.querySelector(".card").onclick = function () {
  const date = new Date();
  const dateString = "An card got at " + date;
  native.fs.writeFile("log/log.txt", dateString);

What's in Source Code happend

  • Fixed the ToolbarBuilder and the addToolbarButton and addToolbarButtonPosition

Custom callbacks with keep the default funtion

Here is how is works

        key: "electron.alwaysOnTop",
        type: "switch",
        icon: "pan_tool",
        text: "Enable Always on top",
        callback: (keepDefaultFuntion: any) => {
          native.electron.notification("Restart", "Please restart the application");
          keepDefaultFuntion(); // Need when you want to keep the default function (Doesn't work in plugins, idk why...)

Selectable storages

Now can be selected different hard devices

// Load from C:\hentai-web\inject\custom.css

Some other usage


HWPlugin API

Read more in the app, under Make HWPlugin

Some Native Changes

We're made some native.* changes

- native.userAgentEqualAndroid(<boolean>);
+ native.isAndroid;

- native.userAgentEqualWindows(<boolean>);
+ native.isWindows;

Now can you load yaml

native.fs.readFile("dlg/plugin.yaml", { parse: { use: true, mode: "yaml" }})


- public static checkPlatformForBorderStyle = tools.typeIF(native.userAgentEqualWindows(true), "windows", "");
+ public static checkPlatformForBorderStyle = this.isWindows ? "windows" : "";


28 Jan 22:55
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What's new in 1.3.8?

Introducing the new In-App-Navigation!

  • Better theme support for the iOS design
  • Removed issues
  • Removed some Easter egg's
  • Removed shortcut for settings

Android & Windows

There no new changes inside the app, also no APK and EXE :(

Script Loader

The Script Loader takes time to release it issue free :)


20 Jan 18:09
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What's new in 1.3.7?

View more changes:

  • The status bar color can now controlled though the javascript console (Android only)
  • Removed always on top
  • Fixed icon padding
  • Double click on the image to open the action menu
  • Read storage with or window.Android.readFile(path)
  • You can now decide to login with an fingerprint authentication
  • Added an option to keep the screen on
  • Added an Discord Rich Presence for Windows
    • You can disable it :)
  • Redesigned login screen
  • Fixed some design errors
  • Allowing CSS injection on Android and Windows
    • This is optional to test new designs from third party users
    • JS injectin will come later, because there can many security issues with FileUtil
      • At the moments has FileUtil fully read access to the /sdcard/ storage, it isn't good

What's new in source?

  • MDIcon can now ignore the dark mode

1.3.6 Hotfix

05 Jan 15:40
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What's new in 1.3.6 Hotfix?

  • Eruda is now full useable in Mobile version
  • Fixed some strings (#34)
  • New categorises
    • Profile Picture +30
    • TrashGangArtclub +100
  • Fixed NEW label colors
    • See changes
      Before LightBefore DarkAfter LightAfter Dark
  • Removed Bots section in settings. Because i can't host a bot 24/7 at the moment.
  • Added to all settings options an icon
  • Windows icons fix
    • See changes

What's changed in source?

  • Added an MDIcons builder, to use icons from Material Icons (Google)


02 Jan 01:34
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Untitled 2

Hentai Web 1.3.6

What's new in app

  • Added new action menu

  • Design improvements

  • Settings are in a own activity (Improved Settings)

  • Reload button has been moved to FAB

  • Fixed AES Security error

  • We've added Firebase to view how many users uses the app and in which country's

  • ⚠ Devices that runs on API 23 have/can an slow response

  • Some settings are expandable now

  • Desktop app has different screen sizes, you can find your favourite one

  • Added dark mode support

  • Added Chromes custom tabs, to load the images in full screen preview faster

  • Lags has been fixed (#30)

What's new in code

  • The <SFW/> and <NSFW/> has been combined to one component (can be find in builders)

  • Better

  • Improved some strings

  • Added FAB (SpeedDial) Builder

  • Added Settings Builder

  • Added more native webview support (Source from ArronJo/sample-webview)

  • Added Windows back

  • Added an ToolbarBuilder

  • Moved some builders to builders-folder

  • Improved SettingsBuilder

Hentai Web 1.3.5

23 Dec 20:10
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Whats new?

  • Added Settings
  • Added Splash screen
  • searching
  • and more