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FreqTrading as a Service

This repo holds a free minimal version of the professional solution Trading as a Service. Please check Trading as a Service out if you want to run your Freqtrade bots on professional infrastructure with a lot of automation around Freqtrade Toolstack.

Please feel also free to use this free version as an alternative to the official recommendations for running Freqtrade (docker-compose, scripts).

All credits go to the Freqtrade team, which is doing a great job.

Kubernetes Helm Chart for Freqtrade

This helm chart is like Freqtrade mainly for educational purposes. Any professional use is at your own risk. Run Freqtrade in dry-run first (see configs). Please check the logs after deployment for - INFO - Instance is running with dry_run enabled


Look for the appropriate latest version of your preferred OS. Ask ChatGPT/Google to help you.

  • basic knowledge about helm, kubernetes and of course Freqtrade
  • helm command line tool
  • kubectl command line tool
  • minikube
  • stern (optional)

This helm chart was tested on minikube for Mac. It should run without any changes on all minikube distributions with default configuration beginning with version

minikube version: v1.32.0
commit: 8220a6eb95f0a4d75f7f2d7b14cef975f050512d

On professional cloud platforms like Google GKE more requirements and costs arise like compute engine, firewalls, connectivity, secrets management, etc.


To change Freqtrade configuration please refer to these config files

  • values-minikube.yaml (holds general freqtrade parameters)
  • values-minikube-creds.yaml (holds api keys (not recommended, see command line and clean history afterwards), and other user specific configs like telegram config, etc.)


The example uses Kraken as the crypto exchange platform. If you want to use another exchange please change the values in values-minikube-creds.yaml accordingly.
You can run helm upgrade --install or use the template function like in this example and pipe it to kubectl. The resources get deployed into the default namespace. This Freqtrade deployment uses free available strategies like Strategy001. By deploying this version you agree to all terms and conditions defined by Freqtrade and all involved tools and services.

# Make sure you are in the default k8s namespace 
# copy your strategy python code to the directory strategies/
# change the class name of the copied strategy values-minikube-creds.yaml under key strategy_name:
minikube start --vm=true --driver=docker
helm template -f values-base.yaml -f values-minikube.yaml -f values-minikube-creds.yaml --set"kraken-api-key" --set"kraken-api-secret" -n default . | kubectl --context minikube apply -n default -f -


Use stern to track the log output of your bot by running

stern freqtrade -A

or use

kubectl logs deploy/freqtrade-default -n default -f


In case of errors please check global kubernetes events

kubectl get events -A --sort-by='.lastTimestamp'

Please report issues or open support requests in this repo.