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The Shop System

Derek Chen edited this page Dec 22, 2020 · 2 revisions

How Do I Access It?

Do /shop (Deprecated as of

If you have a version after, there is a much more "Minecrafty" way to do this (/shop still exists but is used for debugging purposes and requires permissions)

  1. Obtain a ruby block. This requires mining obviously
  2. Obtain a dispenser (hopefully you know how to do that)
  3. Make this 2 block structure with the two blocks you now have (works both ways!)

  1. Right click on the ruby block, which will either be above or below the dispenser
  2. Surprise!

  1. Now enjoy spending your rubies! Or making them into decorative blocks i dunno it's up to you (as of rubies can be used in other mods!)