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Telegram bot that allows you to schedule your recurring tasks and get notified about it beforehand!


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Change Toothbrush Bot - never forget to update things

made-with-python PRs Welcome

The bot that allows you to schedule your recurring tasks and get notified about it beforehand!

🔮 Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


Python version (minimal) required: 3.8
It's recommended to use venv or virtualenv for better isolation.

python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate

Install the requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

Put all necessary parameters into .env file.
There is an example .env.default.
At least your telegram token should be present as variable for correct work.

TELEGRAM_TOKEN = 'your token'

☄️ Running the tests and checking the codestyle

To run the tests:

pytest tests/

To verify that the code adheres to the project conventions:

make lint

That will run black, isort and flake checks.

🤖 Usage

Local usage is pretty simple - just run from the root directory

python3.8 src/

Instruction for translating messages:

# Step 1: extract texts
pybabel extract --input-dirs=src/ --output=locale/change-toothbrush-bot.pot --project=change-toothbrush-bot
# Step 2: create *.po files. E.g. create en, ru, uk locales.
pybabel init --locale=ru_RU --input-file=locale/change-toothbrush-bot.pot --output-dir=locale 
# Step 3: translate texts located in locale/{language}/LC_MESSAGES/*.po
# Step 4: compile translations
pybabel compile --directory=locale --statistics
# Step 5: When you change the code of your bot you need to update po & mo files.
#     Step 5.1: regenerate pot file:
          pybabel extract --input-dirs=src/ --output=locale/change-toothbrush-bot.pot --project=change-toothbrush-bot
#     Step 5.2: update po files
          pybabel update --output-dir=locale --input-file=locale/change-toothbrush-bot.pot
#     Step 5.3: update your translations (location and tools you know from step 3)
#     Step 5.4: compile mo files
          pybabel compile --directory=locale --statistics

You may take a look at Makefile to get some insight about the usage.

🚢 Deploy with Dokku (DO-based)

Assuming you have set up everything on Digital Ocean:

On Dokku machine:

  1. Create an application (in Dokku terms).
    Make sure you've picked up an appropriate name to have it as a subdomain.
dokku apps:create [app_name]
  1. Make sure Dokku knows about your main domain and add subdomain for the app.
dokku domains:set-global [your.main.domain]
dokku domains:set [app_name] [app_name].[your.main.domain]
  1. Set up config variables to be able to run the bot.
    In case you're migrating from Heroku - run heroku config and adjust an output.
dokku config:set [app_name] APPLICATION_NAME=[app_name]
dokku config:set [app_name] DOMAIN_NAME=[your.main.domain]
dokku config:set [app_name] TELEGRAM_TOKEN=""
dokku config:set [app_name] SENTRY_DSN=""
dokku config:set [app_name] HEALTHCHECKS_NOTIFICATION_UUID=""
dokku config:set [app_name] HEALTHCHECKS_EXPIRATION_UUID=""
  1. Upload certificates to the server (if you have your own and don't want to use LetsEncrypt). Do it somewhere in the directory of your application: /home/dokku/[app_name]/
# mkdir certs && cd certs/
touch [app_name].crt
# open a file and copy-paste the first Certificate

touch [app_name].key
# open a file and copy-paste the second Private Key

# You will need to create a .tar archive with these files and make Dokku know about it. 
tar -cvf cert-key.tar [app_name].key [app_name].crt
dokku certs:add [app_name] < cert-key.tar

# Check that everything is correct
dokku certs:report [app_name]
  1. *** If you don’t have a some sort of setup already, you can enable HTTPS with Letsencrypt. Use a community plugin called dokku-letsencrypt which will handle the creation of certs.
sudo dokku plugin:install

# You will receive notifications before the certificates expire.
dokku config:set --no-restart --global DOKKU_LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL=[your-email]

dokku letsencrypt:enable [app_name]

# This would setup cron job to update letsencrypt certificate
dokku letsencrypt:cron-job --add

# Check that everything is correct
dokku letsencrypt:list
dokku certs:report [app_name]
  1. In case you need a database (you probably need) - install Postgres plugin and link DB with the app.
sudo dokku plugin:install

dokku postgres:create [app_name]-db
dokku postgres:link [app_name]-db [app_name]

On your local machine

The only thing you need to do - add another remote to be able to push the code there.

git remote add dokku dokku@[your.server.ip.address]:[app_name]

Then you should be able to deploy your app just by typing

git push dokku master:master

🙋‍♂️ Hacking

PR's are welcome

🛠 Built With

😍 Authors

👩‍💼 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details