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PAPI Placeholders

Berke Akçen edited this page Oct 7, 2023 · 8 revisions

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List of PlaceholderAPI's placeholders

The server must have PlaceholderAPI plugin to access these placeholders.

Placeholder Description
%tntrun_wins% Shows your total wins count
%tntrun_loses% Shows your total loses count
%tntrun_local_coins% Local coins of player
%tntrun_local_survive% Local survive time of player
%tntrun_local_double_jumps% Local double jump amount of player
%tntrun_loses% Shows your total loses count
%tntrun_games_played% Shows your played games count
%tntrun_longest_survive% Shows your longest survive time
%tntrun_coins% Shows your total coins amount
%tntrun_{arena id}:players% Shows the amount of players in arena
with spectators size
%tntrun_{arena id}:players_left% Shows the amount of players in arena
without spectators size
%tntrun_{arena id}:min_players% Shows the min players in arena
%tntrun_{arena id}:max_players% Shows the max players in arena
%tntrun_{arena id}:state% Shows the current state raw enum name eg.
%tntrun_{arena id}:state_pretty% Shows the prettified name of enum eg. Waiting
%tntrun_{arena id}:map_name% Shows the name of arena map