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OpenTofu/Terraform via Pull Request


GitHub Action to plan and apply OpenTofu/Terraform (TF) via pull request (PR) automation.

Overview: Highlights · Usage · Parameters · Security · Changelog · License

Screenshot of PR comment example with multiple command arguments.
Screenshot of PR comment example with multiple command arguments.


What does it do?

Configure OpenTofu/Terraform to run multiple commands automatically via PR trigger events.
  • Both Hashicorp terraform and OpenTofu tofu CLIs are supported, with the latter offering an open-source and backwards-compatible drop-in replacement for the former.
  • Prerequisite commands like init are run automatically, along with user-configurable options for workspace, var-file, backend-config, and more.
  • Multiple TF commands can be run in parallel across different workspaces, directories, or files with matrix strategy.
Retrieve TF plan file for apply, cache TF module plugins, and dynamically substitute input variables.
  • Store TF plan file as a repository artifact for later reference or for use in subsequent TF apply or destroy commands.
  • Use ".terraform.lock.hcl" file (which should be included in version control) to cache TF plugins and associated dependencies for faster subsequent workflow runs.

Who is it for?

Best suited for DevOps and Platform engineers wanting to empower their teams to self-service scalably.
  • Each PR and associated workflow run holds a complete log of infrastructure changes for ease of collaborative debugging as well as audit compliance.
  • Removes the overhead of needing to maintain dedicated TF runners, containers or VMs like Atlantis.


How to get started quickly?

    branches: [main]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      actions: read # Required to download repository artifact.
      checks: write # Required to add status summary.
      contents: read # Required to checkout repository.
      pull-requests: write # Required to add PR comment and label.

      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - uses: opentofu/setup-opentofu@v1
      - uses: devsectop/tf-via-pr@v11
          arg_chdir: sample/directory/path
          arg_command: ${{ github.event_name == 'push' && 'apply' || 'plan' }}
          arg_lock: ${{ github.event_name == 'push' && 'true' || 'false' }}
          arg_var_file: env/dev.tfvars
          arg_workspace: development


  • Pin your workflow version to a specific release tag or SHA to harden your CI/CD pipeline security against supply chain attacks.
  • Environment variables can be passed in for cloud provider authentication (e.g., aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials action can be used for short-lived credentials).

Where to find more examples?

The following functional workflow examples demonstrate common use-cases, while a comprehensive list of inputs is documented below.

  • Trigger on pull_request (plan) and push (apply) events with Terraform and AWS authentication.
  • Trigger on pull_request (plan) and merge_group (apply) events with OpenTofu in matrix strategy.
  • Trigger on pull_request (plan or apply) event with tenv to avoid TF wrapper on self-hosted runners.

How does encryption work?

Before the workflow uploads the TF plan file as an artifact, it can be encrypted with a passphrase to prevent exposure of sensitive data using encrypt_passphrase input with a secret (e.g., ${{ secrets.KEY }}). This is done with OpenSSL's symmetric stream counter mode encryption with salt and pbkdf2.

In order to locally decrypt the TF plan file, use the following command (noting the whitespace prefix to prevent recording the command in shell history):

 openssl enc -aes-256-ctr -pbkdf2 -salt -in <tfplan> -out <tfplan.decrypted> -pass pass:<passphrase> -d


Inputs - Configuration

Name Description
Default: false
Boolean flag to cache TF plugins for faster workflow runs (requires .terraform.lock.hcl file).
Default: true
Boolean flag to add PR comment of TF command output.
Example: ${{ secrets.KEY }}
String passphrase to encrypt the TF plan file.
Default: true
Boolean flag to enable TF fmt command and display diff of changes.
Default: true
Boolean flag to add PR label of TF command to run.
Default: false
Boolean flag to compare the TF plan file with a newly-generated one to prevent stale apply.
Default: amd64
String architecture of the tenv tool to install and use.
Example: v3.2.3
String version tag of the tenv tool to install and use.
Default: terraform
String name of the TF tool to use and override default assumption from wrapper environment variable.
Example: ~> 1.8.0
String version constraint of the TF tool to install and use.
Default: false
Boolean flag to update existing PR comment instead of creating a new comment and deleting the old one.
Default: false
Boolean flag to enable TF validate command check.

Inputs - Arguments

Name Description
arg_auto_approve Boolean flag to toggle skipping of interactive approval of plan before applying.
arg_backend Boolean flag to toggle TF backend initialization.
arg_backend_config Comma-separated string list of file path(s) to the backend configuration.
arg_backup Boolean flag to toggle backup of the existing state file before modifying.
arg_chdir String path to the working directory where the TF command should be run.
arg_check Boolean flag to toggle checking of file formatting with appropriate exit code.
arg_cloud Boolean flag to toggle TF backend initialization.
Default: plan
String name of the TF command to run (either 'plan' or 'apply').
arg_compact_warnings Boolean flag to toggle compact output for warnings.
arg_concise Boolean flag to toggle skipping of refresh log lines.
arg_destroy Boolean flag to toggle destruction of all managed objects.
arg_detailed_exitcode String to set the detailed exit code mode.
Default: true
Boolean flag to toggle display diff of formatting changes.
arg_force_copy Boolean flag to toggle suppression of prompts about copying state data.
arg_from_module String path to copy contents from the given module source into the target directory.
arg_generate_config_out String path to write the generated configuration.
arg_get Boolean flag to toggle downloading of modules for the configuration.
arg_ignore_remote_version Boolean flag to toggle checking if the local and remote TF versions use compatible state representations.
arg_json Boolean flag to toggle JSON output format.
Default: false
Boolean flag to toggle listing of files whose formatting differs.
arg_lock Boolean flag to toggle state locking during state operations.
arg_lock_timeout String duration to retry a state lock.
arg_lockfile String to set dependency lockfile mode.
arg_migrate_state Boolean flag to toggle reconfiguration of the backend, attempting to migrate any existing state.
arg_no_tests Boolean flag to toggle validation of test files.
arg_or_create Boolean flag to toggle workspace creation if it doesn't exist.
Default: tfplan
String path to write the generated plan.
arg_parallelism String number to limit the number of concurrent operations.
arg_plugin_dir Comma-separated string list of directory path(s) containing plugin binaries.
arg_reconfigure Boolean flag to toggle reconfiguration of the backend, ignoring any saved configuration.
Default: true
Boolean flag to toggle recursive processing of directories.
arg_refresh Boolean flag to skip checking of external changes to remote objects.
arg_refresh_only Boolean flag to toggle checking of remote objects still match the current configuration without proposing any actions to undo external changes.
arg_replace Comma-separated string list of resource addresses to replace.
arg_state String path to read and save state.
arg_state_out String path to write state.
arg_target Comma-separated string list of resource addresses to target.
arg_test_directory String path to the test directory.
arg_upgrade Boolean flag to toggle upgrading the latest module and provider versions allowed within configured constraints.
arg_var Comma-separated string list of variables to set in the format 'key=value'.
arg_var_file Comma-separated string list of file path(s) to the variable configuration.
arg_workspace String name of the workspace to select or create.
Default: false
Boolean flag to toggle writing of formatted files.


Name Description
check_id String output of the workflow check run ID.
comment_id String output of the PR comment ID.
exitcode String output of the last TF command's exit code.
fmt_result String output of the TF fmt command.
header String output of the TF command input.
identifier String output of the TF run's unique identifier.
last_result String output of the last TF command.
outline String outline of the TF plan.
stderr String output of the last TF command's standard error.
stdout String output of the last TF command's standard output.
summary String summary of the last TF command.


Integrating security in your CI/CD pipeline is critical to practicing DevSecOps. This action aims to be secure by default, and it should be complemented with your own review to ensure it meets your (organization's) security requirements.



All forms of contribution are very welcome and deeply appreciated for fostering open-source projects.
