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Zupa edited this page Jun 21, 2017 · 76 revisions

Big note: If you think the random positions of the cappoints don't fit your map & server. Consider using a bunch of static locations.

Config file

Following configs can be found @ fn_config.sqf

New configs in 3.1

ZCP_CONFIG_TerritoryDistance = 500;    

Description: Meters to allow spawning ZCP from territories.
Values: 0 | 1 | 2 | .. | 100 | ...

ZCP_CONFIG_AI_side = east; // The side where the AI is on.  

Description: Arma Side where the AI should be on.
Values: Arma Wiki

ZCP_CONFIG_AI_soldierClass = 'O_G_Soldier_F';    

Description: Arma model class for the soliers. Must be same as the side he is on!
Values: string of excisting model. ( Don't change it if you don't know why).

ZCP_CONFIG_MaxRandomAIMoney = 100;

Description: Amount of poptabs between 0 and this number to put on the AI bodies.
Values: 0 | 1 | .. | 100 | ..

ZCP_CONFIG_UseCityName = true; 

Description: Use 'City name' CP for maker naming instead of the one defined in mission configs.
Values: 0 | 1 | .. | 100 | ..

ZCP_CONFIG_CityDistanceToPlayer = 100;    

Description: Distance in meter for the town to be from a player ( From center town )
Values: 0 | 1 | .. | 100 | ..

ZCP_CONFIG_CityDistanceToTrader = 500;   

Description: Distance for the town to be from a trader ( From center town )
Values: 0 | 1 | .. | 100 | ..

ZCP_CONFIG_CityDistanceToSpawn = 500;   

Description: Distance for the town to be from a spawnpoint ( From center town )
Values: 0 | 1 | .. | 100 | ..

ZCP_CONFIG_CityDistanceToTerritory = 100;   

Description: Distance for the town to be from territories ( From center town )
Values: 0 | 1 | .. | 100 | ..

ZCP_CONFIG_CityDistanceToAI = 100;   

Description: Distance for the town to be from other AI missions, patrols .. ( From center town )
Values: 0 | 1 | .. | 100 | ..

All configs

ZCP_dev = false;

Description: Override allot of data on the go for development testing.
Values: false | true

ZCP_AI_Type = 'DMS';

Description: Define if you want AI and what system you use for it.
Values: 'DMS' | 'FUMS' | 'NONE'

ZCP_useOldMessages = false;  

Description: Use the exile toasts (false) or the old notifications (true).
Values: false | true

ZCP_DMS_ExileToasts_Title_Size		  = 22; 

ZCP_DMS_ExileToasts_Title_Font = "puristaMedium"; ZCP_DMS_ExileToasts_Message_Color = "#FFFFFF"; ZCP_DMS_ExileToasts_Message_Size = 19; ZCP_DMS_ExileToasts_Message_Font = "PuristaLight";

**Description:** Configurations for displaying exile toast messags. Only edit this if you know what you are doing.   
ZCP_AI_useLaunchersChance = 25; 

Description: Maximum percentage chance of spawning a launcher on an AI soldier. This puts limitations on mission specific settings. ( 25 = 25% )
Values: 0 | 1 | ... | 99 | 100

ZCP_AI_killAIAfterMissionCompletionTimer = 60; 

Description: Amount of seconds after the mission to kill ( cleanup ) the leftover AI soldiers. -1 to disable this feature.
Values: -1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | ...

ZCP_MessagePlayersBeforeWaves = true;  

Description: Send or do not send message to player when an AI wave attacks the point he is capping.
Values: true | false

ZCP_ServerStartWaitTime = 120;  

Description: Amount of seconds the server waits before starting the missions
Values: 1 | 2 | 3 | ...

ZCP_MinWaitTime = 120;   

Description: Minimum Amount of seconds the server waits before REspawning the mission
Values: 1 | 2 | 3 | ...

ZCP_MaxWaitTime = 120;   

Description: Maximum amount of seconds the server adds to the ZCP_MinWaitTime before REspawning the mission. The actual number added to it is a random number between 0 and the number your provided.
Values: 1 | 2 | 3 | ...

ZCP_BaseCleanupDelay = 180;   

Description: Amount of seconds to wait after a mission to cleanup the base.
Values: 1 | 2 | 3 | ...

ZCP_RewardRelativeToPlayersOnline = true;  

Description: Option to have poptabs rewards to be calculated depending on the amount of people online.
Values: true | false

ZCP_PoptabReward = 25;  

Description: Amount of poptabs added to the ZCP_MinPoptabReward per player online.
Values: 0 | 1 | 2 | ...

ZCP_MinPoptabReward = 1000;  

Description: Amount of poptabs given as reward to the capper IF the poptab reward is linked to the mission.
Values: 0 | 1 | 2 | ...

ZCP_ReputationReward = 25;  

Description: Amount of reputation (respect) added to the * ZCP_MinReputationReward* per player online.
Values: 0 | 1 | 2 | ...

ZCP_MinReputationReward = 1000;  

Description: Amount of reputation (respect) given as reward to the capper IF the reputation reward is linked to the mission.
Values: 0 | 1 | 2 | ...

ZCP_ReputationRewardForGroup = 500;  

Description: Amount of reputation (respect) given as reward to each group member in * ZCP_CONFIG_GroupDistanceForRespect* meter distance of the cappper if the reputation reward is linked to the mission
Values: 0 | 1 | 2 | ...

ZCP_CONFIG_GroupDistanceForRespect = 200;  

Description: Amount of meters group members need to be in to receive reputation as reward if the reputation reward is linked to the mission.
Values: 1 | 2 | ...

ZCP_CleanupBase = true;  

Description: Option to enable or disable cleaning up bases after a mission is done.
Values: true | false

ZCP_CleanupBaseWithAIBomber = true;  

Description: Option to enable or disable base bombing as cleanup. If the value is false the base will just disappear in thin air.
Values: true | false

ZCP_CleanupAIVehicleClasses = ['B_Plane_CAS_01_F', 'B_Plane_CAS_01_F'];  

Description: List of classnames of airplanes that can be used as bomber plane. Randomly chosen from the list per mission. Values: Array of strings. Only classnames of airplanes allowed.

ZCP_FlyHeight = 150;  

Description: The height the plane will fly in meters.
Values: 100 | 150 | 200 | ...

ZCP_BomberCanDestroyMapBuildings = false;  

Description: Enable or disable if the bomber can damage map buildings.
Values: false | true

ZCP_UseSpecificNamesForCappers = true;  

Description: Enable or disable broadcasting a capping message with the players name. If disabled the player will be referred to as 'a player'.
Values: true | false

ZCP_RewardWeightForRandomChoice = [
["Poptabs", 4],
["BuildBox", 3],
["WeaponBox", 4],
["SurvivalBox", 4],
["Vehicle", 2],
["SniperWeaponBox", 1],
["BigWeaponBox", 2]


**Description:** Defines the rewards that can be given if *'Random'* reward is given. The number indicaties how big the chance is for it to be chosen.      
**Values:** array of arrays with a string and integer [ ['reward_name', chance_number] ]  
**Possible string vallues:** 'Poptabs' | 'BuildBox' | 'WeaponBox' | 'SurvivalBox' | 'Vehicle' | 'SniperWeaponBox' | 'BigWeaponBox'   
**Note:** Extra rewards can be made and added here (Handled later).
ZCP_CapPoints = call ZCP_fnc_missions; // old -> ZCP_CapPoints = [];

Description: List of possible mission scenarios. In 3.1 MOVED to separate file -> fn_missions.sqf
Values: Mission configs

ZCP_MaxMissions = 2;    

Description: Max amount of missions at the same time when * ZCP_MaxMissionsRelativeToPlayers = false*
Values: 1 | 2 | 3 | ...

ZCP_Minimum_Online_Players = 0;    

Description: Minimum players to be only before the missions start spawning.
Values: 0 |1 | 2 | 3 | ...

ZCP_MaxMissionsRelativeToPlayers = true;    

Description: Enable or disable the option to have the amount of cappoints to be relative to the amount of players online.
Values: true | false

ZCP_RelativeMaxMissions = [
//[ min players,  amount of cappoints],
[5, 1],
[15, 2],
[40, 3],
[65, 4]


**Description:** List of rules for amount of players to be online and amounts of cappoints to spawn. Only active if *ZCP_MaxMissionsRelativeToPlayers = true*.  
**Values:** array of arrays of 2 integers. [ [players, cappoints] ]  
**Explanation:** When player count reaches 5 players max cappoints are 1 ( before that 0 ). When player count reaches 15, the max cappoints is changed to 2. And so on
ZCP_SecondsCheckPlayers = 600;    

Description: Amount of seconds to wait each time for the player count check to happen ( Exile thread ).
Values: 300 | 600 | 900 | 1200 | ...

ZCP_CapBases = [ 
["m3e_base1.sqf", 60, "m3e", 90, 60],
["m3e_village.sqf", 50, "m3e", 90, 50],
["xcam_milPoint.sqf", 50, "xcam", 90, 50],
["ec_audacity.sqf", 30, "EdenConverted", 90, 30],
["ec_bravery.sqf", 35, "EdenConverted", 90, 35],
["ec_courage.sqf", 25, "EdenConverted", 90, 25],
["ec_defiance.sqf", 20, "EdenConverted", 90, 20],
["ec_endurance.sqf", 20, "EdenConverted", 90, 20],
["ec_fortitude.sqf", 25, "EdenConverted", 90, 25],
["m3e_exoBase1.sqf", 30, "m3e", 90, 50],
["m3e_exoBase2.sqf", 30, "m3e", 90, 50],
["m3e_exoBase3.sqf", 35, "m3e", 90, 50]


**Description:** List of all bases in your capbases folder. They contain information needed for the mission.   
**Values:** array of array of various data  
**Explanation:**: ['filename', cap radius in meter, buildeditor type, max terraingradient, open space in meter]  
**Buildeditors**: 'm3e' | 'EdenConverted' | 'xcam' | More added later  
ZCP_Blacklist = [ // [ [x,y,z], radius ];
[[23644,18397,0] , 1200], // altis saltlake
[[-999,-999,0] , 500],
[[-999,-999,0] , 500]


**Description:** List of blacklisted locations where cappoints can not spawn.   
**Values:** [[x,y,z], radius in meter ]  
ZCP_createVirtualCircle = true;     

Description: Enable or disable the creation of a visual circle on the ground that changes color when capping or contesting.
Values: true | false

ZCP_circleNeutralColor = "#(rgb,8,8,3)color(0,1,0,1)"; // green
ZCP_circleCappingColor = "#(rgb,8,8,3)color(0,0,1,1)"; // blue
ZCP_circleContestedColor = "#(rgb,8,8,3)color(1,0,0,1)"; // red    

Description: Colors for the circle on the ground.

ZCP_SurvivalBox = "O_supplyCrate_F"; ZCP_BuildingBox = "O_CargoNet_01_ammo_F"; ZCP_WeaponBox = "I_CargoNet_01_ammo_F";

**Description:** Object classes of the boxes where the rewards will be dropped in.  
**Values:** Any object with an inventory but be aware of the size and anti-hack.  

ZCP_DistanceBetweenMissions = 500; ZCP_SpawnZoneDistance = 500; ZCP_TradeZoneDistance = 500; ZCP_DistanceFromWater = 100; ZCP_DistanceFromPlayers = 200; ZCP_DistanceFromBaseObjects = 100;

**Description:** Distance in meter that a base needs to spawn from.  
**Values:** Any number above 0
ZCP_DisableVehicleReward = false; 

Description: Disable or enable the vehicle reward. Vehicles don't save yet.
Values: false | true


Description: DMS related settings. Please refer to DMS for usage.

ZCP_VehicleReward = ZCP_DMS_TransportTrucks;

Description: List of classnames of vehicles that are used for the vehicle reward.
Values: Array of strings. ['car1','car2']

ZCP_Translations = call ZCP_fnc_translations; // In 3.1 Moved to separate file!  

Description: Translations list. Use this to change the text or to translate it into a different language. Only edit the right side.
Values: Translation configs

ZCP_VehicleReward = ZCP_DMS_TransportTrucks;

Description: List of classnames of vehicles that are used for the vehicle reward.
Values: Array of strings. ['car1','car2']

ZCP_CurrentMod = "Exile";

Description: Modname. Just leave it as it is...


Mission config

These configs are located in file: fn_mission.sqf

		"ZCP Alpha", // name (0)
		[[10000,10000,0],[10000,10000,0]], // [[x,y,z],[x,y,z]] if using static location (1)
		["Random","Random","Reputation"], // Reward -> Random, Poptabs, Vehicle, Buildingbox, WeaponBox , BigWeaponBox, SniperWeaponBox (2)
		"alpha", // unique varname -> this gets checked and fixed automaticly on server start ( so don't really worry about it ).
		0, // unique index -> this gets checked and fixed automaticly on server start ( so don't really worry about it ).
		true, // spawnAI on start of the missions ( NEEDS AI system for this ) (5)
		false, // isStatic location ( if true it will take the location specified earlier) (6)
		["ec_audacity.sqf","ec_bravery.sqf","ec_courage.sqf", "ec_defiance.sqf","ec_endurance.sqf","ec_fortitude.sqf","m3e_exoBase1.sqf","m3e_exoBase2.sqf","m3e_exoBase3.sqf"], // baseFile -> Random OR the name of the sqf file OR array of basefiles to choose from ( eg: ["m3e_base1.sqf","m3e_village.sqf"], )
		-1, // capradius if you use a specific static basefile. -> put -1 if you want to use the corresponding one from the ZCP_Capbasses array).
		-1, // max terrainGradient -> when specific static basefile is used (9) -> put -1 if you want to use the corresponding one from the ZCP_Capbasses array).
		-1, // distancefromojects -> when specific static basefile is used (10) -> put -1 if you want to use the corresponding one from the ZCP_Capbasses array).
		300, // captime in seconds for this mission (11)
		4, // Minimum amount of AI at the start of mission (12)
        8, // Maximum amount of AI at start of mission ( If you want it to always be a number change MIN and MAX to the same number. )
        true, // deploy smoke on the circle border when mission is finished (14)
        0, // ammount of seconds to wait before deploying the smokescreen (15)
        0, // ammount of meters outside the circle to place the smoke sources ( 0 is ON the circle border, 50 would be 50 meter outside the border)
		true, // use Waves of AI to attack the base when a player is capping (17)
		[ // array of waves of AI () (18)
				15, // percentage of the cap time to start attack (50 = 50% of the total captime)
				3, // Amount of AI units in a group
				2, // Amount of AI groups
				200, // distance in meter form ZCP for the ai to spawn
				true // false -> all groups from 1 random location, true -> all groups from their own random location
				45, // percentage of the cap time to start attack (50 = 50% of the total captime)
				3, // Amount of AI units in a group
				3, // Amount of AI groups
				200, // distance in meter form ZCP for the ai to spawn
				false // false -> all groups from 1 random location, true -> all groups from their own random location
				60, // percentage of the cap time to start attack (50 = 50% of the total captime)
				2, // Amount of AI units in a group
				4, // Amount of AI groups
				200, // distance in meter form ZCP for the ai to spawn
				true // false -> all groups from 1 random location, true -> all groups from their own random location
		1, // Minimum amount of launchers for starting AI (19)
        2, // Maximum amount of launchers for starting AI (20)
        1, // Minimum amount of launchers for Wave AI (21)
        1,  // Maximum amount of launchers for Wave AI (22)
   ["moderate","random","AWARE", "YELLOW"], // Defender AI difficulty (23)
    ["moderate","random","AWARE", "YELLOW"], // Wave AI difficulty (24)
   false, // spawn rewards in the air after the mission, false -> prespawn them on the ground empty and fill them on completion. ( Boxes and Vechicles only ). (25)
   true, // City mode. -> Takes a city/village from the map as cappoint and places a flag in the center ( No base file needed ). This ignores the position configs. (26)
   true // Allow spawning of extra objects in the town if sqf file(s) is/are provided. (27)

Description: Mission entity. These defines the mission its configurations.

Note: In the actual code the index number will be 1 lower ( So number 1 has index 0 ) for the array.

Cappoint name: Used in messages and on the map.

"ZCP Alpha",

Location: list/array of static locations. This is only used if entry 7 is true


OR you can define the list earlier on first:

private _locationList = [[10000,10000,0],[10000,10000,0]];

And then use it like this

"ZCP Alpha", // Added to show the location of the var
["Random","Random","Reputation"], // Added to show the location of the var

Rewards: List of rewards to give with this cappoint


Possible rewards: 'Poptabs' | 'BuildBox' | 'WeaponBox' | 'SurvivalBox' | 'Vehicle' | 'SniperWeaponBox' | 'BigWeaponBox' | 'Random' will trigger a random selection from the ZCP_RewardWeightForRandomChoice list.

Unique variable name. This is for code usage only and is not visible for players. You shouldn't really worry about it since ZCP fixes this automatically on startup.


Valuess: Any string ( eg 'zupa2' )

Unique index number. This is for code usage only and is not visible for players. You shouldn't really worry about it since ZCP fixes this automatically on startup.


Valuess: 0 | 1 | 2 | ...

Enable or disable spawning of AI defending the cappoints ( DMS or FUMS needed )


Valuess: true | false

Enable or disable the usage of static locations. If true it uses the locations provided in config 2. If false it randomly generate a position taking the limitations into account.


Valuess: false | true

Base or Bases that the mission choose from. Every time the missions start it will execute the choice again.

["ec_audacity.sqf","ec_bravery.sqf","ec_courage.sqf", "ec_defiance.sqf","ec_endurance.sqf","ec_fortitude.sqf","m3e_exoBase1.sqf","m3e_exoBase2.sqf","m3e_exoBase3.sqf"],

Possible Value 1: List of basefiles -> ["ec_audacity.sqf","ec_bravery.sqf"] -> Randomly chosen from this list
Possible Value 2: Basefile -> "ec_audacity.sqf" -> Always this base
Possible Value 3: Random -> "Random" -> Randomly chosen from the * ZCP_CapBases* list.

Capradius in meter for this specific mission


Possible Value 1: -1 -> This will tell the code to use to Capradius of that basefile from the ZCP_CapBases array.
Possible Value 2: Any number above 0.

Maximum terraingradient for the mission to spawn. This is the height difference in terrain ( google it ).


Possible Value 1: -1 -> This will tell the code to use to terraingradient of that basefile from the ZCP_CapBases array.
Possible Value 2: Any number above 0.

Minimum distance from other objects for the mission to spawn.


Possible Value 1: -1 -> This will tell the code to use to distance of that basefile from the ZCP_CapBases array.
Possible Value 2: Any number above or equal to 0.

Captime, amount of seconds the player needs to be ALONE with his group in the circle to win it. Timer pauses if enemies are inside.


Value: Any number above 0.

Minimum amount of AI soldiers defending the cappoint. ( Needs DMS or FUMS )


Value: Any number above or equal to 0.

Maximim amount of AI soldiers defending the cappoint. ( Needs DMS or FUMS )


Value: Any number above or equal to 0.
Note: If you want always the same amount. Make MIN and MAX number the same. Max always need to be bigger or equal to MIN.

Enable or disable a circle smoke screen when a mission is capped .


Value: true | false

Amount of seconds to wait before the smoke screen is deployed after the mission is capped.


Value: Any number above or equal to 0.

Radius in meters outside the mission for the smoke screen to be. ( 0 is on the cap border, 50 = 50meters outside the cap border)


Value: Any number above or equal to 0.

Enable or disable AI waves attacking the cappoint when being capped. Data of these waves are defined in entry 19. ( Needs DMS or FUMS )


Value: true | false

List of Waves to attack the cappoint if 18 is TRUE. ( Needs DMS or FUMS ).

   [ Wave 1 ],
   [ Wave 2 ]

Where the wave data would be an array:

 15, // percentage of the cap time to start attack (50 = 50% of the total captime)
 3, // Amount of AI units in a group
 2, // Amount of AI groups
 200, // distance in meter form ZCP for the ai to spawn
 true // false -> all groups from 1 random location, true -> all groups from their own random location

Value 1: Percentage of the captime when the wave should start. 15 = 15% of the captime.
Value 2: Amount of AI soldiers in a group.
Value 3: Amount groups attacking the cappoint.
Value 4: Distance in meters from the center of the cappoint to spawn the AI Groups.
Value 5: Enable of disabling spawning all AI groups at random location. If false they will spawn all in 1 spot.

Minimum amount of launchers on the AI defenders.

1, // Minimum amount of launchers for starting AI

Value: Any number equal to or above 0

Maximum amount of launchers on the AI defenders.

2, // Maximum amount of launchers for starting AI

Value: Any number equal to or above 0

Minimum amount of launchers on the AI Waves.

1, // Minimum amount of launchers for Waves AI

Value: Any number equal to or above 0

Maximum amount of launchers on the AI Waves.

2, // Maximum amount of launchers for Waves AI

Value: Any number equal to or above 0

Defender AI difficulty.

["moderate","random","AWARE", "YELLOW"],

Value: Array used for AI defender difficulty.

Wave AI difficulty.

["moderate","random","AWARE", "YELLOW"],

Value: Array used for AI Wave difficulty.

Spawn method of rewards


Value: true|false
true: prespawn them on the ground empty and fill them on completion.
false: spawn rewards in the air after the mission

// City mode. -> Takes a city/village from the map as cappoint and places a flag in the center ( No base file needed ). This ignores the position configs.


Value: true|false
true: This spawns always in cities
false: This is a normal mission

// Allow spawning of extra objects in the town if sqf file(s) is/are provided.This ignores the position configs.


Value: true|false
true: Spawns the provided base.
false: Only flag spawned.

Map config

What to do if my missions spawn of map or act funky while using non normal Arma 3 maps.

Add a case for your specific map in the fn_startZCP.sqf file.

case "altis":										
		ZCP_MapCenterPos 	= [16000,16000];
		ZCP_MapRadius 		= 16000;
  • Map names in lowercase
  • ZCP_MapCenterPos = [x,y] -> The coordinates of the center of the map
  • ZCP_MapRadius = radius from the center to the side of the map. Note: if there is alot of water on the side you can make this smaller.

Translation config

These configs are located in file: fn_translations.sqf

[ // ['original','original in your language'] the %1 %2 and so on are Variables!
	['%1 capbase set up. Capture for %2 min!' , '%1 capbase set up. Capture for %2 min!'], // ZCP Alpha capbase set up. Capture for 10 min!
	['%2 is capping %1. %3min left!' , '%2 is capping %1. %3min left!'], // Zupa is capping ZCP alpha, 5min left.
	['A player' , 'A player'], // A player
	['%1 is 50%4 captured by %2. %3min left!', '%1 is 50%4 captured by %2. %3min left!'], // ZCP Alpha is 50% captured by Zupa/A player. 2min left!
	['%1 is almost captured by %2. 60s left!', '%1 is almost captured by %2. 60s left!'], // ZCP Alpha is almost captured by Zupa/A player. 60s left!
	['%1 is captured. %2.', '%1 is captured. %2.'], // ZCP Alpha is captured. (%2 is on of the 2 following translations, so leave the variable there!
	['Bombing in %1s!', 'Bombing in %1s!'], // Bombing in 600s
	['Cleanup in %1s!', 'Cleanup in %1s!'], // Cleanup in 600s
	['Captured point', 'Captured point'], // Captured point
	['Reputation', 'Reputation'], // Reputation
	['Group Reputation', 'Group Reputation'], // Group reputation
	['Package delivered, eyes on the sky!', 'Package delivered, eyes on the sky!'], // Package delivered, eyes on the sky!
	['Package delivered, eyes on the sky! Poptabs on bank!', 'Package delivered, eyes on the sky! Poptabs on bank!'], // Package delivered, eyes on the sky! Poptabs on bank!
	['Capture point is contested!', 'Capture point is contested!'], // Package delivered, eyes on the sky! Poptabs on bank!
	['Capture point is contested is no longer contested!', 'Capture point is no longer contested!'], // Capture point is contested!
	['AI Wave incoming to retake %1.', 'AI Wave incoming to retake %1.'], // Capture point is contested!
        ['Group member died. You are now the capper.', 'Group member died. You are now the capper.'], // Group member died. You are now the capper.! 16
	['You received %1 poptabs.', 'You received %1 poptabs.'], //You received %1 poptabs. 17
	['%1 is taken! Capture and hold for %2 min!', '%1 is taken! Capture and hold for %2 min!'] // %1 is taken! Capture and hold for %2 min! 18

Description: Translations list. Use this to change the text or to translate it into a different language. Only edit the right side.
Values: ['default', 'translated']

Cities config

These configs are located in file: fn_cities.sqf

_cities = [
     [[4500.45,2453.69,0], 100, 'Balota'],
     [[4500.45,2453.69,0], 100, 'Balota', ['base.sqf','base2.sqf']]

Description: List of villages/cities to choose from if a cappoint is in citymode.
Value: [ location, capradius in meter, the name for the cappoint, (optional) list of bases that can be spawned in that city.
CityBase: These files must be located in the city folder. This file must handle the spawning itself and needs to return an array with all the spawned objects ( to delete afterwards ). Examples are in the city folder!

If your map is not in the list, you need to add it. Make an extra case like the others. It's pretty straight forward.

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