This repo contains slides, code snippets and solutions prepared for tutorial/lab slot [C09], Monday 10 - 12pm.
Week | Tutorial | Lab |
3 | Computational Problems and Algorithms (Problem Set 1) | UNIX and C Walkthrough |
4 | Functions and Types (PS 3, 4, 5) | Vim, Github Classroom Walkthrough and Exercise 1 |
5 | Arithmetic, Conditional and Logical operators (PS 8, 9) | Review of exercises 1 and 2 |
6 | Logical assertions and Loops (PS 10, 11) | Review of assignment 1 |
7 | Mid-term test revision | Practical exam revision, review of assignment 2 |
8 | Call Stack, Pointers and Arrays (PS 13, 14, 15) | Review of assignment 3 |
9 | Strings, Call-by-reference, Heap and Multidimensional Array (PS 16, 17, 18, 19) | Review of assignment 3 |
10 | C Pre-processing, Assert, Efficiency (PS 20, 21, 22) | Review of assignment 4 |
11 | Binary Search, Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort (PS 24) | Review of assignment 5 |
12 | Tower of Hanoi, Permutations (PS 25, 26) | Practical Exam 1 Walkthrough |
13 | Final Revision | Review of all assignments |
Week | Link |
7 | |
Exam Week | ... |
Week | Kahoot Quiz | Link |
4 | Unix & Clang | |
5 | Flowchart fun | |
6 | Boolean & Assertions | |
7 | Mid-term revision | |
9 | Recap quiz (by TA Joanne @ | |
13 | Final revision | |