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Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


Windows install part A (checked on Windows 10 and 11)

  1. Install Python 3.11.8 (64 bits) Run .exe program. When you run the installer YOU MUST CHECK "Install launcher for all users" AND "Add Python 3.11 to PATH". Then run "Install Now"

  2. Install Pip (Python's package management system) using the Command Shell (terminal):

    curl -o

    Edit the environment variables and add the Pip´s PATH, copying it from the command prompt.

  3. Install Git (64-bit Git for Windows Setup) accepting all the default options:

  4. Install Fluidsynth installer (will need to open PowerShell as administrator)

    1. Go to the FluidSynth releases page
    2. Download the latest 64-bit release for Windows (e.g. Extract this zip file into some directory, e.g. c:\Users\me\install\fluidsynth.
    3. Move the 'bin' folder from 'fluidsynth' into 'install' folder.
    4. Add the C:\Users\me\install\bin subdirectory to your PATH. To do this, click in the search box on the task bar, run the command 'Edit the system environment variables', click 'Environment Variables…', select Path in the 'User variables' section, click 'Edit…', click New, then enter the path of the bin subdirectory, e.g. c:\Users\me\install\bin . NB It may have automatically done this.
  5. Install Poetry (will need to open PowerShell as administrator or use the same PowerShell window from step 4)

    (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -UseBasicParsing).Content | py -

    Add the %APPDATA%\Python\Scripts directory to your PATH, following the same instructions above.

MacOS install part A

  1. Install HomeBrew. Follow instructions at:
  2. Install Fluidsynth in HomeBrew
    brew install fluidsynth

Install part B (Windows 10 & 11, Linux and MacOS)

  1. Open a Terminal window (Mac & Linux) or a Command Prompt (Windows: in the toolbar search type 'command prompt', and open as user).

  2. Clone the repo

    git clone
  3. Navigate to the folder

    cd machAInst
  4. Install the dependencies

    poetry shell
    poetry install

Running the app

  1. Enter the main APP folder
    cd machainst
  2. Execute the code
    poetry run python