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Martin Harrer edited this page Oct 1, 2018 · 21 revisions

How this box was built

  • vagrant up with hgb-phpdev-base
  • connect via vagrant ssh
  • In ssh-Terminal: sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration
  • In ssh-Terminal: Follow the instructions to switch keyboard layout to german
  • copy,,,, to /home/vagrant/bin$
  • In ssh-Terminal: exit
  • In Powershell: vagrant halt
  • In Powershell: vagrant package --output
  • Upload the box to vagrantcloud

Building a Virtual Box Image, not using Vagrant to start

  • Installation is the same as above in section Install in README, but you need not install Vagrant
  • Virtual Machine is powered off
  • Start Virtual Box GUI
  • Select hgb-phpdev-base_* Image, built by steps above
  • Remove all shared folders added by vagrant
  • Clone hgb-phpdev-base_* Image to hgb-phpdev-standalone
  • Remove all NAT Rules. Deactivate HostOnlyNetworkAdapter
  • Add two new NAT-Rules for access via http and https.
Name Protocol Host-IP Host-Port Guest-IP Guest-Port
ssh TCP leer 22 leer 22
http TCP leer 80 leer 80
https TCP leer 443 leer 443
  • Start image and change Redirect Rule in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf to "Redirect permanent / https://localhost/"

  • Take a snapshot

  • Add content to a code-Folder in VitrualBox VMs/hgb-phpdev-standalone,

  • Start Virtual Box GUI

  • Go to Maschine -> Add and select the vbox file from the file system

  • Add a shared folder. Add the provided code folder from the host maschine and map it to code

  • Start Box

  • Login with vagrant/vagrant

  • In Shell start sudo mount -t vboxsf -o umask=0022,gid=33,uid=33 code /var/www/html/code.

Test Installation and Mapping