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Pallavi Raman edited this page Dec 5, 2017 · 5 revisions

User Account

Sign Up

In order to create an account for posting or searching for a new lease, the user needs to signup in the signup page:

  • Name: User inputs his/her name.

  • Email: The user needs to enter his email id to register for this service.

  • Password: The user can enter a password of his choice, but stronger the password, better the security is.

  • Confirm Password: The user needs to re-enter the password again and the values in password and confirm password fields should match.

Expected Outputs:

  • Redirection to Login Page: This implies that the user has successfully created an account and his credentials are successfully stored in the database.

  • Name can't be empty for registration: This implies that the user tried to register for an account without entering a Name.

  • Password can't be empty for registration: This implies that the user tried to register for an account without entering a password.

  • Email can't be empty for registration: This implies that the user tried to register for an account without entering an e-mail id.

  • Password and Confirm password does not match: The values entered by user for password and confirm password fields do not match.

Account Creation


User can log in to his account anytime by entering the following credentials in the login page.

  • E-mail: The email which is entered by the user during the registration step.

  • Password: The password chosen by the user during the registration step.

Expected Outputs:

  • Redirection to Home Page: This implies that the user has successfully logged in.

  • Email can't be empty.: This implies that the user tried to log into the account without entering an E-mail.

  • Password can't be empty.: This implies that the user tried to log into the account without entering a password.

  • Wrong Credentials: Email or password is not correct.




After logging in, the application takes the user location and shows listings surrounding the user location. The user is provided with multiple filters such as the Type of home, Rent range and start and end date to filter the sublease listings.

Home page

Price range filter

The user can filter the listings based on the range of the rent selected.

Rent filter

Date range filter

The user can filter the listings available between the chosen start date and end date.

Date filter

Show Map

Locations of the listings are shown in Google maps by selecting the Show Map checkbox.

Show Map

Requesting a lease

The user can request a lease by selecting one of the listing tiles displayed on the home page and after entering the check in and check out date and the number of guests, he/she can request the owner for more details by sending an email with user information put in the body of the email.

Lease Request

Mail sent to owner

Discover hosting

The user can post a new sublease listing with details regarding the location, description , amenities and rent of the unit. The user can also submit images of the listing.

Discover Hosting