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A dumb assistant for organized Proompt inge-near

Proompty is a command line tool to generate prompt based of template you manage.

Why ? Meeeh, creating prompt sucks, you type and type and type, agaiiiiiinnnn ...

And, "maybe", (emphasis on MAYBE) you might sometimes have a have a decent result...

And once you have good prompts... how do you manage them, hum ?

a single file ? an Obsidian directory perhaps ?

And what ? Copy pasting ? Seriously ??

Maaan this sucks too ! Weren't AI suppose to fix that stupid grind ? ...

Well, follow me in going full circle then and use a CLI tool to generate your prompts and manage your templates and mods !

Who needs AI when you have autocomplete in your terminal !!?


# install
curl -s -O;
chmod +x get_Proompty;
./get_Proompty --install;

# generate a proompt
Proompty get <my/proompt/template/path>
  [--prefix-mod|-p <my/proompt/mod/path>]
  [--suffix-mod|-s <my/proompt/mod/path>]
  [--<var name> <var value>] ...
  [--template-file <my/proompt/template/path>]

# add a proompt
Proompty add <my/proompt/template/name>
  [--template-file <my/proompt/template/path>]
  [--description <my description>]
  [--tags <tag1>] [--tags <tag2>]
  [--template-content <my template content>]
  [--set-var <var name> --set-var-value <var value>] ...


An installation script is provided

# download the script
curl -s -O;
# make it executable
chmod +x get_Proompty;
# display the help
./get_Proompty --help;
#	-b, --branch|--tag|--install-version <branch>: version to install
#	--install-directory <install-directory>: where to install
#	--install-file <install-file>: rc files to install to, forces install, repeatable
#	-i|--install|--no-install: install in bashrc
#	--remove-installer|--no-remove-installer: remove install script itself
#	aliases: --rm,
#	--ssh|--no-ssh: clone using ssh
#	--zip|--no-zip: install using zip archive, not recommended

# generic install
./get_Proompty --install;



A dumb assistant for organized Proompt inge-near:
	target: Proompty subcommand \
		[one of 'add' 'get' 'list' 'remove' 'set']
Usage :
	Proompty <target>

Proompty add

add a new proompt

	name: proompt name
	--template-file <template-file>: template file for the proompt
	--description <description>: description of the proompt
	--tags <tags>: tags associated with the proompt, repeatable
	--template-content <template-content>: content for the template file
	--set-var <set-var>: name to set a variable for the template, repeatable
	--set-var-value <set-var-value>: value of the corresponding set-var, repeatable
	--prefix-mod|--prefix|--pm <prefix-mod>: add default prefix mod to your proompt, repeatable
	--suffix-mod|--suffix|--sm <suffix-mod>: add default suffix mod to your proompt, repeatable
	--proompts <proompts>: existing proompts to use, repeatable
Usage :
	Proompty add <name> \
		[--template-file <value>] \
		[--description <value>] \
		[--tags <value>] \
		[--template-content <value>] \
		[--set-var <value>] \
		[--set-var-value <value>] \
		[--prefix-mod <value>] \
		[--suffix-mod <value>] \
		[--proompts <value>]

Proompty get

get a proompt:

	name: proompt name
	--template-file <template-file>: replace default template file
	-p, --prefix-mod|--prefix|--pm <prefix-mod>: add a mod as prefix, repeatable
	-s, --suffix-mod|--suffix|--sm <suffix-mod>: add a mod as suffix, repeatable
	--append <append>: append something to the prompt, repeatable
	--proompts <proompts>: add a proompt, in a proompt, in a proompt, in a..., repeatable
	--clip|--no-clip: copy to clipboard, on by default (use --no-clip to turn it off)
	--output|--no-output: do you need output, on by default (use --no-output to turn it off)
Usage :
	Proompty get <name> \
		[--template-file <value>] \
		[--prefix-mod <value>] \
		[--suffix-mod <value>] \
		[--append <value>] \
		[--proompts <value>] \
		[--[no-]clip] \

Proompty list

list proompts:

	--prompt-dir <prompt-dir>: base directory for listing
Usage :
	Proompty list \
		[--prompt-dir <value>]

Proompty remove

remove a proompt:

	name: proompt name to remove
Usage :
	Proompty remove <name>

Proompty set

set default variables values for a proompt:

	proompt-name: variable proompt name
	name: variable name
	value: variable value
Usage :
	Proompty set <proompt-name> <name> <value>


The following commands have been used to generate the proompts below

improve a snippet

Proompty get intro/snippet \
  --suffix concise/short \
  --suffix dev/code/add-line-number \
  --suffix dev/concise/just-diff \
  --suffix ready/help \
  --task "improve code quality" \
  --snippet 'select_random_file() {
  local dir="$1"
  local entries=("$dir"/*)
  local entry

  while true; do
    entry="${entries[RANDOM % ${#entries[@]}]}"
    if [ -d "$entry" ]; then
    elif [ -f "$entry" ]; then
      echo "$entry"

outputs :

I need some help with this code snippet
select_random_file() {
  local dir="$1"
  local entries=("$dir"/*)
  local entry

  while true; do
    entry="${entries[RANDOM % ${#entries[@]}]}"
    if [ -d "$entry" ]; then
    elif [ -f "$entry" ]; then
      echo "$entry"
Could you help me improve code quality ?
keep your responses short please.
please add the line numbers in the code output.
No need to give me the full code, I just want the modifications.
Are you ready to help me ?

what chatGPT told me : chatgpt response

improvement this time ?

Proompty get intro/snippet \
  --suffix concise
  --suffix dev/code/add-line-number \
  --suffix dev/concise/just-diff \
  --task "improve code quality" \
  --snippet 'select_random_file() {
  local dir="$1"
  local entries=("$dir"/*)
  local entry

  while true; do
    entry="${entries[RANDOM % ${#entries[@]}]}"
    if [ -d "$entry" ]; then
    elif [ -f "$entry" ]; then
      echo "$entry"
}' \
  --suffix dev/code/security
  --suffix dev/praise

outputs :

I need some help with this code snippet
select_random_file() {
  local dir="$1"
  local entries=("$dir"/*)
  local entry

  while true; do
    entry="${entries[RANDOM % ${#entries[@]}]}"
    if [ -d "$entry" ]; then
    elif [ -f "$entry" ]; then
      echo "$entry"
Could you help me improve code quality ?
It is very important that you keep the output quantity as low as possible.
Include only necessary information.
I will ask if I need more.
No need to give me the full code, I just want the modifications.
our software security is extremely important ! 
the highest security standards are required from you !
You are a great developer !

what chatGPT told me : chatgpt response ...yup !

less input, more output !

./Proompty get dev/starter-project \
  --lang bash \
  --project "A simple TODO CLI app called Xitask. It stores tasks lists in Xit format, you can create a list, add remove and cross tasks; each list is a new Xit file." \
  --append "$(./Proompty get use/code/library \
    --library_name parseArger \
    --library_repo "" \
    --no-clip \

outputs :

I have a bash project I am working on and I require some assistance. This is a simple description of my project:
A simple TODO CLI app called Xitask. It stores tasks lists in Xit format, you can create a list, add remove and cross tasks; each list is a new Xit file.
Word out is you are fantastic at doing what we want to do ! So I expect the code quality to be fantastic/10, ok ?
I know I can count on you !
security is our upmost priority !
please make sure the provided code meets the highest security standards !
please add the line numbers in the code output.
It is very important that you keep the output quantity as low as possible.
Include only necessary information.
I will ask if I need more.
please use parseArger for the next task.
you can find parseArger repository at this url
make sure that you know where to find the documentation and most importantly, use it !

After which chatGPT completely hallucinated this... I tried helping him though... but miserably failed XD.

You're proompt are only as good as you apparently :P


A dumb assistant for organized Proompt inge-near




