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Apigee Audit Watcher in nodejs

This is a nodejs program that polls the Apigee audit trail, and then invokes webhooks with notification of changes.

Today the outbound connections include: Slack, Google Chat, and Hipchat.

For example, an alert to slack looks like this:


Possible extensions include: Microsoft Teams, Splunk log, other logging systems.


This code is Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Google LLC, and is released under the Apache Source License v2.0. For information see the LICENSE file.


This tool is not an official Google product, nor is it part of an official Google product.

Running the program

This program depends on node v10 or greater, and npm v6 or greater. Make sure you have those things installed.

Then, running the program is as easy as 1,2,3:

  1. install pre-requisites

  2. fill in the config/config.json file

  3. invoke the program

More details below.

1. Install pre-requisites

This is a one-time thing. After you clone the repo, just install like this:

npm install

2. Provide the Configuration

Provide a file in the config directory named config.json. This file tells the program:

  • how often to check the audit trail for updates (typically 10 minutes)
  • where to post notification of any observed updates
  • how to format the messages (specifically timezone)
  • whether to log its activity to console

The contents should be like this:

  "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
  "sleepTime" : "10m",
  "loglevel" : 3,
  "alert" : {

Some of those fields are self-explanatory.

The timezone is optional. It is the zone in which times will be expressed, in outbound notifications, to Slack and so on. If you leave it blank, it will default to US West-coast time ("America/Los_Angeles").

The sleepTime specifies the amount of time the script should wait before polling the audit trail. The sleepTime can be expressed as a number followed by a letter to indicate the timeunit as seconds, minutes, hours. For example, 1h is one hour, 4m is 4 minutes. The sleepTime should not be more than 10 hours. (For now the lookback is hardcoded at 10 hours; so if you configure the script to wait longer than 10 hours then this script will miss audit records.)

For the alert you have several options: slack, googlechat, or hipchat.

To set up slack, you need to visit the webhooks page, create an App, enable it as an incoming webhook, and copy the resulting URL.

Then use this as the alert:

  "alert" : {
    "type" : "slack",
    "uri" : ""

To set up googlechat, follow the example. Likewise, for hipchat, follow the example.

A complete configuration file might look like this:

  "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
  "sleepTime" : "10m",
  "alert" : {
    "type" : "slack",
    "uri" : ""

3. Run the program

npm run watch -- <OPTIONS>

You will need to specify options for connecting to Apigee. Specifically the organization name, and the authentication credentials. Use one of these options:

  • -o ORG - the organization name. Required.
  • -n to specify to retrieve username and password from the local .netrc file. Optional.
  • -u USERNAME to specify a username. Optional.
  • -p PASSWORD to specify a password. This only works if you specify -u. Not always required though.
  • -C CODE to specify a one-time passcode, possibly for use with -n or -u
  • -Z ZONE to specify a zone-name, for Apigee SSO.
  • -v for verbose mode


npm run watch -- -o my-org-name -n -v


By default, the program will log its operations. You can increase or decrease the level of logging with the loglevel setting in the config.json file.

The output at loglevel=3 looks like this:

$ npm run watch

> audit-watcher@1.0.1 watch /Users/dchiesa/dev/node/apigee-audit-watcher
> node ./auditWatcher.js

[2019-Nov-12 15:27:48] audit watcher version 20191112-0944
[2019-Nov-12 15:27:48] listening on port 5950
[2019-Nov-12 15:27:48] log level is: 3
[2019-Nov-12 15:27:48] POST
[2019-Nov-12 15:27:49] ==> 200
[2019-Nov-12 15:27:49] GET
[2019-Nov-12 15:27:53] ==> 200
[2019-Nov-12 15:27:53] got 4 records
[2019-Nov-12 15:27:53] sleeping 1 minute
[2019-Nov-12 15:27:53] wake at 15:28:53
[2019-Nov-12 15:28:53] GET
[2019-Nov-12 15:28:55] ==> 200
[2019-Nov-12 15:28:55] got 4 records
[2019-Nov-12 15:28:55] fireWebhooks - no alerts
[2019-Nov-12 15:28:55] sleeping 1 minute
[2019-Nov-12 15:28:55] wake at 15:29:55

How does it work?

The tool polls the audit trail for an Apigee Edge organization, available at . It passes the expand=true and a startTime and endTime parameter to limit the records returned. The watcher is set to run every 10 minutes, or a configurable time that you specify. It searches back over a period just longer than that cycle time. Finding auditable events, it notifies the configured channel (slack, google chat, etc).


  • You cannot provide the path to config.json in the command line.

  • The tool cannot post to a MS Teams channel. This feature gap exists because I could not find a documented API for MS Teams.

  • The tool depends on express and request modules, which are unnecessary.

  • There is no good way to provide credentials beyond using .netrc. A good way to solve this would be to run this as an appengine app and use a service-account with implicit access to the Apigee org. But Service Accounts work only in Apigee X or Apigee hybrid. And in X or hybrid, we have eventarc for triggering events from Apigee, so the need for this watcher script may be lower.


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