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This is repo for, website to share short twitter-sized facts about history of BSD based OSes.

More information


You can add your own fact via github fork mechanism. They have a really nice tutorials.

  • fork (tutorial.)
  • add your stuff to data/-bsd-.json
  • create pull request (tutorial.)
  • prosper


Each OS has its file, eg: miros.json for MirOS. Format is pretty much self-explanatory.

  "text": "#BSDHistory : #MirOS BSD started on 29 Aug 2002, combining #OpenBSD (-current) and #NetBSD (-current) at that time",

So when forking, add your own and then create PR so someone can fact check it. Length of text should not be more than ~200 characters (because we want to be able to share it on twitter).

If you are adding whole new OS, do not forget to add it to js/script.js, line 6.


Copyright © 2015 Jan Hovancik

This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See for more details.