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This is the first Proof of Concept of the DogSwap decentralized exchange (DEX) built on the MintMe blockchain. DogSwap allows users to trade tokens in a permissionless manner using an automated market maker (AMM) model.

About DogSwap

DogSwap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) built on the MintMe blockchain that allows users to trade tokens in a permissionless manner. The DEX utilizes an automated market maker (AMM) model to facilitate trading without relying on order books.

Key features:

  • Trade tokens in a decentralized manner without permission
  • Uses an AMM model instead of order books
  • Users can provide liquidity to earn fees and $BONE governance tokens
  • $BONE tokens are earned through staking as well
  • Aims to be a fast, secure, easy way to trade tokens in a decentralized manner
  • Currently in proof-of-concept stage but shows promise to evolve into a fully functional DEX

Development Status

I have been developing DogSwap for over a year, continuously improving and fixing issues. Although I am not a professional coder or designer, I have finally gotten it to a stable state without errors being thrown. There still may be some bugs present, so please use caution and contact me if any major issues arise. I hope this provides a starting point for the DogSwap DEX project. Let me know if you have any other questions!


Phase 1: Initial Development

  • Implement basic token swap functionality
  • Integrate with decentralized oracle for price feeds
  • Add initial liquidity pools for major token pairs
  • Implement staking rewards for liquidity providers
  • Add more token pairs
  • Enable limit orders

Phase 2: Smart Contract Audits

  • Conduct external smart contract audits
  • Fix any issues discovered during audits
  • Improve test coverage
  • Perform additional internal audits
  • Establish bug bounty program

Phase 3: Governance Integration

  • Integrate decentralized governance mechanism
  • Allow $BONE holders to vote on protocol changes
  • Implement on-chain voting for new feature proposals
  • Build governance dashboard
  • Establish process for proposing upgrades

Getting Started with DogSwap

To start using DogSwap, you first need to connect to the MintMe blockchain. Here are the details on how to do that:

1. Install a MintMe-Compatible Wallet

You'll need a crypto wallet that is compatible with the MintMe blockchain. We recommend using MetaMask, which supports MintMe out of the box. Just download and install MetaMask.

2. Configure MetaMask for MintMe

Once MetaMask is installed, you need to configure it to connect to the MintMe network:

  • Open MetaMask and click on the network dropdown (top center).
  • Scroll down and select "Custom RPC".
  • Enter the following network details:
  • Click "Save" to add the MintMe network.

3. Get Some MINTME Tokens

You'll need some MINTME tokens in order to trade on DogSwap. You can buy MINTME on centralized exchanges like Binance, or get them from a faucet.

Once you have MINTME in your wallet, you're ready to start using DogSwap!

4. Connect Your Wallet to DogSwap

Go to and click "Connect Wallet" in the top right. This will bring up your MetaMask wallet. Confirm the connection and you're all set!

Now you can start swapping tokens and providing liquidity on DogSwap. Let us know if you have any other questions!

Supporting DogSwap

If you wish to support development, you can purchase DogSwap tokens on the MintMe website. You can register here: (new users get a bonus).


DogSwap is an open source protocol that allows for decentralized token exchange on the MintMe blockchain. Usage of the protocol is governed by the MIT license found in the LICENSE file.

While DogSwap enables decentralized trading, users trade tokens at their own risk. The DogSwap developers and community members are not responsible for any loss of funds. Users should do their own research on tokens before trading them.

Some key legal considerations when using DogSwap:

  • DogSwap does not custody user funds. Users maintain control of their wallets and tokens at all times.

  • There are smart contract risks inherent to decentralized finance. Users should exercise caution when approving token contracts and understand the risks involved.

  • DogSwap does not provide investment advice. Users trade tokens at their own discretion.

  • Users are responsible for any taxes associated with their trading activity. DogSwap does not collect user information or report trades to tax authorities.

  • DogSwap does not block access to any users or jurisdictions. It is the user's responsibility to ensure they comply with applicable laws and regulations in their jurisdiction.

  • DogSwap code is provided as-is without warranty. Users assume all responsibility for risks associated with using the protocol.

We strive to make DogSwap open, transparent and easy to use. But users should exercise caution, do their own research, and understand the risks before using any decentralized protocol. Please use DogSwap responsibly!


Contributions of all kinds are welcome! Here are some ways you can contribute to DogSwap:

  • Report bugs and submit feature requests by opening GitHub issues.
  • Improve the documentation by submitting pull requests with enhancements.
  • Contribute to the Solidity smart contracts.
  • Help build the front-end UI.
  • Write tutorials and blog posts about DogSwap.
  • Spread the word about DogSwap on social media.

This project is MIT licensed, so any contributions will be under that license. Feel free to fork the repo and submit pull requests.

We're excited to collaborate with the community to improve DogSwap!

Contract Addresses

[Router: 0xa6c72da53025c5291d326fadc5a1277aa21fef2c]( "Router")
[Factory: 0x86818c666b90f6f4706560afc72c2c2fa7b9c74a]( "Factory")
[WETH: 0x067fa59cd5d5cd62be16c8d1df0d80e35a1d88dc]( "WETH")
[$BONE: 0x9D8dd79F2d4ba9E1C3820d7659A5F5D2FA1C22eF]( "BONE")
[DogSwap: 0x1628160C66e0330090248a163A34Ba5B5A82D4f7](