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Security: DogToken/DogSwap

Security Policy

Reporting a Vulnerability

If you discover a security vulnerability within this project, please send an e-mail to Doggo. Provide details on the vulnerability, including steps to reproduce, impact, and suggested remediations. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.

Supported Versions

This section tells users about which versions of the project are currently being supported with security updates.

Version Supported
< 4.0

Vulnerability Management Process

The project has a defined vulnerability management process for handling security issues:

  • New vulnerabilities are triaged by the security team and assessed for impact and exploitability. High risks are prioritized for fixing.

  • Fixes are developed to address the vulnerability without introducing regressions. This may include backporting fixes to older supported versions.

  • Patches are tested before being rolled out to customers. Disclosures are coordinated with external stakeholders if needed.

  • Announcements are made regarding the vulnerability to increase awareness. Users of impacted versions are notified.

Security Communications

In addition to reporting vulnerabilities, please reach out to for:

  • Questions or concerns about security policies and practices

  • Requests for security reviews or audits of systems and architecture

  • Security collaboration opportunities and partnership discussions

We value working with security researchers and vendors to improve the security of our products and services.

Additional Security Information

More details on security practices:

There aren’t any published security advisories