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Node.js Package

Base WebComponent

How To Use BaseWebComponent

Install the module via npm i base-webcomponent and consume it as such:

import BaseWebComponent, { html } from "base-webcomponent";

Alternatively you can use a CDN such as unpkg:

import BaseWebComponent, { html } from "";


import BaseWebComponent, { html } from "base-webcomponent";

export default class ExampleClass extends BaseWebComponent {
  static get props() {
    return { startFrom: 0 };
  static get state() {
    return { number: 0 };
  onMount() {
    this.setState({ number: this.props.startFrom });
  onAttributeChanged(oldProps, newProps) {
    console.log(oldProps, newProps);
  onUnmount() {
  updateNumber() {
    if (this.state.number === 10) {
    } else {
      this.setState({ number: this.state.number + 1 });
  render() {
    return html`
      Started from ${this.props.startFrom} <br />
      <button onclick=${() => this.updateNumber()}>
        Clicked ${this.state.number} times

window.customElements.define("x-exampleclass", ExampleClass);

Thanks to

Rendering methods of lighterhtml