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How to run

  • run mvn clean install to build

  • Run for development :

    • For super dev mode
      • In one terminal run mvn gwt:codeserver -pl *-frontend -am

      • In another terminal cd dominokit-site-backend

      • execute mvn exec:java

      • the server port will be printed in the logs access the application on http://localhost:[port]

    • For gwt compiled mode
      • cd dominokit-site-backend
      • execute mvn exec:java -Dmode=compiled
      • the server port will be printed in the logs access the application on http://localhost:[port]
    • For production mode
      • cd dominokit-site-backend
      • execute java -jar target/dominokit-site-backend-1.0-SNAPSHOT-fat.jar
      • the server port will be printed in the logs access the application on http://localhost:[port]