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Find a number whose digit sum and digit product are divisible by the original number

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A quodigious number is a positive decimal number whose digits are each greater than 1, and which is evenly divisible by both the sum and product of its digits.

Believe it or not, identifying these numbers are really really time consuming.


Back in the summer of 2008 when I was just a wee lad at Cal Poly Pomona, I participated in a programming contest hosted by the computer science society. In the contest there was one question which I solved but was never ever truely satisifed with how long it took. I have spent time since then to try and speed it up. Every so often I will try to speed it up but never to the degree that I have since I started this repo.

The history of this repo shows my adventures of porting the solver from C# to C++14 and all of the missteps in between.

In the original programming contest question, the number of digits was locked to less than 10 so it would fit in a 32-bit integer (signed or unsigned). I had decided to keep going and use a 64-bit unsigned integer. This allows digit counts of up to 19 digits!

Tricks used

My whole objective in starting this repo is to show various tricks that I used to greatly speed up the process of identifying these numbers. Some of these tricks include:

Starting at (mul (pow 10 ?width) (+ 2.0 (/ 2.0 9.0))) to eliminate a huge majority of numbers which will never ever be legal due to the fact they have the digits 0 and 1 in them.

Memoizing the sums, products, and legality of numbers with digital widths of 3,4,5,6,7. Going above these values requires a fuck ton of ram with very little benefit (cache thrash anyone?). Even at this point, the program will use roughly 185 megs of ram! To save space, the sums are a single list where the products and predicates have to be separate lists for each width.

Std::async is a wonderful drug :D. I use it like crazy and I spawn about 6 threads (plus the main one) during execution of widths of 7 or more.

I can't find any quodigious numbers above widths of 3 digits that contain the number 5! I haven't been able to verify this for 14-19 digits (without the code I have now it would've taken in literal years to compute!) though. So in the case of 4 digits through 13 digits I do not even bother computing any numbers whose most significant digit is 5! I have even gone so far as to removing all checks for digits which contain 5 as well ! I had to hard code body<3> because of this. However, I think this is a safe assumption

In essence all of the code I have written is centered around reducing the scanning space. If there is a constant time solution to this problem I would love to know :).

I love using templates to write code for me :D. The problem with using templates though is the amount of time it takes to compile. In the case of this program, it takes upwards of 18 seconds to compile and consumes at least a gigabyte of RAM! The 29k executable balloons to 1.4 megabytes (pre strip) with all of the templating I use :D. I'm super lazy!


Find a number whose digit sum and digit product are divisible by the original number







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