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Gitpod ready-to-code

Gitpod ready-to-code


The multi purpose discord bot that provides a multitude of features.

Discord Bots


Zerocords is built with and voxelbotutils

  • Audit logging
  • Moderation
  • Fun Commands
  • Caterized Roleplay Commands
  • And much more coming soon!


  • Owner - SpicyTakis / Hentai#8349

  • Lead Contributer - fadedmax / Faded Max#1420

How to setup


If you are just going to be using a the normal bot, setup is fairly simple with around 2 steps.


Then after that react to the message the bot sends with the options you want to set!

Self Hosted


ZeroCords Commands


  • z!suggestion <suggestion>

    • Sends a suggestion in to bot developers
  • z!createcountrychannels <user> <categoryname> <countryprefix>

    • Creates channels for a country
  • z!createcompanychannels <user> <categoryname> <countryprefix>

    • Creates channels for a company
  • z!removechannelsets <categoryid>

    • Removes channels from a category
  • z!worldnews <country> <info>

    • Sends text to the set worldnews channel
  • z!spacenews <country> <info>

    • Sends text to the set spacenews channel
  • z!setcountry <member> <role>

    • Gives a user a role
  • z!removecountry <member> <roletoremove>

    • None
  • z!roll <sides>

    • Roll A Dice And Go!
  • z!worldnewsrole

    • Give you the worldnews role


  • z!prefix <new_prefix>

    • Changes the prefix that the bot uses.
  • z!updates

    • Get official bot updates from the support server.


  • z!github

    • Sends the GitHub Repository link.
  • z!invite

    • Gives you the bot's invite link.
  • z!vote

    • Gives you a link to vote for the bot.
  • z!stats

    • Gives you the stats for the bot.


  • z!infractions <user_id>

    • The parent to be able to see user infractions.


  • z!server

    • Gives the invite to the support server.
  • z!donate

    • Gives you the bot's creator's donate link.
  • z!echo <content>

    • Echos the given content into the channel.


  • z!mute <user> [reason=<No reason provided>]

    • Mutes a user from the server.
  • z!tempmute <user> <duration> [reason=<No reason provided>]

    • Mutes a user from the server.
  • z!unmute <user> [reason=<No reason provided>]

    • Unmutes a user.
  • z!warn <user> <reason>

    • Adds a warning to a user.
  • z!watch <user> [duration]

    • Pipe all of a user's messages (in channels you can see) to your DMs for an hour.
  • z!unwatch <user>

    • Stop watching a user.
  • z!kick <user> [reason=<No reason provided>]

    • Kicks a user from the server.
  • z!ban <user> [reason=<No reason provided>]

    • Bans a user from the server/
  • z!unban <user> [reason=<No reason provided>]

    • Unbans a user from the server.


Is there a premium version of the bot

As of when I am writing this, no. Currently there is no premium version of the bot but I do intend to make one.

How do I host the bot myself?

As of now I have not created a guide on self installation

How do I make suggestions for the bot?

To make suggestions you can use the z!suggest command followed by your suggestion

I want to use this bot for a roleplay type not in the bot currently, what do I do?

I am welcome to suggestions for more roleplay types and I am happy to implement them. If you want to have a chat with me you can DM me and we can talk about a new roleplay type.


No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 4

