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##Installation Juice is a clean, responsive PowerShell-inspired MkDocs static documentation site generator theme -forked with love Dxtan. It's built on the Bootstrap framework .


  • Using the bootstrap framework, UI is concise and beautiful
  • Any of the following extensions may be used for your Markdown source files: markdown, mdown, mkdn, mkd, md.
  • The built-in devserver allows you to preview your documentation as you're writing it. It will even auto-reload whenever you save any changes, so all you need to do to see your latest edits is refresh your browser.


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##Download & install

Requirements and Environment: Python 2.6+ or 3.3+

Install MkDocs & Create a New Project

If you haven't installed MkDocs yet, use the following command to install it:

$ pip install mkdocs

You should download the code like this:

$ git clone

Use the following command to establish a local server for your site:

$ mkdocs serve

Then open your site in any browser at the URL http://localhost:8000.


###Create Your Site

Add Content with Markdown Syntax

Get to work on your site home page by opening the docs/ file and editing it in Markdown syntax. The HTML automatically updates in the browser when you save the Markdown file if you use the MkDocs server (see command above).

Add New Pages

Add new pages to your site by creating a new Markdown file in your docs directory, then linking to the new page in the mkdocs.yml file. This uses a Page Name : Markdown file syntax.

For example, to add an About page using a Markdown file that is located on the path docs/, you would format the mkdocs.yml file as follows:

site_name: [YOURSITE]
project_name: [YOURPROJECT]
theme_dir: theme
- Home:
- About:

Add additional pages to your site by repeating the above series of steps.

Build Your Site

Build your site files with the command:

$ mkdocs build

Your site files are built in the site directory and are ready to use. Deploy the contents of the site directory to your web server.

Site Customization

The following are a few common customizations that you might be interested in. For much more detail about the configuration of your site, check out the MkDocs Configuration documentation.


Juice is licensed under the MIT license. The full text of the license is available here.