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Releases: Dyalog/ride


26 Feb 10:52
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Release of RIDE 4.5

Update electron to v26.
Re-styled New Session page and added File menu with commands to manage configurations.
Auto-save changes to configurations.
Use new RIDE logo and simplify splash screen.

For Windows, we recommend that you install from the signed zip file.


26 Sep 19:05
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v4.5.4043 Pre-release

Pre-Release of RIDE 4.5

WARNING: This is a pre-release version of RIDE 4.5: it is possible that functionality may be added, removed or altered; we do not recommend using pre-release versions of RIDE in production environments.

Merge pull request #1159 from Dyalog/floating_window_close
Fix typo that prevents closing of floating windows
Merge pull request #1158 from Dyalog/connect_window_toggle
Improve min size by accounting for chrome
Use content bounds to size and position wins
Save and recall connect page winstate
Replace sidebar toggle button with new icon
Separate winstates for connect page and session
Extend jq_splitter
Merge pull request #1157 from tiamatica/cloneedit
'CLON'E button changed to 'CLONE & EDIT'.
Merge pull request #1156 from Dyalog/fix_prf_col_width
Make room for wider drop down
Merge pull request #1154 from tiamatica/color-token
Merge branch 'Dyalog:master' into color-token
Organize token names in groups.
Merge pull request #1155 from tiamatica/favs-at-top
Selected default config at top.
Merge pull request #1153 from Dyalog/ssh_pwd
Reorder ssh keyfile password
Validate password when listing interpreters


19 Sep 18:19
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v4.5.4022 Pre-release

Pre-Release of RIDE 4.5

WARNING: This is a pre-release version of RIDE 4.5: it is possible that functionality may be added, removed or altered; we do not recommend using pre-release versions of RIDE in production environments.

Merge pull request #1151 from Dyalog/hostname_on_error
Merge pull request #1150 from Dyalog/list_int_ssh
Report hostname on error
Fix listing of remote interpreters via SSH
Merge pull request #1146 from Dyalog/doc-readme
Add instructions for building the docs site
Merge pull request #1145 from Dyalog/doc-fixes
More content edits
Merge pull request #1144 from tiamatica/no-underline
Merge pull request #1134 from tiamatica/connscreen-heding
Refactor style constants and simplify
Re-instate line-height in correct file
Vertically alligned start button.
Remove line-height from color .less.
Merge pull request #1142 from Dyalog/node_gyp_fix2
Ignore node_gyp_bins instead of pruning
Merge pull request #1141 from Dyalog/node_gyp_fix
Add glob package
Remove node_gyp_bins after build
Removed underline from itk.
Merge pull request #1139 from tiamatica/no-underline
In color schema, remove underline from errors.
More input field folding.
Set min size for window, fields folded - labels
Added headings to connection screen+modified color


14 Sep 21:53
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v4.5.3997 Pre-release

Pre-Release of RIDE 4.5

WARNING: This is a pre-release version of RIDE 4.5: it is possible that functionality may be added, removed or altered; we do not recommend using pre-release versions of RIDE in production environments.

Update CI script to use new build command
Add npm scripts to build and clean
Remove compiled css from repo
Merge pull request #1135 from tiamatica/clr-unsaved-blob
Toggling moved to updateTitle
Clear unsaved data blob when clicking save.
Merge pull request #1133 from tiamatica/printpref
Merged into single selector.
Modified printing preferences.
Merge pull request #1132 from Dyalog/mac_shcs
Add close window command with default shc for mac
Add default shortcut to preferences for mac
Add hide/show command for mac
Merge pull request #1131 from Dyalog/ib3500_xmldec
Fix issue with pasting lines into session
Add xml declaration for utf8 encoding
Merge pull request #1124 from tiamatica/userguide-link
Use 3 char codes for RIDE commands
Merge pull request #1129 from tiamatica/prefs-styling
Use color constants in less
Merge pull request #1128 from Dyalog/ib3500
Modified preferences tab bar styling.
Write html content to file for ShowHTML command
Added Ride user guide to help menu.
Merge pull request #1119 from Dyalog/restore-files
Restore which was accidentally deleted. Move code-related docs to separate directory "code-docs"
Merge pull request #1118 from Dyalog/tidy-docs
Remove unusued docfiles. Tidy up lingering broken internal links. Add print_site plugin.
Merge pull request #1117 from tiamatica/auto-complete
Removed second glyph in auto-complete.
Merge pull request #1116 from tiamatica/modified-general
Brackets move to contextual help.
Merge pull request #1115 from tiamatica/tracericons
Merge pull request #1114 from Dyalog/notarize
Fixed black theme and removed redundant code.
Clean directories before unstashing for notarize
Re-Stash pkg file after it's been stapled
fix missing APPNAME for notarising
Unstash version files
fix execute permissions on notarise script
Update Jenkins scripts to notarize on different mac from packaging.
Editor/tracer toolbar button modified to use svg.
Tracer icon added first one.
Merge pull request #1113 from Dyalog/downgrade-os-locale
DOwngrade os-locale, fix #1112
Reviewing content for 4.5, part2 (#1111)
Merge pull request #1106 from tiamatica/connect-page
Toggle pane using button action
Doc changes (#1108)
Merge pull request #999 from Dyalog/osxsign
Revert arrow direction
Don't autostart on Menu->Connect
Open right pane on new configuration
Remove redundant icon declaration
Use Mac with Notarytool installed for Jenkins
Merge branch 'master' into osxsign
Fix PR's failing on Jenkins (#1107)
Added auto start to in General>Session.
Connection screen modifications.
Fix typo
Replace deprecated altool with notarytool
Update osx-sign package
Merge pull request #1105 from Dyalog/1104-add-documentation
Add markdown documentation (4.5-pre) #1104
Add button to toggle pane
Set min-width for panels
Merge pull request #1099 from tiamatica/contactinfo
Don't open links in new window
Merge pull request #1101 from Dyalog/jq-splitter
Add support for maximizing default pane
Refactored jq_splitter
Contact info made selectable.
Merge pull request #1097 from tiamatica/editmenubrowser
Removed commented line.
Enable edit menu commands in browser.
Merge pull request #1096 from tiamatica/colourstostyle
Renamed colours tab to style.
#1092 Set permissions of O/S-specific directories in /devt/builds/ride/master (#1093)
Merge pull request #1095 from Dyalog/session-line-styling
Reverse session line styling options


15 Aug 09:05
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v4.5.3915 Pre-release

Pre-Release of RIDE 4.5

WARNING: This is a pre-release version of RIDE 4.5: it is possible that functionality may be added, removed or altered; we do not recommend using pre-release versions of RIDE in production environments.

Rendering of keyboard shortcuts platform specific, #959
Tooltip on tab when no filename fixed
Show modified marker when indent on open off
Added reformat to menu, #563
Append cloned config to bottom of list
Help menu added to connect screen, #1077
Select all on all platforms, #1015
Remove duplicates and improve error messages, #308
Fix stream 0 error when starting Classic on Win, #540
Add option to customise APL font, #1031
Minor changes to buttons on New Session screen
Replace rendering of monitor icon
Update styling of stopbits
Reorganized preferences window layout, #1055
Change colors of selected item and hover
Fix broken shortcut prefs
Restyle list and default config
No horizontal resizing of textareas
Default config always first item
Remove standard details from exe name
Re-create missing presets
Enable save and delete on presets
Fix resizing splitter with keyboard
Remove big static go button
Recognise connection to local interpreter, #805
Show more descriptive message on InternalError


07 Aug 05:08
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v4.5.3869 Pre-release

Pre-Release of RIDE 4.5

WARNING: This is a pre-release version of RIDE 4.5: it is possible that functionality may be added, removed or altered; we do not recommend using pre-release versions of RIDE in production environments.

Refactor new session page (#1056)
Add support for trace and monitor in margin (#1028)
Remove underline from u tags for mac (#958)
Refresh editors when toggling toolbar (#1053)
Update README to use node 18.17.0
Added modified marker to floating window (#1054)
Editor tab modified marker improved
Widen the session margin to allow for right border (#1049)


03 Aug 07:13
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v4.5.3842 Pre-release

Pre-Release of RIDE 4.5

WARNING: This is a pre-release version of RIDE 4.5: it is possible that functionality may be added, removed or altered; we do not recommend using pre-release versions of RIDE in production environments.

Indicate modified tabs with circle (#615)
Trace and Monitor bits persist on edit (#963)
Escape backslash in valuetip header (#984)
Fix syntax for whitespace (#1002)
Don't syntax highlight on quotequad input (#1006)
Fix syntax coloring for syscmd (#1001)
Change title of escape button (#1011)
Remove DMK feature (#1009)
Hide cursor in session when busy (#955)
Remove settings button from statusbar (#1010)
Use quotes around filepaths with spaces (#1032)
Set the cursor for scrollbars to pointer (#1024)
Use selected theme in About and pref menu (#1025, #1026)
Add configuration option to toggle session margin
Remove bg color on modified lines from styles
Use dot in margin to indicate modified line
Bump word-wrap from 1.2.3 to 1.2.4
Bump semver from 5.7.1 to 5.7.2


06 Jul 13:50
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v4.5.3807 Pre-release

Pre-Release of RIDE 4.5

WARNING: This is a pre-release version of RIDE 4.5: it is possible that functionality may be added, removed or altered; we do not recommend using pre-release versions of RIDE in production environments.

Add invalid.token and styling option
Use VS2015 to build ride package executable
Support homoglyphs as valid tokens
Support homoglyphs in idioms
Update dyalog website url in README to point to external source
Make session log lines styles configurable
Update protocol
Force jenkins jobs to run in serial, not concurrently
Change default window caption
Fix issues with growing shrinking edits
Fix issue with undo on last line
Mark whole group for execution if empty selection
Add basic support for group markers in old log format
Add new styles for session margin
Add handling of new log message type
Add support for margin decorators
Add apiVersion


07 Jun 06:20
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v4.5.3770 Pre-release

Pre-Release of RIDE 4.5

WARNING: This is a pre-release version of RIDE 4.5: it is possible that functionality may be added, removed or altered; we do not recommend using pre-release versions of RIDE in production environment.


11 Oct 16:04
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Release RIDE 4.4

Remove option 1 in readme
Remember windows position by profile
Add build options for Mac arm64
Add custom read-only tips
Change font for tab buttons to APL (#917)
Extend VAL cmd to mark line for execution in session (#908)