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The goal of this project was to create a game of reverse hangman. I was given a list of random words in JSON format and used Math.floor() and Math.random() to choose a random word for each new game. I then mapped each letter of the word to a blank. I pushed each correct letter to an array, and I was able to determine when the user won the game by comparing the length of the correct letters array with the length of the random word chosen.

I used MobX for state management in this project. The Game component contains the entire state for the app, and the other components reference it. A state management library was really useful in this project since I split up the app into several components: App, SnowmanPics, Blanks, Alphabet, and Letter. Having each component reference the Game component was a much easier solution than passing down state through each component.

Project Goals

  • Create an app where the user plays a game of reverse hangman
  • Choose a random word from a given list in JSON format
  • Display blanks that correspond to the letters in the word
  • Display correct letters once chosen
  • Display a new part of the snowman for each correct letter chosen
  • Make buttons disappear once clicked upon

Technologies Used

HTML, CSS, Javascript, React, MobX