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Dynamics Data Toolkit


This repository contains Base project DynamicsDataToolkit to Export, Import, Remove and Confirm data between Dynamics 365 instances. DynamicsDataToolkitPowerShell uses DynamicsDataToolkit base project for the data operations and provides Cmdlets you can use to simplify your build & release procedures to easily migrate reference(configuration) data with same unique identifier between dynamics instances.


  • Easy to use and configure.
  • Automate data export & import between Dynamics 365 instances.
  • Manage configuration data to get consistence record ID(s) between Dynamics 365 instances.
  • Bulk Data delete in Dynamics 365 instance.

Main Concepts


List of Cmdlets DynamicsDataToolkitPowerShell.dll provides

  • Export-DynamicsData
  • Import-DynamicsData
  • Remove-DynamicsData
  • Confirm-DynamicsData


The tool takes a Job .xml file as an input, Job element has a required name attribute to specify a name for the Job. A job is a list of Steps that dynamics data toolkit is going to execute. Each Step contains fetch xml query for execution the output result of the query determines the data to be Exported, Imported, Deleted and Verified between Dynamics 365 instances. Every Step has two required attributes name to specify step name and the order in which step must execute.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Job name="Export Job">
    <Step name="step 1" order="0001">
          <entity name="test">
            <attribute name="testid" />
            <attribute name="name" />


The Transformation .json file is an array of object(s) that allows to modify target attribute value with the new replacement value during the import process between source to target environment. There are four key attributes to the object. Dynamics data import must have transformations for Root businessunit and transactioncurrency if these transformations are not provided toolkit will try to resolve them by default.

Minimum recommended transformations


    "TargetEntity": "businessunit",
    "TargetAttribute": "parentbusinessunitid",
    "TargetValue": "380DB065-F6C3-EA11-997E-00155D011205",
    "ReplacementValue": "A15005E9-A0C0-E911-995C-00155D52BA06"
    "TargetEntity": "businessunit",
    "TargetAttribute": "businessunitid",
    "TargetValue": "380DB065-F6C3-EA11-997E-00155D011205",
    "ReplacementValue": "A15005E9-A0C0-E911-995C-00155D52BA06"
    "TargetEntity": "transactioncurrency",
    "TargetAttribute": "transactioncurrencyid",
    "TargetValue": "E5801196-F6C3-EA11-997E-00155D011205",
    "ReplacementValue": "5563F35E-A1C0-E911-995C-00155D52BA06"
  • TargetEntity - Entity logical name where this transformation should apply during import.
  • TargetAttribute - Attribute logical name to which attribute to target during import for the TargetEntity.
  • TargetRecord - Guid of the source record to target the transformation for specific record only.
  • TargetValue - Current value of the TargetAttribute that need to be replaced during import.
  • ReplacementValue - Replacement value for the TargetValue. For EntityReference ReplacementValue [Guid + pipe(|) + EntityLogicalName] can be passed to change the type of EntityReference. For example if source record owner is SystemUser and during transformation we want to change it to team the replacement value will look like teamid|team "ReplacementValue": "5563F35E-A1C0-E911-995C-00155D52BA06|team"


    "TargetEntity": "new_configurationsettings",
    "TargetAttribute": "new_value",
    "TargetValue": "http:/dev/urlForDevInstance",
    "ReplacementValue": "http:/test/urlForTestInstance"

Transformation file also supports asterisk (*) Wildcard for TargetEntity and TargetValue attributes to target any entity or value.

Example 1: Below example of transformation will be applied on all the entities and will replace the ownerid with the replacement value ownerid record guid in the target instance.

    "TargetEntity": "*",
    "TargetAttribute": "ownerid",
    "TargetValue": "*",
    "ReplacementValue": "7E29126B-5E13-426B-B158-ABE028F74512"

Example 2: Below example of transformation will be applied on all the entities and will only replace the ownerid if the current ownerid guid is 9B29126B-5E13-426B-B158-ABE028F74512 with the replacement value in the target instance ownerid guid 7E29126B-5E13-426B-B158-ABE028F74512.

    "TargetEntity": "*",
    "TargetAttribute": "ownerid",
    "TargetValue": "9B29126B-5E13-426B-B158-ABE028F74512",
    "ReplacementValue": "7E29126B-5E13-426B-B158-ABE028F74512"

Example 3: Below example of transformation will be applied only on new_message entity and will replace all the ownerid(s) to new ownerid guid 7E29126B-5E13-426B-B158-ABE028F74512.

    "TargetEntity": "new_message",
    "TargetAttribute": "ownerid",
    "TargetValue": "*",
    "ReplacementValue": "7E29126B-5E13-426B-B158-ABE028F74512"

Example 4: Below example of transformation will be applied only on new_message entity and will replace the ownerid to new ownerid guid 7E29126B-5E13-426B-B158-ABE028F74512 team where target record id is 5563F35E-A1C0-E911-995C-00155D52BA06.

    "TargetEntity": "new_message",
    "TargetAttribute": "ownerid",
    "TargetRecord" : "5563F35E-A1C0-E911-995C-00155D52BA06",
    "TargetValue": "*",
    "ReplacementValue": "7E29126B-5E13-426B-B158-ABE028F74512|team"

Connection string

DynamicsDataToolkit support following connection strings to connect to dynamics instances.

Getting started


Download and install package

Install-Package DynamicsDataToolkitPowerShell

PowerShell Cmdlets

Note: All the cmdlets supports -TargetTimeout or -SourceTimeout parameters to change the organisation service timeouts.

Cmdlet Export-DynamicsData exports data from Dynamics 365 instance based on the fetch xml steps provided in the job xml file. EntityDataFilesPath is the path to directory where .xml data files will be exported.


Import-Module "C:\DynamicsDataToolkit\DynamicsDataToolkitPowerShell.dll"

$connectionString = "AuthType=ClientSecret; url=;  ClientId={AppId};  ClientSecret={ClientSecret}"
$jobPath = "C:\Jobs\ExportTeamsJob.xml"
$edPath = "C:\JobsOutput\EntityData\"
Export-DynamicsData `
	-SourceConnectionString $connectionString `
	-JobFilePath $jobPath `
	-EntityDataFilesPath $edPath

Cmdlet Import-DynamicsData import data from Dynamics 365 instance based on the fetch xml steps provided in the job xml file or it can import data from the entity data files which is the output of the Export-DynamicsData. EntityDataFilesPath is the path to directory where .xml data files are exported. Optional Switch Parameter DrawTree -DrawTree will draw batch in tree structure.


Import-Module "C:\DynamicsDataToolkit\DynamicsDataToolkitPowerShell.dll"

$sourceConn = "AuthType=ClientSecret; url=;  ClientId={AppId};  ClientSecret={ClientSecret}"
$targetConn = "AuthType=ClientSecret; url=;  ClientId={AppId};  ClientSecret={ClientSecret}"

$jobTrans = "C:\Jobs\JobTransformations.json"
$jobPath = "C:\Jobs\ImportTeamsJob.xml"
$edPath = "C:\JobsOutput\EntityData\"

# Ex. Set 1 - Import Data directly from the Job.xml
Import-DynamicsData `
	-SourceConnectionString $sourceConn `
	-TargetConnectionString $targetConn `
	-TransformFilePath $jobTrans `
	-JobFilePath $jobPath `

# Ex. Set 2 - Import Data from the EntityDataFilePath
Import-DynamicsData `
	-SourceConnectionString $sourceConn `
	-TargetConnectionString $targetConn `
	-TransformFilePath $jobTrans `
	-EntityDataFilesPath $edPath

Cmdlet Remove-DynamicsData deletes data from Dynamics 365 instance based on the fetch xml steps provided in the job xml file.


Import-Module "C:\DynamicsDataToolkit\DynamicsDataToolkitPowerShell.dll"

$connectionString = "AuthType=ClientSecret; url=;  ClientId={AppId};  ClientSecret={ClientSecret}"
$jobPath = "C:\Jobs\DeleteTeamsJob.xml"
Remove-DynamicsData `
	-TargetConnectionString $connectionString `
	-JobFilePath $jobPath `
	-BatchSize 1000

Cmdlet Confirm-DynamicsData verifies job data exported from source to target Dynamics 365 instance based on the fetch xml steps provided in the job xml file. It verifies if counts of the records matches in source and target based on the id(s) that has been imported.


Import-Module "C:\DynamicsDataToolkit\DynamicsDataToolkitPowerShell.dll"

$sourceConn = "AuthType=ClientSecret; url=;  ClientId={AppId};  ClientSecret={ClientSecret}"
$targetConn = "AuthType=ClientSecret; url=;  ClientId={AppId};  ClientSecret={ClientSecret}"

$jobPath = "C:\Jobs\ImportTeamsJob.xml"
Confirm-DynamicsData `
	-SourceConnectionString $sourceConn `
	-TargetConnectionString $targetConn `
	-JobFilePath $jobPath 


DynamicsDataToolkitPowerShell Documentation






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