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Windows VLAN

ramaraosrikakulapu edited this page Jul 21, 2020 · 1 revision

VLAN Setup for Windows client

Windows VLAN

Steps to run VLAN client in windows

Run EC server

Run the EC server agent as follows -

./agent -mod server -aid agent-id -grp group-name 
-cid uaa-client-id -csc uaa-client-secret -dur 3000 
-oa2 https://valid-uaa-url/oauth/token 
-hst wss://valid-gateway-url/agent 
-sst https://valid-ec-service-url/v1beta -zon valid-zone-id 
-rht localhost -rpt 5432 -rpt 3306 -rpt 1521 -dbg -vln

Install local loopback adapters in windows

  • Right click on window start menu icon and select Device manager. Device manager window will immediately open (or you may use any other way how to open device manager window)
  • Click on system name and click Action menu, and select Add legacy hardware
  • Click Next on welcome screen
  • Choose "Install the hardware that i manually select from a list" and click on Next
  • Scroll down and select Network adapters from offered common hardware types and click on Next
  • Select Microsoft as the manufacturer, and then select Microsoft KM-TEST Loopback adapter card model, click on Next
  • Click on Next
  • Click on Finish

Add target system IP addresses to local loopback adaprter

  • Go to 'Network Connections' via control panel
  • Open properties for newly created adapter by right click on it
  • Select 'Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)' and click on properties
  • Select 'Use the following IP address' and enter the one of target system IP address
  • Press tab and 'Subnet mask' and 'Default gateway' will filled automatically
  • Click on 'Advanced' and add all target system IP addresses in 'IP Settings/ IP Addresses' section. Press tab and 'Subnet mask' will filled automatically based on IP address

Run EC client in windows

agent_windows_sys.exe -mod client 
-aid client-agent-id -tid target-agent-id -grp group-name 
-zon valid-zone-id -sst https://valid-ec-service-url/v1beta 
-hst wss://valid-gateway-url/agent 
-cid uaa-client-id -csc uaa-client-secreat 
-oa2 https://valid-oauth2-url/oauth/token 
-dur 1200 -hca 6006 -lpt 6192 -rpt 5432,3306,1521 -dbg -vln

Test the connection

  • Use target system IP and port for testing the connection

Note: Follwing the usage of sst flag based on agent version

Agent rev. sst flag usage
v1 https://valid-ec-service-url
v1beta https://valid-ec-service-url
v1.1 https://valid-ec-service-url/v1
v1.1beta https://valid-ec-service-url/v1beta