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DIMO Object Detection

Object detection for the DIMO dataset. Uses the Mask-RCNN model. This is an implementation of Analysis of Training Object Detection Models with Synthetic Data, published in BMVC: British Machine Vision Conference, 2022.


First clone the repo using

git clone

Install requirements using pip

 pip install -r requirements.txt

This repository contains modified versions:


Create a file named config.ini with the following contents:

dimo_path = **dimo path**
model_folder = **folder where trained models are saved**
images_per_gpu = 1 **increase this depending on GPU memory**

Download the DIMO dataset base and the desired subsets. Set the DIMO_PATH in config.ini to the download location.

This repository also works with other datasets in BOP format.


Preparing data

Before training a model the segmentation masks need to be generated and a train-val-test split needs to be made. This can be done using the following command for an arbitrary number of subsets:

python prepare --subsets subset1 subsets2

subset should be the name of a subfolder in your dimofolder The following flags can be used:

  • -o override existing masks if there are found
  • -s If this flag is set, all images of the same scene will be placed in the same set.

The dimo path from the config file can be overwritten with the --dimo_path parameter. This is possible for all commands.

Inspecting data

To inspect one or more datasets you can use the following command:

python show --subsets subset1 subsets2


To train a model for one or more subsets you can use the following command:

python train --subsets subset1 subsets2

The following flags can be used:

  • -a If this flag is set data augmentations will be applied during training. These are found in training/
  • -t The model will be initialized with weights pretrained on COCO. By default, only the heads will be trained, the ResNet layers are frozen.
  • --layers [layer_name] Specify which layers of the model are trained. This can either be all, heads, 3+, 4+ or 5+, corresponding to the ResNet stages that will be trained. This defaults to all, unless the -t flag is supplied.
  • --save_all Save the model after each epoch.
  • --model [model_id] Specify the model id and training will resume from the last checkpoint of that model. The id is the name of the folder the checkpoints are saved in. Checkpoints are only available for models trained with --save_all.
  • --image_counts [count_1, count_2, ..] Optionally specify the amount of images to use from each dataset, by default all images are used.
  • --ft_subsets [subset1, subset2, ..] Optionally specify what subsets to finetune on. All layers are trained for 25 epochs at a lower LR during finetuning.
  • --ft_image_counts [count_1, count_2, ..] Optionally specify how many images to use from the finetune datasets

Trained models will be placed in the models_folder from the config.

Training progress can be visualised with tensorboard:

tensorboard --logdir models/

Weights and Biases

Optionally the WandB platform can be used for logging. To use this add the following information to the config.ini file under [USER_SETTINGS].

wandb = True
wandb_project = **project_name**
wandb_entity = **user_name**


A model can be evaluated on a test set with the following command. The mAP value is computed and images and results from the test set are shown.

python test --subsets subset1 subsets2 --model model


Use this bibtex to cite this repository:

	author    = {Bram Vanherle and Steven Moonen and Frank Van Reeth and Nick Michiels},
	title     = {Analysis of Training Object Detection Models with Synthetic Data},
	booktitle = {33rd British Machine Vision Conference 2022, {BMVC} 2022, London, UK, November 21-24, 2022},
	publisher = {{BMVA} Press},
	year      = {2022},
	url       = {}


Object Detection with Mask-RCNN






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