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A model of EMV with PAN-based routing

This repository contains a Tamarin model of the EMV contactless protocol. This is complementary material of our USENIX Security'21 paper Card Brand Mixup Attack: Bypassing the PIN in non-Visa cards by Using Them for Visa Transactions.

This model is an extension of our previous model, available at As such, much of the content of this repository is a copy from the original. As opposed to the original model, this extended model allows for transactions where the terminal determines the card brand, and thus the network for routing, from the card number (i.e. the PAN).

To see code-level differences between our original model and this extension, browse the diff on Contactless.spthy for this commit.

Folder layout

  • Contactless.spthy is the (generic) model of the EMV contactless protocol.
  • Makefile is the GNU script to generate the target models and run the Tamarin analysis of them.
  • *.oracle are the proof-support oracles.
  • models-n-proofs contains the auto-generated target models (.spthy) and their proofs (.proof).
  • results.html shows the analysis results in HTML format.
  • tools contains useful scripts:
    • collect is the Python script that summarizes the proofs in an human-readable HTML file. It also generates latex code of the summary table. It works with make html.
    • decomment is the Python script that prints a comment-free copy of the input model.
    • columns.txt is a file containing the columns to be printed in the results.html file, should the option --columns=tools/columns.txt be passed to make html.
    • tex-add.txt is a file containing the tex notes to be added to the latex-coded table, should the option --tex-add=tools/tex-add.txt be passed to make html.


From the generic model, the Makefile generates target models. These are models that are composed of one generic model in addition to extra rules that produce the Commit facts, which are used for the (in)validation of the security properties. A target model is generated and then analyzed with Tamarin, all by using make with the appropriate variable instances.

Further details on the variables and usage of them can be found in paper and in The following are two variables we have added to verify countermeasures:

  • softfix: if set to Yes, we restrict the analysis only to online-authorized transactions where DDA authentication was performed if the terminal ran the Visa kernel. These are the fixes to the PIN bypass on Visa that we proposed in The EMV Standard: Break, Fix, Verify.
  • hardfix: if set to Yes, we restrict the analysis to online-authorized transactions only where DDA or CDA authentication was performed. Also, here we have modified the SDAD input to include the AID. These are the countermeasures that we have proposed in our paper.

Full-scale analysis

We have split our analysis of the 32 target models into two groups:

  1. Mastercard_<auth>_<CVM>_<value>[_PaynetPAN]: used for the analysis of accepted transactions where, from the committing agent's perspective:
    • the card was a Mastercard,
    • the card's AIP indicated that the highest ODA method the card supports is <auth> (valid options are SDA, DDA, and CDA),
    • if the committing agent is the terminal, then the card's highest CVM supported was <CVM> (valid options are NoPIN and OnlinePIN),
    • the value of the transaction amount was <value> (valid options are Low and High, which indicate below and above the CVM-required limit, respectively), and
    • if _PaynetPAN is present, then the terminal routed the transaction to the payment network determined by the PAN; otherwise the terminal routed the transaction to the Mastercard payment network.
  2. Visa_<auth>_<value>[_PaynetPAN]: used for the analysis of accepted transactions where, from the committing agent's perspective:
    • the card is a Visa,
    • the card's AIP indicated the processing mode <auth> (valid options are EMV and DDA),
    • the value of the transaction amount was <value> (valid options are Low and High, which indicate below and above the CVM-required limit, respectively), and
    • if _PaynetPAN is present, then the terminal routed the transaction to the payment network determined by the PAN; otherwise the terminal routed the transaction to the Visa payment network.

For the analysis, we used Tamarin version 1.7.0 (git revision: 2884fce8c40e3e5bdb87526214652696e089326d, branch: develop) on a computing server running Ubuntu 16.04.3 with two Intel(R) Xeon(R) E5-2650 v4 @ 2.20GHz CPUs (with 12 cores each) and 256GB of RAM. We used 10 threads and at most 20GB of RAM per target model.

Verified Countermeasures

The countermeasures to the PIN bypass on Visa, which we proposed in The EMV Standard: Break, Fix, Verify, are the following:

  1. The terminal must always have the card supply the SDAD.
  2. The terminal must always verify the SDAD.

To produce the security proof for these fixes, run:

make paynet=PAN softfix=Yes

which generates the model file Contactless_SoftFix.spthy and the proof file Contactless_SoftFix.proof.

Our countermeasures to the brand mixup attack are the following:

  1. All transactions must have the card supply the SDAD and the terminal verify it.
  2. The selected AID must be part of the input to the SDAD.

To produce the security proof for these fixes, run:

make paynet=PAN hardfix=Yes

which generates the model file Contactless_HardFix.spthy and the proof file Contactless_HardFix.proof.


David Basin, Ralf Sasse, and Jorge Toro (maintainer of this repo)