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EOSJS v22.0.0 Release Notes

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@blockone-devops blockone-devops released this 20 May 14:11
· 244 commits to master since this release

This release is the stable release of EOSJS v22.0.0 and contains features, security, stability and miscellaneous fixes. Please note that since this release promotes EOSJS v22.0.0-rc2 to v22.0.0 (stable), using the @latest tag will now automatically cause an upgrade from v21.0.x to v22.0.0.

Support for Action Return Values

This release introduces support for the new feature of return values from actions within smart contracts. More information can be found here in the documentation for eosio.cdt and here in the documentation specific to eosjs.

Additionally, an example application has been created to demonstrate how to use this new feature with nodeos and eosjs.

Support for Key Value Databases

This release introduces support for the new key value database feature. More information can be found here in the documentation for eosio.cdt and here in the documentation specific to eosjs.

Due to differences in the format of key value databases in smart contract ABIs, abi.abi.json has been removed and added directly into the code of eosjs-serialize.ts.

A new data type in EOSIO.CDT v1.8.0 called eosio::kv::map provides the underlying functionality and should be used in contracts over the type called eosio::kv::table that is currently in a developer preview state.

Additionally, an example application has been created to demonstrate how to use this new feature with nodeos and eosjs.

New Method for Constructing Actions and Transactions

A concise new method for constructing actions has been added to improve the developer experience. It is now possible to either construct an action in either a shorter syntax or construct both actions and transactions by creating a stateful TransactionBuilder object that can be passed through an application before sending when ready. The details for this concise method can be found here in the eosjs documentation.

BREAKING CHANGE: New Endpoints and Typescript Types for Nodeos API Plugins

New endpoints have been added to eosjs to match the latest versions of the api plugins. New Typescript types have been added to assist developers in better understanding what to expect from certain features or responses from the nodeos api plugins. The goal of these new types is to facilitate accurate typescript support and additional documentation for eosjs but there is the possibility of backwards incompatibility. In these situations, it is advised to override the affected types with any or a user-defined type.

Other Changes

  • (#742) Removing RC1 from develop version
  • (#776) Merging changes from master or release/21.0.x that were not on develop
  • (#777) add bn.js as explicit dependency
  • (#778) Adding testing for Action return values
  • (#779) Documentation for action return values
  • (#780) Updating abi.abi.json to eosio::abi/1.2
  • (#789) Bumping develop version to 21.1.0
  • (#784) Additional types for documentation/development
  • (#792) Context Free Tests/Fixes
  • (#791) Allowing a name to be an empty string (develop branch)
  • (#796) Fixing an issue with response from fetch in the query method
  • (#803) Code to support KV Tables
  • (#804) updating how-to-get-table-information with kv example
  • (#805) Adjusting bios contracts and adding kv_bios
  • (#812) New chain_api endpoints and more efficient Tapos fields
  • (#813) Documentation for new transaction shorthand design
  • (#831) Adjusting CI/CD to use new bios/boot systems (release/22.0.x)
  • (#832) Webpack separating external packages and cross-platform building (release/22.0.x)
  • (#834) Additional types for JsonRPC endpoints (release/22.0.x)
  • (#841) Adding two pipelines for release branch for ci/cd (release 22.0.x)
  • (#849) Updating dependencies of eosjs to latest possible versions (release/22.0.x)
  • (#847) Switching to eosio/eosio docker image in CI/CD (release/22.0.x)
  • (#860) Bump docker/setup-qemu-action from 6520a2d2cb6db42c90c297c8025839c98e531268 to 1.0.2
  • (#863) Bump actions/setup-node from c6fd00ceb9747fb23ffdf72987450a2664414867 to 2.1.5
  • (#866) Bump docker/setup-buildx-action from 154c24e1f33dbb5865a021c99f1318cfebf27b32 to 1.1.2
  • (#869) Bump cypress-io/github-action from 6e9b583c9652e99b72b042a3957980fc6166efae to 2.9.11
  • (#873) Bump actions/checkout from f90c7b395dac7c5a277c1a6d93d5057c1cddb74e to 2.3.4
  • (#907) Bump webpack from 5.33.2 to 5.34.0
  • (#895) Bump cypress from 6.9.1 to 7.1.0
  • (#892) Bump docker/build-push-action from 4a531fa5a603bab87dfa56578bd82b28508c9547 to 2.4.0
  • (#897) Bump cypress-io/github-action from 89161930792c0050baeba2737caa058c395ecfcb to 2.9.12
  • (#900) Bump ts-loader from 8.1.0 to 9.0.0
  • (#920) Bump docker/setup-qemu-action from 25f0500ff22e406f7191a2a8ba8cda16901ca018 to 1.1.0
  • (#921) Bump docker/setup-buildx-action from 2a4b53665e15ce7d7049afb11ff1f70ff1610609 to 1.2.0
  • (#928) Bump docker/setup-buildx-action from 012185ccbeb554a7f5f987bea0f1a73519b3cdf5 to 1.3.0
  • (#929) Bump docker/login-action from f3364599c6aa293cdc2b8391b1b56d0c30e45c8a to 1.9.0
  • (#933) Bump cypress-io/github-action from 62779d1ffd6210d6f246a8f708cf937d2beac1e9 to 2.10.1
  • (#935) Adjusting the eosjs key value documentation (release/22.0.x branch)
  • (#938) Bumping version to v22.0.0
  • (#940) Merging master into release/22.0.x


Special thanks to the community contributors that submitted patches for this release:

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