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ThaID OAuth2 Integration with .NET

This project shows how to connect ThaID to the .NET Framework using OAuth2 authentication. It lets you safely log in and give users access through ThaID.

The solution contains two projects

  • ThaIDAuthenExample: Used to test the connection to ThaID.
  • ThaIDAuthenAPIExample: Simulates an authorized resource for cross-system API testing.

πŸ“ ThaIDAuthenExample

# Settings for connecting to ThaID

location: ThaIDAuthenExample/appsettings.json

Variables for configuration used with ThaID data integration, such as client ID, client secret, APIKey, Callback URL and Scope.

  "ThaID": {
    "ClientID": "{Client_ID}",
    "ClientSecret": "{Client_Secret}",
    "APIKey": "{API_Key}",
    "RedirectURL": "{Callback_URL}",
    "Issuer": "",
    "URLJwks": "",
    "Scope": "{Scope}",
    "ASEndPoint": "https://localhost:7228"

# Configuring Services for Making API Requests

location: ThaIDAuthenExample/Program.cs

Add Services for Managing Sessions.

builder.Services.AddSession(options =>
    options.IdleTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30); // Set the session timeout
    options.Cookie.HttpOnly = true; // Make the session cookie HTTP-only
    options.Cookie.IsEssential = true; // Make the session cookie essential

Add Services for Connecting to Data on Another Server via HTTP API.

builder.Services.AddHttpClient("DOPA", httpClient =>
    httpClient.BaseAddress = new Uri("");

Add Services for Integrating Data with ThaID.

builder.Services.AddScoped<IAuthenticationService, AuthenticationService>();

# Routing and Calling the Authentication Function Connected to ThaID

location: ThaIDAuthenExample/Controllers/HomeController.cs

Registering with DOPA requires the Callback URL to match the Route, ensuring that DOPA can send the Authorization Code correctly. You can update this setting in the RP Admin website.

public async Task<IActionResult> Authentication(string code, string state)
    TokenResponse tokenResponse = await _authenticationService.RequestTokenAsync(code, state);
    return View("Authentication",tokenResponse);

Function for the Home Page of the web application.

public IActionResult Index()
    return View();

Function for the authentication process, which redirects users to the ThaID website for verification.

public async Task<IActionResult> login()
    AuthorizeState provider = await _authenticationService.CreateProvider();
    return Redirect(provider.StartUrl);

Function for after the authentication process, which, upon receiving the Authorization Code, makes an API Request to obtain a Token from ThaID.

public async Task<IActionResult> Authentication(string code, string state)
    TokenResponse tokenResponse = await _authenticationService.RequestTokenAsync(code, state);
    return View("Authentication",tokenResponse);

Function for requesting a new Token when the Access Token expires or becomes invalid, by calling the API Refresh Token.

public async Task<IActionResult> RefreshToken()
    var jsonSessionToken = HttpContext.Session.GetString("token");
    if (jsonSessionToken != null)
        var tokenSession = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<TokenResponse>(jsonSessionToken);
        TokenResponse tokenResponse = await _authenticationService.RefreshTokenAsync(tokenSession);
        return View("Authentication", tokenResponse);
        return View("Authentication");

Function for verifying if the ThaID ID received from ThaID complies with OpenID Connect standards.

public async Task<bool> ValidateIdToken()
    var jsonSessionToken = HttpContext.Session.GetString("token");
    if (jsonSessionToken != null)
            var tokenSession = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<TokenResponse>(jsonSessionToken);
            var resultValidate = await _authenticationService.ValidateIdToken(tokenSession.IDTokenJWT.Header.Kid, tokenSession.IDToken);
            return resultValidate;
        catch (Exception ex)
            return false;

        return false;


Function for creating a Session to store the Token for the user.

[ResponseCache(Duration = 0, Location = ResponseCacheLocation.None, NoStore = true)]

public void CreateSessionToken(TokenResponse tokenForSet)
    HttpContext.Session.SetString("token", JsonSerializer.Serialize(tokenForSet));

Function for sending a response in case of an Error.

public IActionResult Error()
    return View(new ErrorViewModel { RequestId = Activity.Current?.Id ?? HttpContext.TraceIdentifier });

# Token Model

location: ThaIDAuthenExample/Models/TokenModel.cs

Variables for storing Token values according to OpenID Connect standards.

public required string AccessToken { get; set; }

public required string RefreshToken { get; set; }

public required string TokenType { get; set; }

public required long ExpiresIn { get; set; }

public required string Scope { get; set; }

public string? IDToken { get; set; }

public JwtSecurityToken IDTokenJWT
    get { return ConvertToJWT(IDToken); }

Function for converting a JWT string into a JWT Data Object for use or validation.

private JwtSecurityToken ConvertToJWT(string token)
    JwtSecurityTokenHandler handler = new JwtSecurityTokenHandler();
    return handler.ReadJwtToken(token);

# Error Management Model

location: ThaIDAuthenExample/Models/ErrorViewModel.cs

Variables for storing Error values.

namespace ThaIDAuthenExample.Models
    public class ErrorViewModel
        public string? RequestId { get; set; }

        public bool ShowRequestId => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(RequestId);

# Authentication Function connected to ThaID

location: ThaIDAuthenExample/Services/AuthenticationService.cs

Construct Authentication Service and configure the necessary settings for connecting data to ThaID.

private readonly IHttpClientFactory _httpClientFactory;
private readonly IConfiguration _configuration;
private readonly OidcClient _provider;
public AuthenticationService(IHttpClientFactory httpClientFactory, IConfiguration configuration)
    _httpClientFactory = httpClientFactory;
    _configuration = configuration;
    var config = new OidcClientOptions
        Authority = _configuration["ThaID:Issuer"],
        ClientId = _configuration["ThaID:ClientID"],
        ClientSecret = _configuration["ThaID:ClientSecret"],
        RedirectUri = _configuration["ThaID:RedirectURL"],
        Scope = _configuration["ThaID:Scope"]
    _provider = new OidcClient(config);

Function for starting the authentication process using the IdentityModel.OidcClient library.

public async Task<AuthorizeState> CreateProvider()
    var configProvider = _provider.PrepareLoginAsync().Result;
    return configProvider;

Function for requesting a Token set after the authentication process with ThaID.

public async Task<TokenResponse> RequestTokenAsync(string code, string state)
    var configToken = _provider.PrepareLoginAsync().Result;
    configToken.StartUrl = $"{_configuration["ThaID:RedirectURL"]}?code={code}&state={state}";
    configToken.State = state;

    // Get token
    var resultToken = await _provider.ProcessResponseAsync(configToken.StartUrl, configToken);

    // Convert to TokenResponse model
    TokenResponse tokenResponse = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<TokenResponse>(resultToken.TokenResponse.Raw);
    return tokenResponse;

Function for initiating the authentication process.

public async Task<bool> ValidateIdToken(string keyForValidate, string idToken)
        var httpClient = new HttpClient();
        var jwksResponse = await httpClient.GetAsync(_configuration["ThaID:URLJwks"]);
        var jwks = await jwksResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
        var keySet = new JsonWebKeySet(jwks);
        var publicKey = keySet.Keys.Where(value => value.KeyId == keyForValidate).FirstOrDefault();
        var tokenHandler = new JwtSecurityTokenHandler();
        var validationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
            ValidIssuer = _provider.Options.Authority,
            ValidAudience = _provider.Options.ClientId,
            IssuerSigningKey = publicKey // Set the public key here
        var principal = tokenHandler.ValidateToken(idToken, validationParameters, out var validatedToken);

        if (principal.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
            return true;
            return false;
    catch (Exception ex)
        return false;

πŸ“ ThaIDAuthenAPIExample

# Settings for connecting to ThaID

location: ThaIDAuthenAPIExample/appsettings.json

Variables for configuration used with ThaID data integration, such as client ID, client secret, scope.

    "ClientID": "{Client ID from DOPA}",
    "ClientSecret": "{Client Secret from DOPA}",
    "APIKey": "{API Key from DOPA}"

# Configuring Services for Making API Requests

location: ThaIDAuthenAPIExample/Program.cs

Add Services for Connecting to Data on Another Server via HTTP API.

builder.Services.AddHttpClient("DOPA", httpClient =>
    httpClient.BaseAddress = new Uri("");

# Routing and invoking the authentication function connected to ThaID

location: ThaIDAuthenAPIExample/Controllers/TokenInspectController.cs

Configure the Route for the TokenInspect function to let ThaIDAuthenExample test its availability using the API Introspect Token for Authorize Resources from other systems using ThaID.

[HttpGet(Name = "TokenInspect")]
public async Task<TokenInspect> Get()
    return await _authenticationService.TokenIntroSpectAsync(Request.Headers.Authorization);

# Routing and calling the authentication function linked to ThaID

location: ThaIDAuthenAPIExample/Controllers/TokenRevokeController.cs

Setting up the Route for the Function TokenRevoke to allow ThaIDAuthenExample to test revoking the Access Token.

[HttpGet(Name = "TokenRevoke")]
public async Task<TokenRevoke> Get()
    return await _authenticationService.TokenRevokeAsync(Request.Headers.Authorization);

# Token Model

location: ThaIDAuthenAPIExample/Models/TokenModel.cs

Variable for storing values received from the API Inspect Token.

public class TokenInspect
    public required bool Active { get; set; }

    public string? SubjectIdentifier { get; set; }

    public string? Scope { get; set; }

Variable for storing values received from the API Revoke Token.

public class TokenRevoke
    public required string Message { get; set; }

# Authentication Function connected to ThaID

location: ThaIDAuthenAPIExample/Services/AuthenticationService.cs

Construct Authentication Service and set up the necessary configurations for connecting data to ThaID.

private readonly IHttpClientFactory _httpClientFactory;
private readonly IConfiguration _configuration;
public AuthenticationService(IHttpClientFactory httpClientFactory, IConfiguration configuration)
    _httpClientFactory = httpClientFactory;
    _configuration = configuration;

Function to initiate the authentication process using the IdentityModel.OidcClient library.

public async Task<TokenInspect> TokenIntroSpectAsync(string token)
    HttpClient httpClient = _httpClientFactory.CreateClient("DOPA");

        $"Basic {ClientAuthen(_configuration["ThaID:ClientID"], _configuration["ThaID:ClientSecret"])}"

    Dictionary<string, string> requestToken = new Dictionary<string, string>
        { "token", token }

    HttpContent httpContent = new FormUrlEncodedContent(requestToken);

    HttpResponseMessage httpResponseMessage = await httpClient.PostAsync("api/v2/oauth2/introspect/", httpContent);
    string responseStr = await httpResponseMessage.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
    TokenInspect tokenResponse = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<TokenInspect>(responseStr);
    return tokenResponse;

Function to request the revocation of an Access Token by calling the API Revoke Token.

public async Task<TokenRevoke> TokenRevokeAsync(string token)
    HttpClient httpClient = _httpClientFactory.CreateClient("DOPA");

        $"Basic {ClientAuthen(_configuration["ThaID:ClientID"], _configuration["ThaID:ClientSecret"])}"

    Dictionary<string, string> requestToken = new Dictionary<string, string>
        { "token", token }

    HttpContent httpContent = new FormUrlEncodedContent(requestToken);

    HttpResponseMessage httpResponseMessage = await httpClient.PostAsync("api/v2/oauth2/revoke/", httpContent);
    string responseStr = await httpResponseMessage.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
    TokenRevoke tokenResponse = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<TokenRevoke>(responseStr);
    return tokenResponse;

Function to generate an Authorization Key for linking data with ThaID.

private string ClientAuthen(string clientID, string clientSecret)
    byte[] clientAuthen = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes($"{clientID}:{clientSecret}");
    return Convert.ToBase64String(clientAuthen);


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