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A toolset around k8s cluster administration tasks.


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K8S Python Tools

NOTE: This is beta-software.


This is a python command line tool and a library on top of Official Python Kubernetes API Client providing higher level API methods and a basic architecture for cli commands of common tasks in Kubernetes environments.

Each command is capable of interactive and non-interactive usage by accepting command line arguments. Use -h or --help to see the arguments of each command.

NOTE: Non-interactive usage does not ask the user for confirmation! Use it wisely.

If you do not provide all required command line arguments the command is running in interactive mode automatically and your arguments are used only if present.

This command initially supports three sub commands.
They can also be seen as command categories: drop, list, execute.


Remove/delete/kill/wipe a single Kubernetes resource. See table of supported Kubernetes Resource Objects below.


List certain objects and information for certain purposes. E.g. list all Services with cluster.local.


Category of commands which usually implement a sequence of user controlled actions, e.g. database migrations. Commands of this category can be very flexible and do not necessarily need to be non-interactive.

  • execute pod: Executes one or several shell commands in a remote container.

  • execute [postgres|mariadb]-migration-dump: Dumps a complete PostgreSQL or MariaDB/MySQL instance in a pod to a .sql(.gz - if available) file and imports the data safely into another pod (could be in another cluster and namespace). This is done via downloading the dump file to the local file system (to the folder you execute the command in) and uploading it then to the remote pod with sha256 hashes as file consistency checks.

  • execute apply-tpl: A simple Kubernetes yaml template renderer and runner of kubectl apply -f.
    You have to provide one or several yaml files which can contain one or more yaml objects. These files are jinja2 templates of plain yaml files, so you can use {{ variable }} and all other valid jinja2 syntax elements in your Kubernetes yaml files. The command will ask you for the values of the missing template variables and a name for the rendered template to store. E.g. if your template is called template.yml and you enter "dev" as name, the command will render the final content to template-dev.yml file in the same directory.
    A Yes-No-Dialog will then ask the user whether kubectl apply -f shall be executed on the recently generated yaml file.
    This command enables you to define simple but powerful yaml templates of your Kubernetes deployment definitions and you are able to put your environment specific stuff into variables.

  • execute scale-deployment Scale replicas of a Kubernetes Deployment object resource.


$ python
usage: python [-h] {drop,execute,list} ...

positional arguments:
    drop            drop -h
    execute         execute -h
    list            list -h

optional arguments:
  -h, --help        show this help message and exit


$ python3 drop
usage: python3 drop [-h]

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Example animation of a pod drop


$ python3 execute
usage: python3 execute [-h]

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
execute pod
$ python3 execute pod -h 
usage: python3 execute pod [-h] [--context CONTEXT]
                                   [--namespace NAMESPACE] [--pod POD]
execute [postgres|mariadb]-migration-dump
ζ python3 execute postgres-migration-dump -h
usage: python3 execute postgres-migration-dump [-h]
                                                       [--context CONTEXT]
                                                       [--snamespace SNAMESPACE]
                                                       [--spod SPOD]
                                                       [--sport SPORT]
                                                       [--suser SUSER]
                                                       [--spw SPW]
                                                       [--slocation SLOCATION]
                                                       [--tcontext TCONTEXT]
                                                       [--tnamespace TNAMESPACE]
                                                       [--tpod TPOD]
                                                       [--tport TPORT]
                                                       [--tuser TUSER]
                                                       [--tpw TPW]
                                                       [--tlocation TLOCATION]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --snamespace SNAMESPACE
                        source namespace
  --spod SPOD           source pod
  --sport SPORT         source postgres database port
  --suser SUSER         source postgres database user
  --spw SPW             source postgres database password
  --slocation SLOCATION
                        source postgres database dump location
  --tcontext TCONTEXT   target context
  --tnamespace TNAMESPACE
                        target namespace
  --tpod TPOD           target pod
  --tport TPORT         target postgres database port
  --tuser TUSER         target postgres database user
  --tpw TPW             target postgres database password
  --tlocation TLOCATION
                        target postgres database dump location

  --context CONTEXT, -c CONTEXT
                        prod, staging, dev ...
execute apply-tpl
$ python3 execute apply-tpl -h  
usage: python3 execute apply-tpl [-h] [--context CONTEXT]
                                         [--path PATH]
                                         [--files FILES [FILES ...]]
                                         [--name NAME]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --path PATH           an absolute template directory path
  --files FILES [FILES ...]
                        one or several space-separated relative yaml template
                        file paths
  --name NAME           a slug for the new template

  --context CONTEXT, -c CONTEXT
                        prod, staging, dev ...
execute scale-deployment
$ python3 execute scale-deployment -h
usage: python3 execute scale-deployment [-h] [--context CONTEXT]
                                                [--namespace NAMESPACE]
                                                [--deployment DEPLOYMENT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  --context CONTEXT, -c CONTEXT
                        a name of the cluster to work on
  --namespace NAMESPACE, -n NAMESPACE
                        a namespace name
  --deployment DEPLOYMENT, -d DEPLOYMENT
                        a name of a deployment


$ python3 list
usage: python3 list [-h]

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
list pods-by-context
$ python3 list pods-by-context  
Only one context minikube  - Auto-Selecting.
Loading context:  minikube
Listing pods with their IPs and owner in context: minikube
results: 21        kube-system     coredns-fb8b8dccf-7lspl ReplicaSet(coredns-fb8b8dccf)        kube-system     coredns-fb8b8dccf-rhcdl ReplicaSet(coredns-fb8b8dccf)       kube-system     etcd-minikube
list pvc-by-context
list ingress-by-context
list cronjobs-by-context
list svc-cluster-local

Supported Kubernetes objects

name/kind object name API Namespaced
Deployment deployment ExtensionsV1beta1Api yes
Namespace namespace CoreV1Api no
Pod pod CoreV1Api yes
Service service CoreV1Api yes
Set (=ReplicaSet, DaemonSet, StatefulSet) replica_set/daemon_set/stateful_set CoreV1Api yes
PersistentVolumeClaim persistent_volume_claim CoreV1Api yes
Ingress ingress ExtensionsV1beta1Api yes
NetworkPolicy network_policy ExtensionsV1beta1Api yes
Job job BatchV1Api yes
CronJob cron_job BatchV1beta1Api yes
ConfigMap config_map CoreV1Api yes
Secret secret CoreV1Api yes
ServiceAccount service_account CoreV1Api yes
ResourceQuota resource_quota CoreV1Api yes
Endpoints endpoints CoreV1Api yes
PodTemplate pod_template CoreV1Api yes
RoleBinding role_binding RbacAuthorizationV1Api yes
Role role RbacAuthorizationV1Api yes
PodDisruptionBudget pod_disruption_budget PolicyV1beta1Api yes
Event event CoreV1Api yes
Lease lease CoordinationV1Api yes
HorizontalPodAutoscaler horizontal_pod_autoscaler AutoscalingV1Api yes
ControllerRevision controller_revision AppsV1Api yes
LimitRange limit_range CoreV1Api yes
ClusterRole cluster_role RbacAuthorizationV1Api no
ClusterRoleBinding cluster_role_binding RbacAuthorizationV1Api no
PodSecurityPolicy pod_security_policy PolicyV1beta1Api no
PersistentVolume persistent_volume CoreV1Api no
VolumeAttachment volume_attachment StorageV1Api no
StorageClass storage_class StorageV1Api no
PriorityClass priority_class SchedulingV1beta1Api no
Node node CoreV1Api no
CustomResourceDefinition custom_resource_definition ApiextensionsV1beta1Api no
CertificateSigningRequest certificate_signing_request CertificatesV1beta1Api no

NOTE: This list should be be compatible with most common kubectl api-resources of a new minikube default setup.


git clone this repository and install needed python packages with pip:

$ pip install --user -r requirements.txt

Alternatively there is a Pipfile to use with pipenv. Once installed:

$ pipenv install
$ pipenv shell
$ python3


  • Linux
  • Windows, for interactive scripts you'll need a terminal, therefore Git Bash won't work, use Powershell.
  • MacOS (not tested!)
  • Python 3.7+
  • kubectl with valid configuration in ~/.kube/config


This codebase is intended to provide a coding environment/library with minimalistic (maintenance and code) overhead to enable common kubernetes task implementations as (interactive) commands in one single tool. Each action should be implemented to be fully executed by one cli command in non-interactive mode, e.g.: drop pod --context minikube --namespace test --pod cache. Exceptions of this rule are possible in actions of execute category, where tasks need dynamic and interactive input.

Most parts of this library (> 75%) are auto-generated and the definitons are jinja2 templates of python files in templates directory. The generated code in this library is based on minimal configuration in generated_library.yml which is injected into the template files. For example switching kubernetes API versions needs both a change in the yaml file and a re-run of code generation to work. If you want to add new auto-generated API methods or actions you can simply extend the (self-defined) yaml format with new jinja2 template definitions.

Development guidelines

  • Each command is a python class inheriting from AbstractCommand of lib.common
  • Place common code inside the library, specific code and control logic inside the command classes
  • Kubernetes resource removals or other critical actions on the cluster have to be confirmed explicitly in interactive mode by the user
  • A change or removal action should be checked for success (via check_for_object_[is_up|is_away]-methods)
  • The code should be compatible with Official Python Kubernetes API Client.
  • Kubernetes resource names in code are in snake_case instead of CamelCase which is only used in docs and output strings
  • Always care for the correct kubectl context to use.
  • Do not reinvent the wheel! For difficult tasks use already proven good solutions, e.g. kubectl apply.

API methods

NOTE: object corresponds to the "object name" column in supported Kubernetes resources.

For all Kubernetes Resources

  • object_name = confirm_object(context, namespace) from lib.confirmer
    Choose an object of kind object, e.g. pod or pod_template. The name is returned. You have to provide a namespace and a context.

  • check_object_is_away from lib.checker

  • check_object_is_up from lib.checker

  • remove_object from lib.remover


  • boolean = confirm(question) from lib.confirmer
  • string_val = confirm_string() from lib.confirmer
  • context_name = confirm_context() from lib.confirmer
  • namespace_name = confirm_namespace(context) from lib.confirmer
  • context, namespace = choose_context_and_namespace(args.context, args.namespace) from lib.common
  • output = run_command_in_pod(context, namespace, pod, command) from lib.exec

You can instantiate one of the following classes with sufficient parameters and call for a result:

  • class RemoteSession from lib.exec for interactive shell command input.
  • class RemoteDirExists from lib.exec. run() returns a bool.
  • class CommandChecker from lib.exec. run() returns a bool.
  • class UploadFile from lib.exec.
  • class DownloadFile from lib.exec.
  • class LocalFileHash from lib.exec. run() returns a sha256sum string.
  • class RemoteFileHash from lib.exec. run() returns a sha256sum string.
  • class EnoughSpaceCheck from lib.exec. run() returns a bool.

(Re-)Generate API

$ python

NOTE: This command should be run before each git commit.

How-To: Implementing a new action/command

  1. Choose a name for your command and add it to lib/actions/[subcommand]/[task_name].py. The library is able to detect new sub commands in your return values of ``
  2. Example job template of a listing command of all ingresses
    from kubernetes import client
    from lib.common import AbstractCommand, ArgumentConfig, load_kube
    from lib.confirmer import confirm_context
    class ListIngressByContext(AbstractCommand):
        def get_command(self) -> str:
            return "list ingress-by-context"
        def get_attr_config(self) -> ArgumentConfig:
            attr = ArgumentConfig()
            attr.context = True
            return attr
        def run(self, args):
            if args.context:
                context = args.context
                context = confirm_context()
            api = client.ExtensionsV1beta1Api()
            print("Listing ingresses in all namespaces of context:", context)
            ret = api.list_ingress_for_all_namespaces()
            print("results:", len(ret.items))
            for i in ret.items:
                print("%s\t%s\t%s\t" % (i.status.pod_ip, i.metadata.namespace,
  3. Type python <sub-command> <action> -h. It should already work. lib.register discovers automatically subclasses of AbstractCommand class.
  4. Develop a control logic with the functions/classes listed above and extend the core library if needed.
  5. Update (this) README and docs and inform about your new stuff.

Project TODO

  • Method templates for other (and only possible) k8s api verbs: create, delete, list, patch, replace
  • dynamic user input masks for kubernetes objects or defined fields to support an interactive resource generation scenario.
  • avoid to prefix python and replace usage with a more short name, e.g. cf
  • Full pip integration + deployment
  • integrate all (minikube) k8s objects + x
  • add pluggable structure of own (additional) command classes (dynamic python file imports?)
  • add python cli asci table library or build own mechanism
  • coloured output
  • more unit tests
  • log all actions and user commands in a (single) local file (logging framework? remote logging support? graylog?)
  • interactive mass drop actions, e.g. pv
  • shell autocompletion
  • allow command line arguments for values of apply-tpl yaml template variables
  • build ci pipeline + linting and code style checking
  • pre-select current context to avoid re-selecting the current one

License and author(s)

  • Apache v2 (see LICENSE for full license text)
  • EXXETA AG and contributors:
  • Marius Schuppert

Dependencies and third-party software

  • kubernetes python client, License: Apache v2 License, Website
  • jinja2, License: BSD License (BSD), Website
  • pyYAML, License: MIT license, Website
  • inquirer, (this is not really integrated!), License: MIT license, Website
  • prompt_toolkit, License: BSD License (BSD-3-Clause), Website
  • numpy, License: OSI Approved (BSD), Website


A toolset around k8s cluster administration tasks.



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