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Releases: Eco-DiscordLink/EcoDiscordPlugin

DiscordLink 3.4.2

08 Apr 19:18
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  • Compatibility for Eco
  • Fixed a potential permissions exploit when combined with EM.Framework.

DiscordLink 3.4.1

08 Apr 19:18
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  • Compatibility for Eco

DiscordLink 3.4.0

20 Jan 20:46
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--- Important Notes ---

  • The dependency EcoWorldCore.dll has been renamed MightyMooseCore.dll. Make sure to delete EcoWorldCore.dll.
  • The "DebugVerbose" log level has been renamed to "Trace".

--- Improvements ---

  • Added a Settlement list component to the Server Info display.
  • Added Settlement information to election embeds.
  • Added Settlement information to Law and Election lists.
  • Added sorting based on settlement influence to Law and Election lists.
  • Added EcoSnippet command to Discord for sending a snippet to Eco.
  • Added Version command for checking the installed and latest mod version available.
  • Added documentation command.
  • Changed channel dropdown sorting to use the same ordering as in Discord rather than sorting by name.
  • Improved log feedback when the bot lacks permission to manipulate roles.
  • Improved debug logging.

--- Bugfixes ---

  • Fixed an issue that could cause a server crash in when creating Eco chat channels if there were corrupted users on the server.
  • Fixed commands sending various types of message boxes to users, returning false if successful and vice versa.
  • Fixed Snippet command not behaving as documented in the Discord command description.
  • Fixed a nullreferenceexception when changing the config while disconnected from Discord.
  • Fixed version printouts using 4 version components rather than 3.
  • Fixed Discord discriminators still being used in some cases despite being obsoleted by Discord.
  • Fixed descriptions for linking and unlinking account using an outdated command name.

DiscordLink 3.3.2

21 Dec 10:35
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  • Fixed the asset bundle conflicting with other mods.

DiscordLink 3.3.1

18 Dec 22:41
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--- Important Notes ---

  • The DSharp version has been rolled back and therefore you should delete the files "Polly.Core.dll" and "Polly.dll".
  • Updated to EcoWorldCore 1.0.1.

--- Improvements ---

  • Made it less likely to time out before a connection was established. (R3sist3nt)
  • Improved some error messages with suggestions on what could be causing the errors. (R3sist3nt)
  • Reworked the Server Log Feed to post the accumulated log messages once per second instead of posting once for each message.

--- Bugfixes ---

  • Fixed DSharp failing to soft rate limit, causing Discord to temporarily block the bot.
  • Fixed exceptions not being printed to the console.
  • Fixed nullref exceptions that would occur when attempting to select channels in the GUI while the plugin wasn't connected to the Discord server. (R3sist3nt)
  • Fixed storage files getting reset on each server restart.
  • Fixed the ConnectionInfo config field defaulting to using a link while Discord has removed functionality for these types of links.
  • Fixed displays using long fields sometimes failing to post.
  • Fixed permission check sometimes passing even though the bot didn't have the requested permission.
  • Fixed nullref exceptions on shutdown if the plugin was disconnected. (R3sist3nt)
  • Fixed crafting feeds not working.

DiscordLink 3.3.0

12 Dec 18:53
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--- Important Notes ---

  • Replaced EM.Framework dependency with EcoWorldCore.
  • The "DiscordServer" config field has been replaced by "DiscordServerID" and is now required to be an ID. This is part of the move to SlashCommands.
  • Any application or bot utilizing a name containing the word "Discord" will no longer work correctly and need to be renamed. This is a change made by Discord.
  • All Discord commands have been replaced by SlashCommands. The prefix for Discord commands is now / and utilizes auto completion. Commands can no longer be issued in DMs with the bot.
  • Almost all global command aliases have been removed as Eco now support the use of local command aliases. There have been many changes to commands. See the command documentation for details:

--- Additions ---

  • Added support for handling Discord custom emotes and substituting them for custom icon names.
  • Added a "ServerShutdown" command for Discord, which triggers a graceful server shutdown.
  • Added the ability to force an update of all DiscordLink modules via the server GUI dropdown.
  • Added functionality for allowing users to opt out of chat message synchronization.

--- Improvements ---

  • The ingame DiscordLink user has been removed. DiscordLink now sends messages for unlinked accounts using their Discord name only and uses linked accounts where one exists.
  • Added a DiscordLink icon to the beginning of all messages sent from Discord.
  • All PlayerReport commands have been refactored and now take a parameter for which report type the user wants to request.
  • Renamed the "Restart" command to "RestartPlugin".
  • Changed the naming scheme for message forwarding commands.
  • The /Echo command now defaults to using the chat link for the channel in which the command was issued, if possible.
  • Replaced the "PluginStatusVerbose" command with a parameter for the "PluginStatus" command.

--- Bugfixes ---

  • Fixed account link role being created even if the setting for it was off.
  • Fixed reports including Housing XP not working.
  • Fixed exceptions being thrown when modules attempted to update while the plugin was starting or shutting down.
  • Fixed skill progress percent on reports always being 0.
  • Fixed several issues related to linked accounts for users that had no SLG account.

DiscordLink 3.2.0

14 Dec 21:11
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--- Improvements ---

  • Improved overall stability for module updates.

--- Bugfixes ---

  • Fixed an issue making the bot unable to read messages in Discord.
  • Fixed an issue related to sending DM:s to users who have blocked DMs.
  • Fixed the Server Time field of the Server Info Display using local time.
  • Fixed webserver URLs being malformed.
  • Reworked module handling to avoid module duplication (related to the duplication bugs).

DiscordLink 3.1.0

31 Aug 20:38
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Tested for Eco 9.6 using EM Framework 3.3.0

--- Additions ---

  • Added ExecuteEcoCommand command for running Eco commands from Discord.
  • Added an option for prefixing timestamps to all chatlink messages.
  • Added "DL-Update" command for forcing an immeadiate update of all active modules.
  • Added "DL-ClearRoles" command for clearing out all Discord roles created by DiscordLink.

--- Improvements ---

  • The Server Info Display now utilizes Discord timestamps.
  • The /DLT command now takes authorization into account when coloring and sorting trade entries.
  • Removed the timestamp from the Server Info Display title as it was redundant.
  • Removed "WebServerAddress" config field as the same option is now available in the vanilla Network.cfg config file.

--- Bugfixes ---

  • Fixed modules being duplicated on plugin restart - This fixes chat message duplication.
  • Fixed roles not being assigned when created.
  • Fixed chatlinks beyond the first one not being used (Thanks Lord-Helmchen!)
  • Fixed display config updates not taking effect until plugin restart.
  • Fixed Server Info Display displaying incorrect meteor info after the meteor was destroyed.
  • Fixed Server Log Feed being called "Server Status Feed" in the Server GUI display.
  • Fixed multiple time outputs not handling values over 24 hours.
  • Fixed "internal server errors" generated by Discord being thrown as warnings in the server log.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur at server startup.

DiscordLink 3.0.0

28 Apr 19:48
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Tested for Eco 9.5

--- Important Notes ---

  • EM Framework is no longer shipped with DiscordLink releases and is instead treated as a dependency. Download it from here
  • The config has had many changes to simplify setup, add new features and rework existing ones. It is advised to create a new config file. Existing configs WILL NOT WORK!
  • This update is pretty massive. The reason for this is that a lot of the basic functionality of the plugin has been reworked to improve stability and better facilitate future development. Future updates will arrive in smaller batches.
  • Chat logging functionality has been removed as this is now a feature in the base game.
  • The plugin has been reworked to target a single Discord server for ease of setup and development.
  • The config evaluation is no longer printed when the config is changed. Use the added VerifyConfig and VerifyPermissions commands or the GUI dropdown to trigger config evaluation.
  • The plugin no longer automatically restarts when you change the bot token. Use restart commands or dropdown options to restart the plugin after changing the bot token.

--- Linked Accounts ---

  • Fixed account linking failing in many cases.
  • Replaced the ?verifylink command with reaction buttons.
  • Added election reaction voting.
  • Added trade watcher feeds - See filtered trades in real time in bot DMs.
  • Reworked watched trades into trade watcher displays.

--- Roles ---

  • Added Discord role assignment for users who have linked their accounts.
  • Added ingame specialties synchronization to roles in Discord.

--- Displays ---

  • Added exhaustion information to Server Info Display.
  • Added additional customization for the Currency Display.
  • Added Web Server Url to election display message.
  • Added Webpage Address Link to Server Info.
  • Removed redundant PlayerDisplay module.
  • Replaced "Meteor Has Hit" component of Server Info display with a "Server Time" component.
  • Fixed election list component in Server Info showing empty fields.
  • Fixed player list component of Server Info causing misalignment.
  • Fixed creators list in Server Info law component not being split into multiple lines.
  • Fixed missing newlines in Server Info message.
  • Updated online Player Count component of Server Info to avoid confusion regarding server max slots.
  • Server info channel links now show player count by default.

--- Feeds ---

  • Added server log feed.
  • Fixed chat channel feed only being able to communicate between channels using the same name.

--- Commands ---

  • Added admin override to Discord command channel requirements.
  • Added VerifyConfig and VerifyPermissions commands for troubleshooting setup issues.
  • Added many commands for generating reports.
  • Added DL-LinkInfo command to Eco and Discord for showing information about account linking.
  • Added support for referencing players by ID in message commands.
  • Added buy/sell limits to Eco trades command.
  • Added sorting of eco trade command output lines based on entry status.
  • Added support for searching for specific stores with the trades command.
  • Fixed barter stores causing exceptions in the trades command.
  • Fixed Discord trades command duplicating the name of the matched item.
  • Fixed DiscordLink trades command not always finding store entries for tools.
  • Fixed BroadvastInvite commands erronously asking for a channel name parameter.
  • Fixed invite link token config being case sensitive.
  • Fixed failing command executions that fail due to being in the wrong channel reporting IDs instead of channel names if the config uses IDs.
  • Fixed capitalization of default admin command roles so that they display properly in Discord command execution failure messages.
  • Fixed it not being possible to execute some commands from Discord DMs.
  • Renamed Reset command => ResetWorldData.

--- Miscellaneous Improvements ---

  • Added server GUI dropdown options for config verification, permissions verification and plugin restart.
  • Added console text coloring.
  • Added configurable automatic enabling/disabling of the standard embed footer based on embed size.
  • Added config variable UseVerboseDisplay for controlling if the server GUI display output should be verbose.
  • Fixed plugin restarts not being allowed if the bot token was not set up.
  • Shortened time annotations to a single character in order to keep them on one line in embeds.
  • Made channel links print the actual channel name instead of ID if the link is valid.

DiscordLink 2.2.3

04 Sep 14:02
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Tested for Eco 9.4.1

--- Additions ---
Added compatibility with EM-Framework 2.2.3