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Releases: Eco-DiscordLink/EcoDiscordPlugin

DiscordLink 2.2.3

04 Sep 14:02
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Tested for Eco 9.4.1

--- Additions ---
Added compatibility with EM-Framework 2.2.3

DiscordLink 2.2.2

14 Aug 10:44
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Tested for Eco 9.4.0

--- Additions ---

  • Added support for Eco 9.4
  • Added colored logging printouts.
  • Added Elixir Mods versioning system.

--- Bugfixes & Improvements ---

  • Moved PluginLog to the logs subdirectory.

DiscordLink 2.2.1

29 Mar 22:11
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[Tested for Eco]

If you're updating from a previous version, make sure that you only have one version of "em-framework.dll".
It has been moved from "Mods/" to "Mods/Elixir Mods".

--- Bugfixes & Improvements ---

  • Fixed a crash that would occur if snippets with duplicate keys were added.
  • Fixed Restart command not working.
  • Fixed linked users sometimes getting lost when the server was restarted or a new link was added.
  • Fixed missing newline in the Server GUI Display.
  • Clarified text in the embed footer.
  • Moved em-framework.dll to "Mods/Elixir Mods".
  • Updated em-framework.dll to version 2.2.1.

DiscordLink 2.2.0

28 Feb 12:26
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[Tested for Eco]

If you are updating from an earlier version, make sure to read the Config Changes and Notes sections!

--- Additions ---

  • Added Eco <==> Discord account linking.
  • Added Crafting Feed.
  • Added Currency Display.
  • Added Trade Tracker Display.
  • Added active election information to the Server Info Display.
  • Added law information to the Server Info Display.
  • Added info about attachments in Discord messages being forwarded to Eco.
  • Added footer with meta data for Display messages.
  • Added optional "logged in time" Display for users in the Player List Display.
  • Added configurable list of Discord roles that DiscordLink should consider admins.
  • Added Discord Command Channels
    • If one or more Discord Command Channels are configured, the bot will only listen for user commands in these channels.
      Admin users will override this rule.
  • Added user command "Trades " to Eco.
    • Works like the ?trades command in Discord, but displays the information in Eco.
  • Added admin command "ResetWorldData" to Eco and Discord.
    • Deletes all data stored in the WorldData.JSON file. This command does the same data cleanup in DiscordLink as when a new world is created.
  • Added admin command "SendAnnouncement <Title> " to Eco and Discord
    • Sends an announcement message box to the target user.
  • Added admin command "BroadcastAnnouncement <Title> " to Eco and Discord
    • Sends an announcement message box to all online users.
  • Added admin command "SendPopup " to Eco and Discord
    • Sends a popup message to the target user.
  • Added admin command "BroadcastPopup " to Eco and Discord
    • Sends a popup message to all online users.
  • Added admin command "SendServerMessage " to Eco and Discord
    • Sends a server message to the target user.
  • Added admin command "BroadcastServerMessage " to Eco and Discord
    • Sends a server message to all online users.
  • Added admin commands "PluginStatus" and "PluginStatusVerbose" to Eco and Discord.
    • Prints data about the state of the running DiscordLink instance.

--- Bugfixes & Improvements ---

  • Fixed a crash that would occur if a command for sending server messages was sent via DM to the bot.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur if a user send a DM to the bot while Snippet input was enabled.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur if logging was used from multiple threads simultaniously.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur if a work party reward was not associated to a work party (Eco bug?)
  • Fixed the echo command failing to actually echo the command back in a chat link channel.
  • Fixed the echo command using the [echo] tag instead of the command token in an error message.
  • Fixed commands not being executed if sent in a DM to the bot.
  • Fixed logs being written to the wrong path on Linux.
  • Fixed Work Party Display using an excessive amount of decimals in reward descriptions.
  • Fixed the Invite command not providing feedback when executed from Eco.
  • Fixed the Election Display not respecting anonymous voting.
  • Fixed several issues with bartering stores and trade related functionality of DiscordLink.
  • Fixed several instances where tags weren't stripped when sending Eco data to Discord.
  • Added log printout for when the "Restart" command is executed.
  • Added the plugin version to the "About" command.
  • Added port number to Server Info Display Connection Info.
  • Added aliases "trade" and "dlt" to the Trades command.
  • Changed Trade Feed to use the store name instead of store owner name.
  • Changed the ServerStatus Discord command alias from "dl-status" to "dl-ecostatus".
  • Changed "Time Since Start" to "Current Time" in Server Info Display.
    • This change was made in order to be consistent with ingame time counting. This means that time counting now starts at Day 1 instead of "0 days elapsed".
  • Server log will not warn if features requiring Discord Guild Members intent are used without the intent being enabled for the bot.
    • The Discord Guild Members intent is currently needed only for linking Discord accounts to server users.
  • Improved readability of Eco forwarded messages in Discord.
  • Improved the accuracy of the Player List Display.
  • Player Lists in Server Info and Player List displays are now sorted alphabetically.
  • Modules will no longer run if there are no valid targets for them to post messages in.
    • This improves stability and allows server owners to turn off features that cause issues when the server is updated with breaking changes to DiscordLink.
  • Renamed "Server Address" in Server Info Display to "Connection Info".
  • Messages and embeds that exceed the allowed size in Discord will now be split up and sent as multiple messages.
    • This is not yet supported for Displays.
  • Reversed the order to buy and sell orders in Discord trades command output.
    • This change was made in order to be consistent with the ingame dl-trades command.

--- Config Changes ---

  • "EcoCommandChannel" has been renamed "EcoCommandOutputChannel".
  • "UseAddress" field in Server Info has been renamed "UseConnectionInfo".
  • "UseStartTime" field in Server Info has been renamed "UseCurrentTime".

--- Notes ---

  • All data files have been moved to /Configs/Mods/DiscordLink.
    • Previous versions of DiscordLink only stored logs in the mods directory.
      As some server hosts now expect mods to only have DLL files under the mod directory, I would recommend that you delete your previous DiscordLink folder from /Mods and create a new one using this version.
      Your config will remain intact as it is located under /Configs.
  • Any Discord users with the roles "admin", "administrator" or "moderator" will by default have access to admin level Discord commands.
  • Added dependency System.Threading.Timer.
  • Updated em-framework to version 2.1.2.
    • This fixes the issue with admin commands not being logged properly.
  • Updated DSharpPlus to version 4.0.0-rc1.

--- Known Issues ---

  • Display messages over the message length cap will not handle message splitting properly.

DiscordLink Plugin 2.1.1 [For Eco]

04 Nov 11:17
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--- Bugfixes & Improvements ---

  • Fixed election display that got broken in the Eco 9.1 update.
  • Fixed potential crash on plugin log writing.
  • Fixed link validation not being executed for Snippet channels.
  • Fixed bot name erroneously defaulting to bot token.
  • Fixed issue where the bot user would not be created if the not name was not configured.
  • Toned down some of the logging that the user generally can't do anything about.

DiscordLink Plugin 2.1.0 [For Eco]

30 Sep 10:09
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--- Additions ---

  • Added Discord Snippet Input feature.
  • Added Work Party Display feature.
  • Added Election Display feature.
  • Added parent Eco command "DiscordLink".
    • All DiscordLink Eco commands are now subcommands to the DiscordLink command.
  • Added Eco and Discord "About" command.
    • This command prints a text describing what DiscordLink is and links to the documentation.
  • Added Discord "Print" command.
    • This command echoes the inputted string.
    • This command is useful for making the bot output Display tags in the order you wish them to have them in a channel.
  • Added Eco and Discord "Restart" command.
    • This command restarts the plugin.
    • Resources that are only read on server restart (such as DLL files) will not be updated.
  • Added Rules for allowing/disallowing mentions of @everyone and @here.
    • Can be configured per Chat Link.
  • Added configuration field for the Eco bot user name.
    • Requires world reset to take effect.
  • Added options to Chat Links for selecting which direction(s) messages should be forwarded.
    • Options: EcoToDiscord, DiscordToEco, Duplex.
  • Added file logging for all non-verbose log messages.
    • The output file is at "Mods/DiscordLink/Pluginlog.txt"
  • Replaced the debug flag with a configurable log level.
    • Typically, only the plugin log level should be used while the backend one is for troubleshooting.
  • Replaced EcoStatus Display with Server Info Display.
    • This one is more or less the same as EcoStatus, but will hopefully cerate less confusion with the ?EcoStatus command.
  • Moved Player List out from the Server Info Display and into a separate Player List Display.

--- Bugfixes & Improvements ---

  • Reduced the amount of redundant outputs of config verification when the config is edited via the server GUI.
  • Eco Channel names will now automatically trim any '#' characters at the start of the name.
  • Chat log will now create any missing directory in the given path.
  • Added aliases to many commands in both Eco and Discord.
  • Restructured config to split channel links into Displays, Feeds and Inputs.
  • Fixed Server Info display outputting Eco tags when fetching the Title or Description from Network.Eco.
  • Fixed config verification reporting "All channels verified" when there were zero channel links configured.

--- Notes ---

  • This update makes extensive changes to the config. In order to avoid configuration erros, it is recommended that you recreate your config file.
  • Two more dependencies have been added.
    • Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions: DSharp dependency with a higher version than the one Eco uses.
    • Nito: Used for improved async handling.

DiscordLink Plugin 2.0.1 [For Eco 0.9.0 beta-staging-1742]

08 Sep 22:04
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Patch notes:
--- Bugfixes & Improvements ---

  • Fixed a rare crash that could occur if the Eco Status display was enabled and the Eco server stalled for an extended period of time.