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Generate new exception lists

Pierre Chaumeil edited this page Dec 19, 2016 · 6 revisions
  1. Export the exception list:
    • gtdb -r power weighted_tree_exceptions --output --output output_file
  2. Check manually the output file generated
  3. Generate the 2 lists (Archaea and Bacteria):
    • --exception_file EXCEPT_FILE --release_version RELEASE_ID
  4. Get the Ids of the previous exception lists
    • gtdb genome_lists view --root
  5. Set the previous exception lists to private:
    • gtdb genome_lists edit --list_id (id) --set_private


How exception creation works:

There is 2 filters in the exception pipeline:

  1. First Filter
    • Select genomes with Completeness >50 % and Contamination < 10% and Quality_Threshold > 50 % and with an NCBI taxonomy string.
    • For the selected genomes pick genomes where the order rank is not part of order ranks present in the set of genomes passing the normal filter (Completeness >60 & contamination < 10 & QT>60) or where the order is unknown