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38 lines (24 loc) · 2.48 KB


File metadata and controls

38 lines (24 loc) · 2.48 KB

import DocsLayout from "@components/layouts/DocsLayout.js"; import Link from "@components/Link";

Profile Tips

Make your BioDrop Profile stand out by following these tips.

Links: Prompt people to subscribe/follow

  • For YouTube links you can append your url with ?sub_confirmation=1 which will ask the visitor if they wish to subscribe
  • For Twitter you can use the "intent" link to ask people if they would like to follow you when visiting your profile. This is done with (for example
  • If you would like people to email you directly, you can add a link on your Profile with a URL mailto:<YOUR-EMAIL-ADDRESS> for example:

Milestones: Share your achievements and future goals

  • Whether it's reaching 1K followers on Twitter, winning a contest, or creating a project that helped your employer achieve company goals, share your achievements in the Milestones tab.
  • Hold yourself accountable by sharing your future goals in the Milestones tab.

Testimonials: Give and receive feedback

  • A good way to increase your Profile's visibility is to give testimonials to other BioDrop users, as you will appear on their Profile page.
  • To increase your Profile's credibility you can add testimonials to your Profile people have given you.

Events: Share your upcoming events

  • Another way to get more visibility to your Profile is to add your event activity, this is a good way to network and connect with others in your niche. Share what events you are participating in your Profile, these will also appear in the Events page on the app.

For example profiles and how to implement these tips in your Profile, visit the end section in the QuickStart guide

Repos: Share your Open Source GitHub repos/projects

  • If you have any Open Source projects on GitHub, you can add them to your Profile by adding the URL to the repos tab. This will also appear in the Global Repos page on the app.

export default ({ children }) => ( {children} );