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Getting Started

Zorro edited this page Sep 25, 2022 · 5 revisions

Welcome to EagleGUI!

Hello, and welcome! EagleGUI is the culmination of two different gui libraries I (Edgar Reynaldo aka Marc Davenport) have written over the past decade or so since 2009 when I decided I needed to make my code reusable and hopefully helpful to other beginning programmers. It was originally written with Allegro 4 in mind, and culminated in EagleClassic, a full gui library for Allegro 4. Over time I decided it had grown too dependent on Allegro 4 and so I completely rewrote Eagle to have an independent backend and be fully separate from the system and graphics driver in use. This led to Eagle Agile GUI Library and Extensions, which uses Allegro 5 as an independent backend. In the future, it will also be compatible with SDL2 and perhaps SFML or other backend libraries. All that is needed is a system driver and graphics driver. Most of the other functionality is provided directly by Eagle.

So, enough about Eagle's history. What can it do for me you say? Well first we need a working build. This is provided by CMake and MinGW-W64 or GCC on Windows or Linux. Plans for MSVS support are in the works, but not first priority. I would also like a working OSX build but I need testers for this.

Since there is only one backend for Eagle at this point (Allegro 5) we need a working Allegro 5 setup. You can use the official binaries for Allegro 5 on Windows, install using your favorite package manager on Linux, or build from source on any platform.

Relevant links for Allegro 5 installation :

If you need further help installing Allegro 5, please refer to the official website .

Installing Eagle

First, either download a binary package from Github on the releases page, or download a source package. You can also clone from GIT but ymmv as it is under development and may not be fully stable.

Releases :

Installation is up to you. I recommend keeping Eagle separate from other libraries and installing the include and lib folders from the archive into their own directory which you set a search path for in your IDE or build tool.


If you choose GIT or a source package, see Building with CMake

Once you've got Eagle built and/or installed, take a look at the Tutorials page for a broad overview of some of the different parts of Eagle.


Docs are included in every release of Eagle in Compiled HTML Help format (CHM). You can also build the docs yourself using Doxygen and running the Doxyfile in the Doxybuild directory of the repository. This will produce the HTML help files used in building the CHM manual.

Getting help

See docs/EagleFAQ.txt for some commonly asked questions about Eagle. If your question isn't answered there I have both a Discord channel and an IRC channel (I'm not always there, best way is to arrange a time to chat on Discord).

Discord link :

IRC link : #Eagle