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Quick Deploy on Azure

Edi Wang edited this page Jul 10, 2022 · 6 revisions

If you just want to quickly get it running on Azure without knowing every detail. You can have a minimal deployment by executing the quick start deployment script ./Deployment/AzureQuickDeploy.ps1 in PowerShell Core:


  • -regionName (Default "East Asia"): Name of the Azure region you want to deploy.
  • -useLinuxPlanWithDocker (Default 1): Set to 1 for Docker on Linux App Service Plan, it will be a ready to run deployment. Set it to 0 will for a Windows App Service Plan with code deployment from GitHub.
  • -createCDN (Default 0): Set to 1 to create CDN for image storage, but it needs 10 minutes to propagate.


./Deployment/AzureQuickDeploy.ps1 -regionName "East Asia" -createCDN 1


Example output

Your Moonglade will be deployed to [moongladersg285] in [East Asia] under Azure subscription [Microsoft MVP]. Please confirm before continue.
+ Linux App Service Plan with Docker
+ CDN (10 minutes to propagate)
Press [ENTER] to continue, [CTRL + C] to cancel:

Selected Azure Subscription:  Microsoft MVP
Preparing Resource Group
Creating Resource Group

Preparing App Service Plan
Creating App Service Plan

Preparing Web App
Creating Web App
Using Linux Plan with Docker image from 'ediwang/moonglade', this deployment will be ready to run.
Web App URL:

Preparing Storage Account
Creating Storage Account
Creating storage container

Preparing CDN
Creating CDN Profile
Creating CDN Endpoint

Preparing Azure SQL
Creating SQL Server
Setting Firewall to Allow Azure Connection
Creating SQL Database
SQL Server Password: m#yxy0heN

Updating Configuration
Setting SQL Database Connection String
Adding Blob Storage Connection String
Configuring CDN endpoint for Image Storage
It can take up to 10 minutes for endpoint '' settings to propagate.
Setup is done, you should be able to run Moonglade on '' now, press [ENTER] to exit.:
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