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DriveMotors System

The DriveMotors Car System with JavaFX is a desktop application designed to manage the inventory of cars in a car dealership. The system provides a graphical user interface (GUI) built with JavaFX, allowing users to interact with the application and perform various operations related to car inventory, sales, and customer management.



  • Car Inventory Management: The system allows administrators to add, edit, and delete car listings, including details such as make, model, year, price, and availability status.

  • Customer Management: The system provides functionality to manage customer information, including storing customer details, and maintaining a customer database.

  • Search and Filtering: Users can easily search and filter car listings based on criteria such as make, model, year, and price range, making it convenient for customers to find their desired cars.

  • User Authentication and Authorization: The system includes user authentication and authorization mechanisms to ensure secure access to the application. Administrators have additional privileges compared to regular customers.

Technologies Used

The DriveMotors Car System with JavaFX is developed using the following technologies:

  • Java: Programming language used for system development.
  • JavaFX: Java library for building the graphical user interface.
  • FXML: XML-based markup language for defining JavaFX user interfaces.
  • CSS: Styling language used to customize the appearance of the user interface.
  • MySQL: Relational database management system for storing car and customer information.


To install and run the DriveMotors Car Store System with JavaFX, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Set up a MySQL database and import the provided SQL schema file to create the necessary tables.
  3. Update the database connection settings in the configuration file.
  4. Build the project using a Java IDE or by running the build command.
  5. Run the application from the compiled JavaFX application file.

Note: Make sure you have Java Development Kit (JDK), JavaFX SDK, and MySQL installed and properly configured on your machine before running the application.


  1. Open the DriveMotors Car System application.
  2. Register a new account or log in with existing credentials.
  3. Browse the car listings, search for specific cars, and view their details.
  4. Place an order for a car or manage the car inventory and sales.
  5. Update customer information or manage customer records.
  6. Log out from the application when finished.


The DriveMotors Car System with JavaFX is open source and released under the MIT License.


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or want to add new features, please submit a pull request.


An app to manage car inventory at a dealership








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