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Uniform Data Operator

It's a framework that allows to oparate and manage your data by unified way, not depending from your database or prefered format. Standardize your data structures and avoid adjusting of your product only for one storage type that could be not suitable for you in future.


Format Description Link
Wiki Contains a description of logic processes into the framework. Link
API An online documentation with API overview. Link
Local A repository with generated documentation that could be used offline. Link


How to describe table class/struct?


At first you need to understand conception of work with data and them representations at database.

For every table on server that must be compatible with your application on native level you need to provide the class/structure with compatible and correct described fields/properties.

This class/structure would be a bridge betwee your local data and server representation.


Describing of data making by using of attributs from UniformDataOperator.Sql.Attributes namespace. (Custom attributes and modifiers can has other namespace).

  1. Define Table attribute for your class/structure. Describe correct scheme and table name.
  2. Define System.Serializable attribute for your class.
  3. For every field/property that would be a column defind Column attribute. Set column name and type at constructor.
  4. Define additive columns' attributes like isPrimaryKey, isAutoIncrement, Commentary, etc. More details you can wind in source or offline documetation.

How operator defines what would be included in auto generated read/write queries?

Every operator can has a different algorithm related to specific requirements of database server. But a common idea is mapping of you 'Table' defined class by Column attributes and generate the queries based on them settings and values.

If some attribute affecting algorithm then that described at that's summary.

I need to manage data received from server. How I can do it?

Just use a property as column. Then you would be able to manage a complex get/set algorithms during operator actions.

Can I add supporting of other SQL server?

Sure. Just create you ServerNameOperator that implement ISqlOperator interface and your data described by UDO's attributes would be compatible with your specific server.

Use the default MySqlDataOperator (group of partial classes) as example. Them are pretty good documented. If you done this job please consider sharing this source as contribution into UDO.

My SQL server incompatible with the DbDataType's indexes. How I can adjust my data?

By default Column attribute described via DbDataType that mostly unusable for huge count of types that custom for every different SQL server. If you faced with such kind of problem so just create your own modifying attribute that would be used on your custom ISqlOperator instance.

Use UniformDataOperator.Sql.MySql.Attributes.MySqlDBTypeOverride as example for your source. Check how it using at MySqlDataOperatorCommands.cs in ColumnDeclarationCommand method.

Auto write/read not enough flexible for me. How I can make custom query?

Auto managing of duplex exchanging of data with SQL server it's just a high end feature. But not the only way to manage your uniformed data.

All what you need it's pipe down on one level and start direct work with your ISqlOperator instance.

Make your own SQL command suitable by your specific task and send it to server via SqlOperatorHandler.Active.NewCommand(YOUR_COMMAND) by use one of provided methods :

  • ExecuteNonQuery
  • ExecuteScalar
  • ExecuteReader

How to establish connection with server?

  1. Create and instance of your ISqlOperator instance.
  2. Initialize properties of your ISqlOperator instance:
    • string Server
    • int Port
    • string Database
    • string UserId
    • string Password
  3. Call Initialize method on your ISqlOperator instance.
  4. Call OpenConnection method on your ISqlOperator instance.
  5. Execute your SQL query.
  6. Call CloseConnection method on your ISqlOperator instance.

Note that the action required only for manual commands.