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Support of the initiative

Volodymyr Podshyvalov edited this page Jul 30, 2022 · 3 revisions

Nice to meet you!

Hi, I am Volodymyr Podshyvalov, the lead developer of the WPFH framework. I am really glad to see you considering about contribution!

In that article I'll try to explain product expenses and the ways available for contribution. If the following options is not suitable for you please don't hesitate to contact me via LinkedIn.

Note that a part of expenses declared at the following article crossing with support requirements of my other open source products because them managing through the same legal entity.

Non financial contribution

The project requires not only financial and engineers contribution. There is a lot of task that can't be fullfiled by a small team.

So how you could help?

Way to contribute Description
Set the Star The simplest action but still very helpful. Any your activity shows to possible sponsors that the project is relevant.
Share Maybe you have colleagues that can be interested in using the WPFH. Than more developers using the framework then more support it has, then more usable it becomes for everyone.
Translation If you know the some popular language that's would be awesome contribution if you'll help with translation of the documentation and wiki.
Tutorials Maybe you already find out a good practice to use the WPFH. Would be really cool if you'll share your experience to community.
Enginiring You are talented engineer? So you may consider contribution of your experience by providing a new features for the framework.

Which features will be useful but not too complex with implementation?

You could improve already existed controls or add some new. That's very helpful for everyone!

Financial contribution

Most of us has no a time to make a source contribution, but still have a few coins that could be helpful for development.

Is my few dollars will be helpful?

Event if your donate not seems like something big be sure it's not like that for real.

  • It motivates to work.
  • It shows to big corporate sponsors that the product is interested to community.
  • You reveal to other members the idea of the project supporting.

What a features/improvements you have plan to add?

Feature / Improvement Reasone
Optimization The WPFH is a young framwork so it still has a modules that already work but still could work faster.
New in-box controls At the moment the WPFH hase only a base controls. The development of new standardized ones will highly simplify life of developers.

What will be done in case of success and stable funding?

This list in not a public offer and can be changed relative to the future goals of the initiative.

Goal Reasone
Hiring a technical writer During the development was spent about 30 hours on creating Wiki and providing a good enough in-source documentation. All that high-cost engineering time could spent on developing new features and improvement of existing one. Moreover a good writer will make it better then I'll do.
Building a content hub GitHub is awesome place but still not enough flexible for providing all content ecosystem for the framework. Will be much better to create a portal that has an interactive handbook, list of tutorials, multi-language documentation, addons marketplace/catalog.
Hiring engineer for examples development The good examples and tutorials is a better way to ramp up to the new framework. But that's not too complex engineering task. So it's not optimal to spend a core engineers' time on it.
Foundation establishment The current legal entity that using for money withdrawing has a taxes and that can lead to losing of significant amount of funds in case of product popularity. The best solution is establishment of a nonprofit foundation. Establishment cost: About 800 USD + 1000 USD as deposit for foundation liquidation in case of popularity decrease.
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