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Embedded Engineering programming languages

Scrappers Team edited this page Oct 14, 2022 · 1 revision

Programming languages:

Embedded programmable devices (MCUs and MPUs) interpret only the hex code, the code compiled from native code is the object code and it can be eventually transferred to hex code using objcopy utility which of course enables developers to program these embedded devices using only C.

Some processors which operates using an operating system flashed on a bios chip or an SD-Card (in case of beaglebone/raspberries) can be operated on an embedded linux image.

JVM and other high level programming languages interpreters can run on these high level OS based processors (Raspberries/Beaglebones/Android).

Here is a list of programming languages that could be used for embedded programmable devices:

  • C/C++
  • Assembly
  • Rust
  • Python (micropython, Not favored)

Examples of a C/C++ on avr mcus:

Here is a list of high level programming languages that could be used for embedded engineering applications with embedded linux:

  • C/C++
  • Java/Kotlin
  • Python
  • Shell (Bash)
  • JavaScript
  • Rust

Examples of an embedded application running on embedded linux:

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