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Simple C++ concurrency through the power of coroutines and data channels


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Mercury Concurrency Engine


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Licensed under the Apache 2.0 License:


You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS and WITHOUT WARRANTY, either expressed or implied.



High Level Cpp Coroutine Concurrency Summary

Summary of Concurrent Operations

Summary of Data Communication Operations

Doxygen Documentation

Generate Doxygen Documentation

doxygen documentation can be generated locally for this library. Install doxygen and graphviz packages then run doxygen:

cd /path/to/your/mce/repo/checkout

The generated doc/ directory should contain both html and rtf generated documentation. For html, open index.html by a browser to view the documentation.



C++ concurrency is too complicated. Many modern languages implement similar functionality through simpler and/or more expressive mechanisms, often executed at a comparable, or better, speed.

  1. Data Communication: It is too hard to share data between different places in code, threaded or otherwise. This library implements channel mechanisms for communicating data in a simple, threadsafe, and templated manner.

  2. Concurrency: It is too hard to set up an efficient and easy-to-use concurrency model where std::async is insufficient. Similarly, coroutines are not being leveraged in most C++ applications as a generic way to improve code efficiency. This project implements coroutine mechanisms for concurrency that utilize both coroutines and a generic worker thread backend to efficiently execute tasks in parallel.

This library attempts to address the above concerns by providing a concurrency model that:

  • leverages coroutines for efficiency improvements
  • implements simple multithreaded executors
  • implements communication mechanisms between any combination of coroutines and threads
  • is easy to use
  • is extremely fast
  • is very flexible
  • is easy to integrate in existing code

What is a coroutine?

Definition from wikipedia:

Coroutines are computer program components that generalize subroutines for non-preemptive multitasking, 
by allowing execution to be suspended and resumed. Coroutines are well-suited for implementing familiar 
program components such as cooperative tasks, exceptions, event loops, iterators, infinite lists and pipes.

Coroutines are very useful tools in concurrency because they are both lightweight and extremely fast when context switching. In fact, unit testing in this project reveals some edgecases which are greater than ~10x faster compared to threads (in some extreme edgecases, MUCH faster than that). These properties allow for efficient concurrent algorithms which are otherwise very difficult to write cleanly.

This library makes heavy use of coroutines (provided by Boost.Context and Boost.Coroutine2) to implement its features.

Why this instead of Boost.Fiber, libdill or C++20 coroutines?

There are a few reasons to use this instead of other projects like Boost.Fiber, libdill, or c++20 coroutines.

First of all, each of the above frameworks has some very inconvenient drawbacks:

Boost.Fiber is more of a "base library", intended to be used in other libraries. It requires a significant investment from the user to integrate and use it. It requires a much higher degree of knowledge to begin implementation, with a higher burden of knowledge required for general developers, due to not having a built in solution for blocking code nor a convenient mechanism for communicating between standard system threads and coroutines. It even requires the user to consider writing their own scheduling algorithms.

libdill, a c library, does not implement its framework with multithreading in mind, presupposing that programs would be singlethreaded with coroutines providing concurrency. It's documentation does suggest that multithreading is possible but does not provide much assistance in making it work. No doubt this is ideal in many programs which desire to write their code in c. However, the lack of default multithreaded executors limits the usability and potential scope of the library for many applications (especially ones that don't want to write and debug their own!). Futhermore, because libdill is a c library, it eschews much of the convenience and simplicitly possible in a well designed c++ library due to language limitations.

Finally, c++20 coroutines are... an intensely complicated topic. They are extremely fast and lightweight, but just as extremely low level. They are highly structured in a way that limits what can be done with them. Their requirements force any program that utilizes them to design their program around c++20 coroutines at some level rather than simply integrating into existing code. Most of all, they are anything but easy to use. Frankly, I consider them, at least in their current form, a topic only approachable by c++ experts, and could not be easily utilized by a broader team.

In comparison, this library attempts to address the various issues from the other frameworks:

This library's API is very simple

The mechanisms in this library are designed for simplicity and usability first, instead of as a framework which must provide maximum design flexibility. Mechanisms make use of c++ templates to simplify user boilerplate as much as possible.

Scheduling coroutines on backend worker threads is simple, fast, flexible, safe and setup by default. No extra work is required to efficiently schedule coroutine tasks in multithreaded pool of workers. Simply use mce::parallel() (to prefer multi cpu-core scheduling) or mce::concurrent() (to prefer scheduling on the current cpu if possible): example_009 source

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <mce/mce.hpp>

void concurrent_foo(mce::chan<std::string> ch) {

int main() {
    mce::chan<std::string> ch = mce::chan<std::string>::make();

    // interact with concurrent_foo by sending messages over channel object "ch"
    std::string s;

    std::cout << "received: " << s << std::endl;
    return 0;

Terminal output:

$ ./ex/example_009 
received: hello

I have found that writing scheduling algorithms is always a dangerous undertaking. Having scheduling and backend worker thread executors setup by default with a simple API makes coroutines accessible to programmers.

  • mce::concurrent(): launch a coroutine, prefering to be launched on the current thread if possible (caller is running on a worker thread) and a background worker thread otherwise. That is, the launched coroutine is concurrent but not guaranteed to be parallel, and typically has the shortest communication latency. This is the recommended default scheduling algorithm.
  • mce::parallel(): launch a coroutine distributed efficiently across 1 or more background worker threads based on scheduling load. The launched coroutine is concurrent and parallel.
  • mce::balance(): launch a coroutine distributed efficiently across 1 or more background worker threads based on scheduling load. This is a best effort algorithm which prefers to schedule on the calling thread for best-case communication latency, but will schedule on other threads if CPU workload becomes too imbalanced.

As a generalized rule:

  • when CPU throughput is not a bottleneck: a single core is the most efficient (use mce::concurrent())
  • when CPU throughput is a bottleneck: multiple cores are the most efficient (use mce::parallel())
  • when CPU may become a bottleneck: prefer single core but fallback to multiple cores (use mce::balance())

It should be noted that in many or most cases the bottleneck is actually not the CPU throughput. In fact, program bottlenecks are not the real reason for many uses of threads, the user may be leveraging threads for asynchronous behavior in general. In those circumstances, best results will probably be found with mce::concurrent().

Accessible Low level API:

The user can manually create and manage the underlying mce::scheduler objects to schedule and execute coroutines. If the user desires, they can even create custom mce::coroutine objects to manually manage.

See summary of concurrent operations for documentation on all of the above features.

Ease of Integration

All concurrent mechanisms in mce are designed to behave correctly whether they are being called from a standard thread (std::thread, generally a pthread under the hood) or being called from within a coroutine (mce::coroutine, a managed boost::coroutines2::coroutine under the hood). This is not a trivial feature, and not all competing c++ frameworks attempt it. In particular, none that I know of correctly synchronize between coroutines and code running outside of coroutines like this library does by default.

This makes it very easy to integrate this library into existing c++ code.

A std::thread calling a mce::buffered_channel's send() will behave in a similar way as a mce::coroutine object (executing inside a mce::scheduler) calling send(), even though their blocking mechanisms are completely different underneath.

List of objects and mechanisms which share this interoperability:


High Level Communication Mechanisms

A variety of flexible and easy to use communication mechanisms are provided out of the box to handle 99% of communication needs within a single process:

mce::chan // wrap any other channel (a synchronized queue-like object allowing sends and receives)
mce::unbuffered_channel // channel with minimal memory footprint that leverages coroutine context switching efficiency
mce::buffered_channel // channel with configurable memory footprint (buffer size)
mce::await() // block an operation without blocking the calling thread if called by a coroutine
mce::mutex // a replacement for `std::mutex` which works with coroutines and threads, usable with mce::condition_variable
mce::condition_variable // a replacement for `std::condition_variable` for use with `mce::mutex`

Trivial blocking operations

One of the inherent pitfalls of coroutines is that their blocking behavior is managed by the program instead of by the operating system. This means you can cause unexpected deadlock and innefficiency when trying to call any function that blocks a worker thread where coroutines are running. Boost.Fiber specifies the user should either implement non-blocking IO calls or to setup an asynchronous callback mechanism with Boost.Asio to deal with this limitation.

I think this is far too much work to expect of the average programmer (OR an architect, who has many other important things to do) when dealing with something as complex as coroutine concurrency, with far too little gained in efficiency in the average case.

Instead, mce provides a generic mce::await() function which will provide an std::thread and execute the blocking code there instead. When user function finishes, mce::await() will resume the mce::coroutine back to the original thread it was running on and return the value of asynchronously executed function.

That is, there's no need to have to manage futures and promises when dealing with mce::await() calls, you just get the result when it completes: example_001 source

#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <mce/mce.hpp>

void read_file_content(std::string fname, mce::chan<int> done_ch) {
    std::string fileContent;

    // create a function to execute in mce::await() that accesses the caller's stack 
    auto read_file = [&] {
        std::ifstream file(fname); // open file

        if(file.is_open()) { 
            std::ostringstream ss;
            ss << file.rdbuf(); // extract file contents
            fileContent = ss.str();
            return true; // await() will return what the input function returns
        } else { 
            return false; 

    // wait for boolean return value of read_file function
    if(mce::await(read_file)) { 
        std::cout << "file successfully read" << std::endl; 
    } else { 
        std::cout << "failed to read file" << std::endl; 

    std::cout << "fileContent: " << fileContent << std::endl;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    // this is test setup, just ensuring there is a file to read
    std::string fname("my_filename.txt");
    std::ofstream file(fname, std::ios_base::trunc);

    if(file) {
        file << "hello world!";


    // launch asynchronous coroutine to read the file content 
    auto done_ch = mce::chan<int>::make(); 
    mce::parallel(read_file_content, fname, done_ch);

    // wait for coroutine to finish before the program exits
    int r;
    return 0;

Terminal output:

$ ./ex/example_001
file successfully read
fileContent: hello world!

It should be noted that in the above example the function passed to mce::await() accesses values on the coroutine's stack by reference. This is totally safe because when mce::await() is executing:

  • the coroutine or thread calling it will be blocked, meaning there's no competition for accessing values on their stacks
  • the coroutine or thread calling it will be guaranteed to keep their stack in memory

This means it's generally safe to read/write to memory in their stacks by reference. You can think of functions passed to mce::await() as "executing on the stack" of the caller, even though they are actually executing somewhere else.

If mce::await() is called outside of a coroutine running on a mce::scheduler OR mce::await() was called inside another call to mce::await(), the argument Callable is executed immediately on the current thread instead of on another thread. Otherwise, the calling coroutine will be blocked an the operation passed to mce::await() will be executed on another, dedicated thread inside another mce::scheduler.

Calls (or implicit calls) to this_scheduler(), this_scheduler_ref(), this_threadpool(), or this_threadpool_ref() made within a call to mce::await() will return the values they would have if they had been called outside of mce::await(). That is, code running in mce::await() will be able to schedule operations as if it was running in its original execution environment. IE, calls to mce::concurrent(), mce::parallel(), and mce::balance() will function "normally".

What about Networking or other Features?

A common feature in coroutine frameworks is the presence of ipv4/ipv6 support. Said frameworks want to provide a coroutine compatible API for said operations. IE, networking is, by design, a blocking task, and blocking tasks running in a coroutine scheduling environment can introduce latency or deadlock.

However, it should be pointed out that the real problem here is not that networking "functionality" creates problems for coroutines but the fact that networking features are blocking. As discussed in the previous section, blocking tasks can be passed to mce::await() for execution where they won't affect scheduling of any other coroutines. Additionally, because communication channels work in both coroutines and standard threads, the task executing in mce::await() (or any other std::thread) can communicate back to running coroutines using said channels. This allows the user to use whatever standard networking implementation they desire and route the results back into the coroutine environment when they are available.

The main consideration the user may need to make when executing blocking networking operations in mce:await() calls is the number of default await worker threads they want available by default. mce::await() will spawn additional threads as necessary, but it tries to keep a preconfigured number of reusable worker threads in existence. If the user is consistently executing many blocking calls they can consider spawning more reusable worker threads to improve efficiency. This count of worker threads can be modified in this library's toplevel CMakeLists.txt by modifying the MCEMINAWAITPROCS variable.




This project is designed for a POSIX linux environment.


The following POSIX libraries are required:

  • pthread // it is potentially possible that a different threading library is required depending on OS configuration

This library directly utilizes the following boost libraries:

  • boost/coroutine2
  • boost/context

As well as the following boost header only libraries (and dependencies):

  • boost/circular_buffer

It should be noted that the boost features are automatically downloaded and built from source for this project, as necessary.


  • c++11 compiler toolchain
  • cmake
  • make
  • python3
  • wget
  • tar

Building the library


If you want to build unit tests you will need to checkout submodules for the googletest framework:

git clone --recurse-submodules

Building on linux:

cmake .
make mce

Which produces the static library:


Boost Version

The library build make targets will download and build boost from source if the specified version of boost source code is not available. The version of boost can be configured by modifying the following variables in the CMakeLists.txt:


If the boost download url becomes outdated, consider either updating the MCE_BOOST_DOWNLOAD_URL CMake variable.

Pre-downloaded Boost

You can manually download and extract boost in the root of this repository to boost/boost_major_minor_patch (replace major, minor, and patch with appropriate version values and be sure to update the CMakeLists.txt MCE_BOOST_MAJOR_VERSION, MCE_BOOST_MINOR_VERSION, and MCE_BOOST_PATCH_VERSION variables).

Doing this will skip the boost download step.

Pre-built Boost

It is also possible to use linux symlinks to point to a prebuilt boost version. After making the symlink, you will need to create a file called boost.built in the project's root (with a command doing something like: touch boost.built).

WARNING: If you use a prebuilt version of boost, you MUST ensure that the following features are built:


You can do this by passing the following arguments to b2 when building boost:

--with-context --with-coroutine --with-thread

Configuring library threadcounts

The following features can be configured ON/OFF enable or disable compile time defines which configure or disable default background threads:

# Define the count of threads in the background default threadpool accessed by 
# features like `mce::parallel()`. If `0` is set (the default), the library will 
# decide how many threads to spawn, preferring maximum CPU throughput.

# Define the minimum count of available threads for await tasks executed by 
# `mce::await()` (more will be temporarily spawned as necessary).

The general design of a default compilation of this framework is to provide the following:

  • N background worker threads (where N is equal to the number of CPU cores)
  • 1 reusable background await thread (more will temporarily spawn as necessary)
  • 1 background timer thread

There will also be the main thread the process spawns on, so the total default threadcount after initialization is N+3.

Building the library with minimal threadcount

In many cases, having a minimal count of background worker threads is ideal. This is because many (most?) programs are not bottlenecked by CPU throughput, and will benefit instead from minimal coroutine communication latency.

The mce_minimal make target is the equivalent of setting


Which limits the default threadpool to 1 worker thread. When heavy parallelization is not required, and the user only needs the efficiency gains and design simplicity of coroutines, this is a useful target to link against as this will enforce singlethreaded coroutine execution.

Building on linux

cmake .
make mce_minimal

Which produces the static library:


Doing this will set the background executor to build with only 1 worker thread. Leaving all other options on their defaults, this results in your process launching with access to 4 default threads:

  • main thread
  • coroutine executor background worker thread
  • await background worker thread (more will be spawned as necessary)
  • timer background thread

The 3 non-main threads will block and take no further resources until needed. This pattern is suprisingly useful, as the main thread can launch all other operations on the coroutine background worker thread using mce::concurrent(). If interprocess communication is necessary, the main thread can begin listening for messages at this point, otherwise it can block.

A program designed for mce multithreaded execution (IE, explicit calls to mce::parallel() and mce::balance()) will still function in this environment. In fact, assuming the user is not manually using custom mce::threadpool objects, mce::parallel() and mce::balance() become nearly indistinguishable from mce::concurrent() when operating with a single executor thread, they "Just Work".

It should be noted that scheduling exclusively with ccc::concurrent() will provide similar behavior to compiling against mce_minimal, so if your program already is written with singlethreaded concurrency in mind, it may be unecessary to change link targets (though doing so will save a small amount of memory).

Linking the library


To link against and use this library you will need to add the boost root (IE, boost/boost_1_85_0/) and the mce inc/ directory to your program's include flags.

Similarly you will need to instruct the linker about the boost lib and mce project root directories to find the relevant libraries (like libmce.a/libmce_minimal.a).

Given some shell environment variable named MCE_ROOT (which points to the mce project's root directory) here is a trivial Makefile illustrating how to link against the dependencies when using this library:

CFLAGS+="-I$MCE_ROOT/boost/boost_1_85_0 "
LDFLAGS+="-L$MCE_ROOT/boost/boost_1_85_0/stage/lib -L$MCE_ROOT "
LIBS=-lmce -lboost_coroutine -lboost_context -lpthread

yourprogram: yourprogram.cpp
	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) yourprogram.cpp $(LIBS) -o yourprogram

	rm yourprogram

You can then include #include <mce/mce.hpp> (or any other header in inc/mce/). Example yourprogram.cpp: example_009 source

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <mce/mce.hpp>

void concurrent_foo(mce::chan<std::string> ch) {

int main() {
    mce::chan<std::string> ch = mce::chan<std::string>::make();

    // interact with concurrent_foo by sending messages over channel object "ch"
    std::string s;

    std::cout << "received: " << s << std::endl;
    return 0;

Integrating the Library


Integrating any framework into an existing codebase is an art unto itself. However, this library is simpler to integrate compared to others of its kind because most code will function as normal when running in a coroutine or can be easily wrapped. For any code you wish to migrate to this framework, the following is suggested:

Feature Checklist

Based on your program requirements, specify values in the CMakeLists.txt before building, if necessary:

  • Background Executor Threadcount: control with MCEMAXPROCS
  • Background Await Threadcount: control with MCEMINAWAITPROCS

Integration Checklist

For all code that needs to be migrated to this library, complete the following checklist:

  • replace all relevant usage of std::threads or pthreads with mce::concurrent()/mce::parallel() etc.
  • replace all relevant usage of std::mutex or pthread_mutex_t with mce::mutex
  • replace all relevant usage of std::condition_variable or pthread_cond_t with mce::condition_variable
  • wrap all other blocking or system calls with mce::await()
  • implement calls to mce::threadpool::suspend()/mce::threadpool::resume()/mce::threadpool::halt() and/or mce::scheduler::run()/mce::scheduler::suspend()/mce::scheduler::resume()/mce::scheduler::halt() to properly pause/unpause/stop coroutine execution during process lifecycle changes. The default threadpool mce::default_threadpool() only needs suspend()/resume() to be called (run()/halt() are called by the library in this case).

If the user encounters deadlock, that is an indication that some blocking code was not properly addressed. Pay careful attention to the behavior of internal library code, and consider wrapping its blocking calls with mce::await(). If some code proves particularly difficult to wrap with mce::await(), consider leaving that code running on a separate system thread.

Assuming the user has relevant stress testing implemented the above should be sufficient to demonstrate categorical improvements to user code efficiency.

Additional Integration Improvements Checklist

Here are other efficiency improvement steps that can be taken when integrating this library (ordered from most to least important):

  • replace interthread message passing and communication with channels. IE, channels are generally faster than raw mutex/conditions.
  • if many mce::await() calls are being made, rebuild this framework with MCEMINAWAITPROCS set greater than 1, as needed, so fewer threads need to be regularly spawned & destroyed.
  • replace any slow timer usage (such as interprocess timers) with calls to mce::timer()/mce::default_timer_service()->timer()
  • rewrite any algorithms that need to be concurrent, but not parallel, with mce::concurrent() or mce::this_scheduler()->schedule() to reduce communication latency introduced by unnecessarily running code on separate CPU cores.
  • rewrite complicated asynchronous algorithms to benefit from direct coroutine channel communication, rather than abstracted through many levels of boilerplate. This will improve code clarity and may improve efficiency as well. IE, it's much easier to understand and debug two functions talking through a channel than a complicated array of asynchronous callbacks and state checks

Building unit tests


From repository toplevel

cmake .  
make mce_ut  

run unit tests:


Tests are written using gtest and therefore can filter which tests will actually execute using --gtest_filter="your regular expression here" as an argument provided to mce_ut.

Building examples


From repository toplevel

cmake .  
make mce_ex

run unit examples (replace NNN with specific example number):


Below is the code for a standalone program from example code included in ex/src.

example_002 source

// example_002
#include <iostream>
#include "mce.hpp"

int main()
  const int max = 10;
  auto ch = mce::chan<int>::make();
  auto done_ch = mce::chan<bool>::make();

  auto sender = [](int max, mce::chan<int> ch)
      for(int i=0; i<max; ++i)

  auto receiver = [](int max, mce::chan<int> ch, mce::chan<bool> done_ch)
      for(auto& i : ch)
          std::cout << i << std::endl;

  mce::parallel(sender, max, ch);
  mce::parallel(receiver, max, ch, done_ch);
  bool r;
  return 0;

terminal output

$ ./ex/example_002

Continuous Integration Tests


The python script is to be run with python3 ./script/ It builds and runs all enabled unit tests and examples, to generally verify everything is working. Running this may take a long time. It may also heavily tax your system's cpu resources.

Continuous integration tests require both gcc/g++ and clang/clang++ toolchains to be installed on the system in their normal locations (/usr/bin/). Testing attempts to be fairly exhaustive.

Bug Reports


If you are having issues with the code that is not solved by the help provided in the documentation:

High Level Cpp Coroutine Concurrency Summary

Summary of Concurrent Operations

Summary of Data Communication Operations

Doxygen Documentation

Then you are welcome to report an issue in the Issues tab. In your issue please include:

  1. A clear, well written explanation of what you are trying to accomplish
  2. A clear, well written explanation of the error
  3. All necessary snippets of code that are failing
  4. A copy, verbatim, of any error text reported by the compiler or executing environment
  5. Information about your executing hardware: processor model, processor specs, RAM specs, etc.
  6. Information about your executing environment: OS & OS version, build environment (ie, gcc or clang, cmake or gradle, etc. along with version information for said tools), build settings (the actual arguments given to each tool), etc.



Contributions to this project are welcome, please read this primer for instructions on how to contribute