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Elgg has two mechanisms to respond to HTTP requests that don't already go through the :doc:`/design/actions` and :doc:`/guides/views/simplecache` systems.

URL Identifier and Segments

After removing the site URL, Elgg splits the URL path by / into an array. The first element, the identifier, is shifted off, and the remaining elements are called the segments. For example, if the site URL is, the URL produces:

Identifier: 'blog'. Segments: ['owner', 'jane']. (the query string parameters are available via get_input())

The site URL (home page) is a special case that produces an empty string identifier and an empty segments array.

Page Handler

To handle all URLs that begin with a particular identifier, you can register a function to act as a :doc:`/guides/pagehandler`. When the handler is called, the segments array is passed in as the first argument.

The following code registers a page handler for "blog" URLs and shows how one might route the request to a resource view.

elgg_register_page_handler('blog', 'blog_page_handler');

function blog_page_handler(array $segments) {
     // if the URL is
     // $segments contains: ['view', '123', 'my-blog-post']

     $subpage = elgg_extract(0, $segments);
     if ($subpage === 'view') {

         // use a view for the page logic to allow other plugins to easily change it
         set_input('guid', (int)elgg_extract(1, $segments));
         echo elgg_view('resources/blog/view');

         // in page handlers, return true says, "we've handled this request"
         return true;

     // ... handle other subpages

The route Plugin Hook

The route plugin hook is triggered earlier, before page handlers are called. The URL identifier is given as the type of the hook. This hook can be used to modify the identifier or segments, to take over page rendering completely, or just to add some logic before the request is handled elsewhere.

Generally devs should use a page handler unless they need to affect a single page or a wider variety of URLs.

The following code intercepts requests to the page handler for customblog and internally redirects them to the blog page handler.

function myplugin_customblog_route_handler($hook, $type, $returnvalue, $params) {
    // direct Elgg to use the page handler for 'blog'
    $returnvalue['identifier'] = 'blog';
    return $returnvalue;

elgg_register_plugin_hook_handler('route', 'customblog', 'myplugin_customblog_route_handler');

The following code results in /blog/all requests being completely handled by the plugin hook handler. For these requests the blog page handler is never called.

function myplugin_blog_all_handler($hook, $type, $returnvalue, $params) {
    $segments = elgg_extract('segments', $returnvalue, array());

    if (isset($segments[0]) && $segments[0] === 'all') {
        $title = "We're taking over!";
        $content = elgg_view_layout('one_column', array(
            'title' => $title,
            'content' => "We can take over page rendering completely"
        echo elgg_view_page($title, $content);

        // in the route hook, return false says, "stop rendering, we've handled this request"
        return false;

elgg_register_plugin_hook_handler('route', 'blog', 'myplugin_blog_all_handler');

Routing overview

For regular pages, Elgg's program flow is something like this:

  1. A user requests
  2. Plugins are initialized.
  3. Elgg parses the URL to identifier blog and segments ['owner', 'jane'].
  4. Elgg triggers the plugin hook route, blog (see above).
  5. Elgg finds a registered page handler (see above) for blog, and calls the function, passing in the segments.
  6. The page handler function determines it needs to render a single user's blog. It stores the username via set_input() and calls the view resources/blog/owner.
  7. The resources/blog/owner view gets the username via get_input(), and uses many other views and formatting functions like elgg_view_layout() and elgg_view_page() to create the entire HTML page.
  8. The page handler echos the view HTML and returns true to indicate it handled the request.
  9. PHP invokes Elgg's shutdown sequence.
  10. The user receives a fully rendered page.

Elgg's coding standards suggest a particular URL layout, but there is no syntax enforced.