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SAMLv2 Authenticated application

I integrated the SAMLv2 spring security plugin in our application some time ago, and I must say that was a bit challenging at the beginning: it took me a while to have it up and running, because I felt the need to understand what the different pieces where doing, how they where interacting, and how to choose between the options.

The doc of the plug in is actually very clear, but the style of writing was a bit too much "manualistic" for me, and it really took me a while to understand how and why i wanted to combine the pieces.

What follows is a bit of a reconstructed journal of my exploration, in the hope of putting my notes out from draft. It will help me to keep these things in mind (and at hand). Hopefully can be of some use for someone else.

The structure

We devs learn a lot from others' code, and with git we have the opportunity to snapshot different versions in a common format. I will make a tag for every interesting step and report what is done and why.

1. The starting step (v1.0.0)

We start from a pretty basic spring boot application with spring security, without database. It has a login screen, some users and roles (not used), a public page (the index) and a secret page ("/secret"). There is no static resources. I use CDN, and i don't need to talk about how to serve static resources with spring security.

There are also a couple of tests that ensure that login screen behaves as expected, the anonymous resource is available, the secret one needs login.

Importing the library (v2.0.1)

To import the library, at the time of the writing, you also need to import from an additional repo, the

repositories {
  maven {
    url ""

And of course add the library itself

ext {
  samlSpringSecurityVersion   = '2.0.0.M17'

dependencies {
  compile ("${samlSpringSecurityVersion}")


Many Thanks to Filip Hanik (something in your name screams Czechia, even if you live in Vancouver...) for his work and to pivotal for spring (Vidim co tam chces Filipe).

Configuring the integration (Core) (v2.0.2)

The first thing we want to do is to set up a SAML Service Provider configuration, extending and overriding SamlServerConfiguration getDefaultHostSamlServerConfiguration in the following way

    protected SamlServerConfiguration getDefaultHostSamlServerConfiguration() {
        final SamlServerConfiguration samlServerConfiguration = new SamlServerConfiguration();
        final LocalServiceProviderConfiguration serviceProvider = getLocalServiceProviderConfiguration();
        return samlServerConfiguration;

    private LocalServiceProviderConfiguration getLocalServiceProviderConfiguration() {
        final LocalServiceProviderConfiguration serviceProvider = new LocalServiceProviderConfiguration();

        List<ExternalIdentityProviderConfiguration> providers = new ArrayList<>();
        return serviceProvider;

in the private method, we are setting all the interesting information about our setup, like keys, providers, alias and the authentication response filter.

Key setup

The key setup interesting part is how the key is extracted from the local key, and set in the SimpleKey The RotatingKeys class is basically a key provider. The following configuration is for using only one key for everything.

  private RotatingKeys rotatingKeys() {
        X509Certificate myCertificate = CertUtil.getCertificateByName("test", "truststore.jks", null);
        final RotatingKeys rotatingKeys = new RotatingKeys();
        SimpleKey activeKey = new SimpleKey();
        try {
        } catch (CertificateEncodingException e) {
        return rotatingKeys;

    private String getCertificateForKey(X509Certificate myCertificate) throws CertificateEncodingException {
        return getEncoder().encodeToString(myCertificate.getEncoded());

Identity providers

This one is super easy: just create a new ExternalIdentityProviderConfiguration and set his metadata to the url or the xml string body (yep, it can distinguish and behave accordingly), whatever is easier for you. If you are in a private network you will probably want the second approach.

   private ExternalIdentityProviderConfiguration externalProvider() {
        final ExternalIdentityProviderConfiguration externalIdentityProviderConfiguration = new ExternalIdentityProviderConfiguration();
        return externalIdentityProviderConfiguration;


The alias is the internal name that the Service provider uses for preparing the SSO consumer url. It is not the "Service Provider Name", because that name usually contains characters like ":" being a urn, and the url can result ugly.

Authentication response filter

The Authentication response filter is the place where you transform the information that comes from the idp to your user. The mechanism that i describe here is an, but you will use an in more complex cases.

First you need to override

    public Filter spAuthenticationResponseFilter() {
        SamlResponseAuthenticationFilter filter = (SamlResponseAuthenticationFilter) super.spAuthenticationResponseFilter();
        filter.setAuthenticationManager(new SamlAuthenticationManager());
        return filter;

Then you set the authentication manager as follows

public class SamlAuthenticationManager implements AuthenticationManager {
    public Authentication authenticate(Authentication authentication) throws AuthenticationException {
        SamlAuthentication samlAuthentication = (SamlAuthentication) authentication;
        return new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(asUser(samlAuthentication), "***", authentication.getAuthorities());

    private UserDetails asUser(SamlAuthentication samlAuthentication) {
        String userName = samlAuthentication.getAssertion().getFirstAttribute("UserID").getValues().get(0).toString();
        String[] authorities = new String[]{samlAuthentication.getAssertingEntityId()};
        return new User(userName, "***", asAuthorities(authorities));

Of course this is just a stub, maybe in your case you will want to use the email or maybe resolve the UserID against a database to resolve the authorities: this is already app logic!

Last Step

Here you just create a subclass for and feed in the configuration you just made

public class SamlWebSecurityConfiguration extends SamlServiceProviderSecurityConfiguration {

    public SamlWebSecurityConfiguration(SamlServiceProviderServerBeanConfiguration configuration) {

As a side note, @Order(1) menas that this settings will take precedence on @Order(2). Yes, when there is more than 1 security configuration you NEED to specify an order.

Special thanks

To YSoft, for being a company where one can work productively, and to Scan Team For being the best team i have ever been in!

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