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Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Getting started
  3. Usage
  4. Architecture
  5. Structure
  6. Running the tests
  7. Dependencies
  8. Workflow
  9. API


Clone app of the social media app threads


Threads is a messaging application designed to connect you with the world. Built on the Firebase platform and utilizing the Kingfisher library for efficient image loading, Threads provides a modern and reliable messaging experience.
The application follows the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architecture pattern, ensuring clean separation of concerns. It leverages Firebase for networking, allowing messages to reach users worldwide.
This project is an excellent starting point for developers looking to explore iOS app development with Firebase integration.

Getting started

1. Ensure you have Xcode version 13.0 or above installed on your computer.
2. Clone the Threads project from the repository.
3. Install CocoaPods if not already installed.
4. Run `pod install` to install dependencies.
5. Open the Xcode project.
6. Review the code to understand the implementation.
7. Run the project, and you should see the application in action.


To send a message globally, log in with the provided credentials.


  • Threads utilizes the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architecture pattern.
  • Model contains data and business logic for generating messages.
  • View displays messages to users.
  • ViewModel handles user interactions and updates the Model and View accordingly.
  • The project does not include a database or complex user interface.


  • "App": App main contains the screen.
  • "Core": Core file contains the core files of the project
  • "Features": All project features
  • "Product": Product section contains all application specific parts, for example components, viewmodifiers, enums, extension etc.
  • "Resources": Non-code files such as images, audio, and video assets.

Running the tests

Threads is tested using the XCTest framework.
Create a new test target in Xcode, add test files to the "test" folder, and write test functions using XCTest.


CocoaPods is used as a dependency manager. List of dependencies:

  • pod 'Firebase': Networking library for global message delivery.
  • pod 'Kingfisher': It provides you a chance to use a pure-Swift way to work with remote images.


  • Reporting bugs: Report issues on the GitHub repository.
  • Bug report form:
  • Pull requests: Submit bug fixes or new features after testing and adhering to Swift style guide.
  • Improving documentation: Submit pull requests for documentation improvements.
  • Providing feedback: Share feedback or suggestions by creating an issue or emailing the maintainer.


  • Threads uses Firebase for seamless messaging.


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