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This provides scripts to create simple statistics based on the daily usage information a router can send.
The tool is split in three parts which can be used separately, though they are somewhat dependend on each other.


You need at least a Python 3.6 installation.

First you'll need to install two dependencies that are used throughout the code just type:

pip install beautifulsoup4
pip install matplotlib

Then download the scripts in a directory of your choice.

I recommend using a virtual environment so not to install the packages in your global space.


Before the first run you'll need to fill the config.ini with your informations. The file is as the name suggest a simple .ini file that is parsed by the scripts to get a few configurations.


The tool is split in three parts that are three distinct scripts.

This script goes through the contents of the inbox defined in the config.ini and downloads the HTML body of all emails with the text "Nutzungs-" in their name. As of right now it only supports the German version. The HTML body is saved as YYYY-MM-DD.html in the html_path setting.

The script only downloads days that it can't find in the html_path and archive_path that way we don't download more than we need.


This scripts takes all .html files in the html_path and parses them into a CSV file specified in the csv_file_path setting. The parsed mails are moved to the archive_path to prevent parsing the data multiple times.


This script uses the data in the CSV file to generate statistics for one month. The month can be specified via the -m or --month option in the format YYYY-MM. If no month is given as an option the current month is used.

The generated graphes are stored in the output_path img directory and a HTML file with more informations and the graphs embedded is created with the month in the format YYYY-MM.

The template for the HTML file can be cound in the directory templates. Please be advised that the placeholders are surrounded by %. If you don't want something you can delete it.


This was created based on a reddit post by doogie120673 on the German subreddit /r/de . I just set out to create a small hackish tool for me and possibly others to use. I did not test this script with huge datasets so it may very well be that it scales horribly. This was cobbeled together over a weekend while also doing other stuff.

If you want to improve this you are more than welcomed to do so.


Statistics for router users







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